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Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant

Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant

Free Practice Test

  • No. of Questions4
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

Practice Exam

  • No. of Questions778
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedOctober 2024

Online Course

  • Content TypeVideo
  • DeliveryOnline
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • No of videos-
  • No of hours-
Not Available

Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 

The Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant exam has been developed for candidates with experience to implement Sales Cloud solutions in a customer-facing role. Candidates demonstrate the ability to design and implementing Sales Cloud solutions successfully to meet customer business requirements. The solution should maintainable and scalable, and contribute to long-term customer success.

Who should take the exam?

Candidate planning to take the exam should be able to designs and deploys solutions that support customer business processes and requirements using Salesforce applications. Candidate should have the experience to design solutions to optimize the Sales Cloud functionality and implementing these solutions within a customer organization. It is recommended that the candidate should have both industry experience and expertise in Salesforce applications, including the familiarity to implement multiple applications in common customer scenarios.

Exam Details 

  • Total Questions: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and 5 non-scored questions
  • Exam Duration: 105 minutes
  • Passing score: 62%
  • Registration fee: USD 200, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
  • Retake fee: USD 100, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
  • Delivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. Click here for information on scheduling an exam.
  • References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.
  • Prerequisite: Salesforce Administrator credential

Course Outline

The Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant exam covers the following topics - 

  • Industry Knowledge: 7%
  • Implementation Strategies: 12%
  • Sales Cloud Solution Design: 21%
  • Marketing and Leads: 8%
  • Account and Contact Management: 13%
  • Opportunity Management: 13%
  • Sales Productivity: 9%
  • Sales Cloud Analytics: 9%
  • Integration and Data Management: 8%

Validate your learning with the latest and updated free practice test and expert learning resources. Start your preparation now!

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 
Exam Code -
Exam Duration 105 mins
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Proctored Exam
Number of Questions 60 Questions
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite Salesforce Administrator credential
Exam Fee $200 USD
Exam Language English
Pass Score 62% and above

Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant FAQs

Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant program is intended for specialists who have knowledge of implementing Salesforce Sales Cloud solutions in a customer-facing role. The candidate must have knowledge of the management and arrangement of a Salesforce application, as confirmed through successful completion of the Salesforce Administrator exam.

Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant (CRT-251) Online Tutorial 

Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Study Guide covers - 

  • Concepts the successful candidate should understand include:
  • Designing Sales and Marketing solutions to meet business requirements.
  • Designing applications and interfaces that maximize user productivity.
  • Managing data and design analytics to track key Sales Cloud metrics.

The Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant exam covers the following topics - 

  • Industry Knowledge: 7%
  • Implementation Strategies: 12%
  • Sales Cloud Solution Design: 21%
  • Marketing and Leads: 8%
  • Account and Contact Management: 13%
  • Opportunity Management: 13%
  • Sales Productivity: 9%
  • Sales Cloud Analytics: 9%
  • Integration and Data Management: 8%
  • Total Questions: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and 5 non-scored questions
  • Exam Duration: 105 minutes
  • Passing score: 62%
  • Registration fee: USD 200, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
  • Retake fee: USD 100, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
  • Delivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. Click here for information on scheduling an exam.
  • References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.
  • Prerequisite: Salesforce Administrator credential

The Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant exam has been developed for candidates with experience to implement Sales Cloud solutions in a customer-facing role. Candidates demonstrate the ability to design and implementing Sales Cloud solutions successfully to meet customer business requirements. The solution should maintainable and scalable, and contribute to long-term customer success.

Candidate planning to take the exam should be able to designs and deploys solutions that support customer business processes and requirements using Salesforce applications. Candidate should have the experience to design solutions to optimize the Sales Cloud functionality and implementing these solutions within a customer organization. It is recommended that the candidate should have both industry experience and expertise in Salesforce applications, including the familiarity to implement multiple applications in common customer scenarios.


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