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Salesforce Advanced Administrator (CRT-211)

Salesforce Advanced Administrator (CRT-211)

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  • No. of Questions26
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

Practice Exam

  • No. of Questions881
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedOctober 2024

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  • Content TypeVideo
  • DeliveryOnline
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
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Salesforce Advanced Administrator (CRT-211) Exam

The Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator program is designed for candidates with expertise as seasoned Salesforce Administrator. The program encompasses the breadth of applications, the features and functions available to an end-user, and the advanced configuration, management, and application extending options available to an Administrator across the Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Salesforce Chatter applications.

Who should take the Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam?

  • The Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator exam is intended for an individual who has significant experience performing as a Salesforce Administrator, including hands-on experience applying the skills and concepts noted in the exam outline.
  • The candidate is a Salesforce Certified Administrator who has successfully completed the Administration Essentials for Experienced Admins (ADM 211) from Salesforce or an Authorized Training Center or possesses the equivalent experience and knowledge.

Course Outline

The Salesforce Advanced Administrator (CRT-211) Exam covers the following topics

  • Domain 1 - Understanding the concepts of Security and Access (20%)
  • Domain 2 - Understanding the concepts of Objects and Applications (19%)
  • Domain 3 - Understanding the concepts of Auditing and Monitoring (10%)
  • Domain 4 - Understanding the concepts of Cloud Applications (11%)
  • Domain 5 - Understanding the concepts of Data and Analytics Management (13%)
  • Domain 6 - Understanding the concepts of Environment Management and Deployment (7%)
  • Domain 7 - Understanding the concepts of Process Automation (20%)

Get ready to pass the Salesforce Advanced Administrator (CRT-211) exam with the latest exam questions and online tutorial, Try for free now!!

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Salesforce Advanced Administrator 
Exam Code (CRT-211) 
Exam Duration 105 mins
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Proctored Exam
Number of Questions 60 Questions
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite NIL
Exam Status Live
Exam Language English
Pass Score 65% and above

Salesforce Advanced Administrator (CRT-211) FAQs

The Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator (SP21) exam passing score is 65% and above.

The Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator exam is intended for an individual who has significant experience performing as a Salesforce Administrator, including hands-on experience applying the skills and concepts noted in the exam outline. 

The Salesforce Advanced Administrator (ADM-211) Exam covers the following topics

  • Security and Access: 20%
  • Extending Custom Objects and Applications: 8%
  • Auditing and Monitoring: 6%
  • Sales Cloud Applications: 10%
  • Service Cloud Applications: 10%
  • Data Management: 10%
  • Content Management: 3%
  • Change Management: 10%
  • Analytics, Reports and Dashboards: 10%
  • Process Automation: 13%

There are total 60 multiple choice questions asked in the Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator Exam. 

The Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator program is designed for candidates with expertise as seasoned Salesforce Administrator. The program covers the breadth of applications, the features and functions available to an end-user, and the advanced configuration, management, and application extending options available to an Administrator across the Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Salesforce Chatter applications.

The Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator (SP21) exam is for 105 minutes.

  • The candidate should have a broad knowledge of the full application capabilities, the features/functions available to an end-user, and the configuration and management options available to an Administrator across the Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Salesforce Chatter applications.
  • The candidate should be capable of performing administration functions at an expert level, using the full set of Salesforce features as described in the exam outline.
  • The candidate can leverage the advanced administration capabilities of Salesforce to solve specific business challenges and automate complex business processes.
  • The candidate should be able to recommend configuration enhancements and best practices to optimize and extend an organization’s use of Salesforce.
  • The candidate actively seeks out new functionality as it becomes available and can evaluate the potential benefits of new features for an organization.

Salesforce Advanced Administrator (ADM-211) is designed for administrators, who want to intensify their existing skills and knowledge about using Salesforce to resolve the most pressing business needs. Prepare with learning resources, study guide, detailed documentation and more.

Salesforce Advanced Administrator (ADM-211) Online Tutorial 

The candidate should be able to:

  • Appropriately define record and field data access based on business requirements.
  • Create custom objects and define the appropriate relationship types.
  • Set up and configure Sales Cloud applications, including products, price books, schedules, and quotes.
  • Understand the capabilities of forecasting.
  • Set up and configure Service Cloud applications, including Salesforce Knowledge and entitlements.
  • Assess, cleanse, and maintain data quality using standard Salesforce functionality.
  • Set up and configure Salesforce CRM Content.
  • Understand the capabilities of sandboxes and the tools available to move data between environments.
  • Use custom report types, reporting snapshots, complex charting, custom summary formulas, bucketing, joined reports, and cross-filters to build reports that meet complex business requirements.
  • Use dynamic dashboards and dashboard filters to enhance dashboards.
  • Create workflow rules, approval processes, and formula fields to automate complex business processes.

The Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator (SP21) exam fees is USD 200 and the retake fee is USD 100.


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