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Outlook 2013 (77-423) Practice Exam - RETIRED

Outlook 2013 (77-423) Practice Exam - RETIRED

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  • No. of Questions100
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

Practice Exam

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  • No. of Questions100
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedNovember 2024

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Outlook 2013 77-423 Exam

Candidate in Outlook 2013 77-423 exam format email message content by using character and paragraph formatting, create or insert graphic elements, such as charts, tables, and SmartArt graphics, into messages. They can also send messages to private recipients by using the Bcc field.

Who should take this exam?

Candidates with the knowledge to create contact records, tasks, and appointments from incoming messages, and they set up contact groups to facilitate communication with other Outlook users.  They must know how to organize messages and other Outlook items, and they display different views of mail folders and of the calendar, address book, and task list. 

Course Outline

The important topics covered in the Outlook 2013 77-423 exam are -
  • Manage the Outlook environment (25–30%)
  • Manage messages (25–30%)
  • Manage schedules (30–35%)
  • Manage contacts and groups (15–20%)

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Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Microsoft Outlook 2013
Exam Code 77-423
Exam Duration 90 mins
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Microsoft Office 2013 Suites
Number of Questions 40-60 Questions
Credit Towards MOS
Audiences Information Worker

Exam Language English, Arabic, Traditional Chinese,

German, Greek, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Dutch

Pass Score 700 (on a scale of 1-1000)

Outlook 2013 (77-423) Practice Exam - RETIRED FAQs

Microsoft certification contains 40-60 questions which need to be completed in 90 minutes.
You can give this exam in English, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, German, Greek, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Dutch language.
Microsoft does not specify 77-423 exam cost, you have to schedule for the exam at Certiport.
It includes include managing messaging, scheduling, contacts and groups including outlook environment.
You will get 90 minutes to complete the exam.
In this exam the main highlighted areas are: • Manage the Outlook environment (25–30%) • Manage messages (25–30%) • Manage schedules (30–35%) • Manage contacts and groups (15–20%)
Candidates with knowledge to create contact records, tasks, and appointments from incoming messages, and they set up contact groups to facilitate communication with other Outlook users. They must know how to organize messages and other Outlook items, and they display different views of mail folders and of the calendar, address book, and task list.
Candidate in Outlook 2013 77-423 exam format email message content by using character and paragraph formatting, create or insert graphic elements, such as charts, tables, and SmartArt graphics, into messages. They can also send messages to private recipients by using the Bcc field.
This exam is good for information workers.
Exams are primarily performance-based and conducted in a "live," or simulated, environment.
Yes, you will be given access to the practice sets which will be available once you have registered for the course.
At Testpreptraining you will get a Unique sets of questions shuffled with different levels which will help you check your skills and weak areas. Doing these questions will increase your knowledge to score better in the exam.
Testpreptraining gives you option to take free practice test with different and unique questions before purchasing the complete test.
Yes you will be provided with full assistance with our team of experts, who keeps on updating the tips and tricks regarding the exam on our blog.
Testpreptraining training course is designed to give you all of the skill-sets necessary to successfully complete the required projects and help you pass 77-423 exam in your first attempt.


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