Manual Testing Practice Exam
Manual Testing Practice Exam Question
Manual Testing is basically software testing wherein test cases are executed by a tester manually without the use of any automated tools. This helps in identifying the bugs, errors, and defects in the software application. Moreover, it is among the most primitive techniques that help in finding critical bugs in the application.
Who should take the exam?
Candidates with an interest in software development and testing can appear for the manual testing exam in order to validate their knowledge and skills of testing.
Recommended skills
1. Document preparation
2. Fundamental knowledge of software testing
3. Ability to analyse
4. Automation of tests
Exam Objectives
• Finding critical defects
• Preventing defects
• Meeting user requirements
• Maintaining the quality of software
Target Groups
This exam is best-suited for-
• IT professionals
• Software developers
• Web programmers
• Students and graduates
• Other interested candidates
Course Outline
The topics covered in this exam are as follows-
• Manual testing
• Need of manual testing
• Types of manual testing-
o White box testing
o Black box testing
o Gray box testing
• Software building process
• Pros and cons of manual testing
• Tools for manual testing
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