Performance Testing Practice Exam
Performance Testing
Performance testing is defined as the testing which is used to get the knowledge of how different components of a system are performing under a specified condition. This testing also involves parameters like scalability, reliability, speed, resource usage, stability, etc. The major check this test performs is to check the durability of the software so that it stands outs the expectations and generate the desired output. Moreover, performance testing is also termed as a qualitative testing technique that verifies the product under extreme conditions across these parameters.
Who should give this exam?
Candidates with a Bachelor’s or a master’s degree in engineering and technology can take up this exam. More precisely, software engineers, web developers, and programmers can take this exam for better opportunities.
Skills Required
• Apache JMeter
• LoadRunner
• Analytical skills
• Risk analysis
Career Prospects
• Performance test engineer
• Performance testing manager
• Test specialist
• Performance and capacity management
Table of Content
• Learning what is Performance Testing?
• Need for Performance Testing
• Learning the advantages of Performance Testing
• Learning Common Performance Problems
• Learning the Process of Performance Testing
• Learning the Metrics for Performance testing
• Learning the types of Performance Testing
• Understanding the difference between Functional Testing and Non-functional Testing
• Learning performance testing tools
• Learning examples of performance test cases
• Learning how to choose the right Performance Testing Tool
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- Tips & Tricks to crack the test
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What are our Practice Exams?
- Practice exams have been designed by professionals and domain experts that simulate real-time exam scenario.
- Practice exam questions have been created on the basis of content outlined in the official documentation.
- Each set in the practice exam contains unique questions built with the intent to provide real-time experience to the candidates as well as gain more confidence during exam preparation.
- Practice exams help to self-evaluate against the exam content and work towards building strength to clear the exam.
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