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Product Planning Practice Exam

Product Planning

Product Planning is the continuous course of distinguishing and articulating market necessities that characterize a product's list of capabilities. It fills in as the reason for decision-production about value, circulation and advancement. 

Skills Required

Have a comprehension of production processes. 

Appreciate project work. 

Have the option to work under tension. 

Have great relational abilities. 

Have the option to assemble great associations with partners. 

Have the option to propel staff and give initiative to a group.

Career Opportunity 

Product Planner

Table of Content 

Production Planning Control

Production Planning

Production Control

Process Analysis and Tools

Production Systems

PPC Cycle

PPC Functions

Factors Affecting PPC

PPC Procedure

PPC Type

Measurement of Effectiveness


Introduction to Forecasting

Forecasting Models

Weighted Moving Average

Causal Forecasting Models

Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple Regression Analysis

Other Forecasting Methods

Forecast Error

Forecast Evaluations

Forecast Management

Sales and Operations Planning

Sales and Operations Planning Basics

Demand Review

Supply Review

Financial Review


Executive Review

S and OP Process

Master Production Planning and Scheduling

Production Planning Basics

Aggregate Planning and its Process

Aggregate Planning for Service Organizations

Master Production Scheduling

Available to Promise (or ATP

Production Planning Vs. Master Scheduling

Operating Schedule



Demand Management

Time Fences

Inventory Management

Types of Inventory

Types of Inventory Costs and Factors affecting Inventory

Inventory Management Models

Techniques of Inventory Control

Inventory Performance Measurement

Inventory Management Tools

Material Requirements Planning

MRP Basics

MRP Processing


Factors affecting Material Planning

Tools of Material Planning

Principles and Procedure for Material Planning

Bill of Materials or BOM


Production Scheduling

Production Environments

Production Scheduling Basics

Scheduling Concepts

Scheduling Terminology

Scheduling Types

Production Scheduling Types

Theory of constraints (TOC)

Drum Buffer Rope

Scheduling Methods

Scheduling Strategies

Capacity Management

Capacity Management Basics

Capacity Types

Capacity Planning

Capacity Requirements Planning or CRP

Measuring Capacity

Capacity Management Strategies

Capacity Measurement



Production Activity Control

Production KPIs

Quality Management

Quality Basics

Product vs Service Quality

Quality Management

Cost of Quality

Quality Principles

Quality Management Methods

Base Lining


Value Analysis (VA/NVA)



Quality Function Deployment (QFD)


Six Sigma



Cause-and-Effect Diagram


Control Charts

Quality Standards

Quality Performance Measurement

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