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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (MB-900) Exam - RETIRED

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (MB-900) Exam - RETIRED

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  • No. of Questions4
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

Practice Exam

  • No. of Questions57
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedNovember 2024

Online Course

  • Content TypeVideo
  • DeliveryOnline
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
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Not Available

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (MB-900) Exam

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (MB-900) Exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics 365, Power Platform applications, and the cloud computing model. This exam will cover the considerations and benefits of adopting Dynamics 365, the Power Platform, and cloud services in general. This exam can be taken as a precursor to Dynamics 365 certifications and training.

Who should take this exam?

Candidates for this exam should have general knowledge or relevant working experience in an Information Technology (IT) environment. Candidates should also have a basic understanding of business scenarios and experience in addressing business, legal, and security requirements for IT projects.

Course Outline 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (MB-900) Exam covers the following topics - 

  • Understand Dynamics 365 (40-45%)
  • Understand cloud concepts (25-30%)
  • Understand deployments and releases (20-25%)

Enhance and enrich your profile, pass Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (MB-900) Exam with 100% guarantee and real time exam questions. Try Free test Now!

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals
Exam Code MB-900
Exam Duration 85 mins
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Cloud Computing
Number of Questions 40-60 Questions
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite NIL
Exam Fee $99 USD
Exam Language English
Pass Score 700 (on a scale of 1-1000)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (MB-900) Exam - RETIRED FAQs

You will 85 minutes to complete this exam.
This exam is retiring on 31 December, 2019.
The topics in this exam are - Understand Dynamics 365 (40-45%), Understand cloud concepts (25-30%) and Understand deployments and releases (20-25%).
1. This certification exam will cover the required knowledge and benefits enhanced by implementing Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings. While preparing for the exam, 2. Search for the exam pattern with topics and then try to make blueprint according to the weightage so that you can first focus on the important topics. 3. If you are not into self-study then it is recommended to join online courses to help you in preparing by providing good study material and sets of practice questions related to the exam.
1. Microsoft provides a lot of different certification according to the individuals needs and provides you valuable certificate after passing any certification exam. 2. Microsoft certification will help you increase your value whether it’s for Resume or for job hiring this will help you in both. This certification will work as experience for you. 3. People from IT sectors who want to achieve professional level prefer to go with Microsoft Certification.
If you are receiving the same marks on multiple attempts that does not mean there is an error in result. If this happens again, then you may want to reconsider how you are studying for the exam.
TestprepTraining provides unique sets of questions that will help you check your skills and knowledge in Cloud computing model and Microsoft dynamics 365. These practice questions will help you increase your knowledge for better preparation of exam.
You can apply for retaking the exam but you have to wait 24 hours before retaking the exam and if you are applying for second time then you have to wait for at least 14 days to give the exam again.You also need to pay for each exam attempt you will take.
If you want to cancel or reschedule the exam, then you are required to do it at least 6 days prior to you appointment. In case you failed to do it 24 hours prior to the exam then it may result in loss of entire fee.
Candidates applying for this exam should have experience and working knowledge in IT environment. It is also required to have a good understanding of business scenarios and skills in addressing business and security requirements for the IT projects.
This exam will cost $99 USD with additional taxes.
There are 40-60 questions which have to be completed in 85 minutes.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (MB-900) Exam is designed for individuals who want to enhance their knowledge in Microsoft Dynamic 365 and cloud computing model. This certification exam will cover the benefits of adopting Dynamics 365, power platform and cloud services in general.
Yes, you have access to the practice set questions which will be available once you have registered for the course.
Yes we offer nearly 50% discount for the order more than 10 products at a time. You can reach the testprep training Helpdesk for more details. The member of support staff will respond as soon as possible.
Once purchased, the practice exams can be access for the lifetime.
Yes, Testprep Training offers email support for any certification related query while you are preparing for the exam using our practice exams. Your query will be handled by experts in due course.
Yes testprep training offers free practice tests for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (MB-900) Exam which can be used before the final purchase for complete test.
Yes, we offer a 100% unconditional money back guarantee. In case you are not able to clear the exam then you can request for the full refund. Please note that we only refund the cost of product purchased from Testprep Training and not the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (MB-900) Exam cost.
Yes our experts frequently blog about the tips and tricks for exam preparation.


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