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Spring Boot Online Course

About the course

Learning Spring Boot will help developers, beginner and seasoned, learn how to build powerful apps fast. We’ll introduce core pieces of Spring Boot and show how easy it is to focus on building functionality without getting hung up on unnecessary infrastructure and tedious low level APIs. All examples are built using the Spring Initializr site and a modern IDE.

This video course leads you through an example applications which you can use as a scaffold for your own projects going forward. Each section works through a concept with real-world implementation detail that shows you how to get the job done in a practical, engaging problem domain.

Course Curriculum

Buiding a Spring Boot app from scratch with Spring Initializr

  • The Course Overview
  • Website Navigation
  • Picking options for our app
  • Unpacking and importing the bundled app into our IDE

Defining the domain

  • Creating a JPA entity to represent an image
  • Create a repository interface for the image domain object

Creating a File Upload Controller

  • Creating a Service to Store Images
  • Creating a Spring MVC Controller to Handle Incoming Requests
  • Handling Images with cURL

Building a Frontend with Templates

  • Building a Web Template to Fetch Images
  • Including Basic CSS to Show Thumbnails

Adding Image Controls to the Frontend

  • Adding a Form to Upload an Image
  • Adding a Delete Button for Each Image
  • Adding Page Navigation and Tuning File Upload Limits

Adding Spring Boot Actuator

  • Touring the Management Endpoints
  • Exploring the Auto-configuration Report
  • Creating a Custom Metric
  • Creating a Custom Health Stat
  • Creating Custom App Information

Adding Spring Boot DevTools

  • Exploring Hot Swapping of Code and De-caching Templates
  • Developing Remotely in a Target Environment with Your Local IDE
  • Debugging a Remote App with DevTools
  • Turning Your App into an Executable Unix/Linux Service

Adding CRaSH Remote Shell

  • Touring the Remote Shell
  • Creating Custom Commands

Adding WebSocket-Based Messaging

  • Configuring WebSocket Support on the Server Side
  • Defining Events for Image Creation and Deletion

Adding WebSocket Messaging to the UI

  • Adding WebSocket and SockJS Modules to the Frontend
  • Registering WebSocket Message Handlers

Defining Our Security Policy

  • Securing Our Site with a Simple Policy
  • Creating an In-memory Set of Users with Roles

Decorating Images with User Data

  • Adding User Data to the Domain Model
  • Linking User Session with Image before Storing

Securing Operations with Authorization Rules

  • Adding URL-based Security Controls
  • Applying Method-level Security Controls

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