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  • No. of Questions30
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
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Practice Exam

  • No. of Questions127
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedDecember 2024

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  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
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Software and IT companies require Scrum professionals to manage and evaluate big project teams, programs, and portfolios. These professionals have in-depth knowledge of Agile and Scrum basics, Scrum roles, Scrum events, scrum anti facts, and distributed scrum. Moreover, it is a very responsible job since you are required to manage teams and work towards product evaluation and better customer experience.

Table of Content

The Scrum exam covers the following topics - 

Agile and Scrum Basics

Learning Scrum Roles

Learning Scrum Events

Learning Scrum Artifacts

Learning Scrum Project Phases

Distributed Scrum

Scrum FAQs

Software and IT companies require Scrum professionals to manage and evaluate big project teams, programs, and portfolios. These professionals have in-depth knowledge of Agile and Scrum basics, Scrum roles, Scrum events, scrum anti facts, and distributed scrum. Moreover, it a very responsible job since you are required to manage teams and work towards product evaluation and better customer experience.

Some of the major roles and responsibilities of these professionals include the following:

Guide the organisation in its Scrum acquiring.

Planning scrum Methods of implementation within the company

Give an overview to the stakeholders and employees about how to approve scrum and empirical product development

Help the Employees and Stakeholders in case of any issues

Working with the Scrum masters to increase the effectiveness of the scrum in the firm.

Supporting product owners during the whole product development.

Provide guidance to agile team

Help teams with any issues to successful delivery

Anyone who aspires to become a team manager, or a senior manager in an organisation should definitely take this exam. Moreover, people with a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in the related field are considered eligible for this exam.

Analytical skills

Communication skills

Problem-solving and decision making


Team manager

Senior manager

Project manager

Agile and Scrum Basics

Learning Scrum Roles

Learning Scrum Events

Learning Scrum Artifacts

Learning Scrum Project Phases

Distributed Scrum


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