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SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9 Practice Exam

SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9

SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9

The SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9 exam is for individuals who want to prove their ability to use open source and SAS® Data Management tools to prepare big data for statistical analysis. Also, the SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9 exam has divided into two exams i.e. SAS Big Data Preparation, Statistics, and Visual Exploration and SAS® Big Data Programming and Loading Exam. 


Successful candidates should have hands-on experience with a variety of SAS data and open-source data preparation tools. 

Course Structure

The relatable domains that the SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9- both exams covers are: 

SAS Big Data Preparation, Statistics, and Visual Exploration Exam 

1. Data Management - 50%

Navigate within the Data Management Studio Interface

Create, design and be able to explore data explorations and interpret results

Define and create data collections from exploration results

Apply a Standardization definition and scheme

Apply Parsing definitions

Compare and contrast the differences between identification analysis and right fielding nodes

Apply the Gender Analysis node to determine gender

Create an Entity Resolution Job

Define and create business rules

2. ANOVA and Regression - 30%

Verify the assumptions of ANOVA

Analyze differences between population means using the GLM and TTEST procedures

Fit a multiple linear regression model using the REG and GLM procedures

Analyze the output of the REG, PLM, and GLM procedures for multiple linear regression models

Use the REG or GLMSELECT procedure to perform model selection

Assess the validity of a given regression model through the use of diagnostic and residual analysis

Optimize model performance through input selection

Interpret the output of the LOGISTIC procedure

3. Visual Data Exploration - 20%

Examine, modify, and create data items

Select and work with data sources

Create, modify, and interpret automatic chart visualizations in Visual Analytics Explorer

Create, modify, and interpret graph and table visualizations in Visual Analytics Explorer

Enhance visualizations with analytics within Visual Analytics Explorer

Interact with visualizations and explorations within Visual Analytics Explorer

SAS Big Data Programming and Loading Exam

1. SAS and Hadoop - 30%

Describe the baseline requirements for interacting with Hadoop

Use the HADOOP procedure and the Hadoop FILENAME statement to interact with Hadoop from a SAS session

Query and manage Hive tables stored in Hadoop using explicit SQL pass-through

Work with Hadoop files using the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement

2. SAS DS2 Programming - 30%

Write DS2 programs

Read data using DS2

Work with variables, arrays, and ANSI SQL data types

Use expressions and functions in DS2 programs

Work with Methods, Packages, and Threads

3. Hadoop Programming - 15%

Describe the Hadoop architecture

Manipulate and load data files using command-line tools

Write Hive programs to create, join, and query data tables

Write Pig programs to perform ETL tasks and to analyze large data sets

4. Data manipulation with the IMSTAT procedure - 25%

Execute IMSTAT procedures

Perform actions required to produce graphs with PROC IMSTAT

Manipulate In-Memory Data

Use High-Performance procedures with the SAS LASR Analytic Server

Exam Format

  • Exam Name: SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9
  • Exam Numbers: A00-220 and A00-221
  • Number of Questions: 110 and 65 
  • Exam Format: Multiple-choice
  • Time Give: approx 110 minutes in both 
  • Passing Marks: Approximately 68%

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