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Windows 7, Configuring (70-680) TS Certification Exam - RETIRED

Windows 7, Configuring (70-680) TS Certification Exam - RETIRED

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  • No. of Questions8
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

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  • No. of Questions100
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedSeptember 2024

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Windows 7, Configuring 70-680 TS Certification

Windows 7, Configuring Exam 70-680 is the primary exam that covers Microsoft Windows 7 and is one of the required exams for the MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Administrator 7 and MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Support Technician 7 certifications. It also counts as the client requirements for MCTIP: Enterprise Administrator.

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Windows 7, Configuring 70-680 TS
Exam Code 70-680
Exam Duration 90 minutes
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Online and Proctored Exam
Number of Questions 40-60
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite NIL
Exam Fee $165 USD

Exam Language English, Arabic, Simplified & Traditional Chinese,

German, Greek, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch,

Portuguese Brazillian, Russian, Vietnamese

Pass Score 700 (on a scale of 1-1000)

Windows 7, Configuring (70-680) TS Certification Exam - RETIRED FAQs

Yes testprep training offers free practice tests for AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty which can be used before the final purchase for complete test. 
Yes our experts frequently blog about the tips and tricks for exam preparation.
Yes we offer nearly 50% discount for the order more than 10 products at a time. You can reach the testprep training Helpdesk for more details. The member of support staff will respond as soon as possible.
Yes, we offer a 100% unconditional money back guarantee. In case you are not able to clear the exam for then you can request for the full refund. Please note that we only refund the cost of product purchased from Testprep Training and not the AWS Certification Exam cost.
Yes, Testprep Training offers email support for any certification related query while you are preparing for the exam using our practice exams. Your query will be handled by experts in due course.
No. Regardless of the format of the question the skills measured remain the same. However, in the "Skills measured" section of the exam details page the knowledge and skills assessed in the exam are listed.
This level of information cannot be provided for each exam as Microsoft is constantly developing and pilot testing new question types. Although, you can review some possible exam formats and question types.
Microsoft Certification exams are offered in a variety of languages. Although, candidates can make request for an accommodation for additional time those who must take the exam in English rather than in their native language. On a case-by-case basis approval for extra time is provided. Request test accommodations from Pearson VUE or Certiport.
1. Installing, upgrading, and migrating to Windows 7 (10–15%) 2. Deploying Windows 7 (10–15%) 3. Configuring hardware and applications (10–15%) 4. Configuring network connectivity (10–15%) 5. Configuring access to resources (10–15%) 6. Configuring mobile computing (10–15%) 7. Monitoring and maintaining systems that run Windows 7 (10–15%) 8. Configuring backup and recovery options (10–15%)
Candidates for this exam operate in computing environments that use Microsoft Windows 7 as a desktop operating system in an enterprise environment. Candidates should have at least one year of experience in the IT field, as well as experience implementing and administering any Windows client operating system in a networked environment.
Once purchased, the practice exams can be access for the lifetime.


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