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Alibaba - ACP Big Data Professional Exam

Alibaba - ACP Big Data Professional Exam

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  • No. of Questions15
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

Practice Exam

  • No. of Questions122
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedSeptember 2024

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  • Content TypeVideo
  • DeliveryOnline
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
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Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional Big Data Certification

Alibaba Cloud is a leading cloud services provider experiencing continuous growth. Enhance your skills with one of the top Alibaba cloud certifications. ACP Big Data Professional Exam covers basic distributed system theory and a spectrum of Alibaba Cloud big data core services, including MaxCompute, DataWorks, E-MapReduce, visualization and BI tools with best practices.

Skills Assessed 

ACP Big Data Professional Exam assesses the candidates based on given capabilities -

  • Professional knowledge in IT, basic concept of distributed system like Hadoop, basic theory of database and data analysis capability.
  • Potential to formulate effective technology solutions and enterprise best practices based on Alibaba Cloud big data platform.
  • Proficiency to use Alibaba Cloud's big data computing service, online integrated development environment and data integration products.
  • Potential to diagnose common issues that emerged during the operation of business systems structured on Alibaba Cloud Big Data products and utilize the best solution to address them.

Who should take the exam?

ACP Big Data Professional Exam is designed for those familiar with big data and operational knowledge of Alibaba Cloud big data products. ACP Big Data Certification covers a wide range of Alibaba Cloud big data core services, including MaxCompute, DataWorks, E-MapReduce, Visualization and BI tools.

Course Structure

ACP Big Data Professional Exam covers the following topics - 

  • Domain 1 - Understanding MaxCompute (37%)
  • Domain 2 - Overview of DataWorks (29%)
  • Domain 3 - Describe E-MapReduce (21%)
  • Domain 4 - Understanding DataWorks 13%

Boost your chances to qualify ACP Big Data Professional Exam with real time practice exam and expert guidance. Try free practice test now! 

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name ACP Big Data Professional
Exam Code ACP 
Exam Duration 120 minutes
Exam Format Single, Multiple, True/False 

Exam Type Closed book exam at the offline exam centre

Number of Questions 60 Questions 
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite NIL
Exam Status Live
Exam Language English
Passing Score 65 (out of 100 points)

Alibaba - ACP Big Data Professional Exam FAQs

There will be 60 questions which have to be completed in 120 minutes.
1. Alibaba Professional Big Data certification requires knowledge of distributed system theory and familiar with the concepts of Alibaba Cloud big data products. 2. You should be able to solve and discover the issues found in the Alibaba Big Data related products. 3. There is a need to understand the basic concepts of OLTP, relational database and SQL. 4. You need to have working knowledge of any programming language and understanding of lifecycle of software development.
You can directly apply for the exam but it is recommended to have practical knowledge of Alibaba cloud big data products and should have familiarity with big data.
There will be Closed book exam in ACP Professional Big Data certification.
Yes, you can reschedule the exam by contacting Pearson VUE 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment. And if you reschedule the exam in less than 24 hours prior to your appointment then there are chances to lose exam fees.
You can give this certification exam in English language.
If you want to give the certification exam again then there should be at least 14 days gap between the two exams.
You can register for ACP Professional Big Data certification using Alibaba Cloud portal.
You will be given 120 minutes to complete the exam.
Alibaba Professional Big Data certification exam will help understand the distributed system theory and spectrum of big data core services in Alibaba.This certification requires an advanced knowledge in IT or system like Hadoop and data analysis. This covers a large range of big data services including visualizations and BI tools.
TestprepTraining provides unique sets of questions that will help you check your skills and knowledge on Alibaba cloud. These practice questions will help you increase your knowledge for better preparation of exam.
The important topics covered in this certification exam are, 1. MaxCompute (37%) 2. DataWorks (29%) 3. E-MapReduce (21%) 4. DataWorks 13%
Once purchased, the practice exams can be access for the lifetime.
Yes testprep training offers free practice tests for ACP Big Data Professional Exam which can be used before the final purchase for complete test. 
Yes, Testprep Training offers email support for any certification related query while you are preparing for the exam using our practice exams. Your query will be handled by experts in due course.
Yes we offer nearly 50% discount for the order more than 10 products at a time. You can reach the testprep training Helpdesk for more details. The member of support staff will respond as soon as possible.
Yes we offer nearly 50% discount for the order more than 10 products at a time. You can reach the testprep training Helpdesk for more details. The member of support staff will respond as soon as possible.
Yes our experts frequently blog about the tips and tricks for exam preparation.
1. Overview of Alibaba Cloud Big Data Platform 2. Overview of MaxCompute- 3. MaxCompute-Data Integration 4. MaxCompute-SQL development 5. MaxCompute-UDF development 6. MaxCompute-Programming model 7. MaxCompute-Permission and Security 8. DataWorks-Basic 9. DataWorks-Development 10. Data Integration 11. Data Visualization - Quick BI
Engineers with a practical knowledge of Alibaba Cloud Big Data products
Once purchased, the practice exams can be access for the lifetime.
Yes, Testprep Training offers email support for any certification related query while you are preparing for the exam using our practice exams. Your query will be handled by experts in due course.
Yes our experts frequently blog about the tips and tricks for exam preparation.
Yes testprep training offers free practice tests for ACP Big Data Professional Exam which can be used before the final purchase for complete test.
Yes, we offer a 100% unconditional money back guarantee. In case you are not able to clear the exam for then you can request for the full refund. Please note that we only refund the cost of product purchased from Testprep Training and not the ACP Big Data Professional Exam cost.
Yes, we offer a 100% unconditional money back guarantee. In case you are not able to clear the exam for then you can request for the full refund. Please note that we only refund the cost of product purchased from Testprep Training and not the ACP Big Data Professional Exam cost.


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