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LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam

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  • No. of Questions10
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

Practice Exam

  • No. of Questions516
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedNovember 2024

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  • Content TypeVideo
  • DeliveryOnline
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
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LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Certification Exam

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam is an entry-level exam for Linux professionals, offered by Linux Professional Institute. The LPI 010-160 exam is an entry-level exam focusing on assessing your core skills in Linux operating system usage, management and basic administration. LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam has a crucial role to become an LPI Certified Professional. 

The exam enables the candidate to gain respect amongst Linux members and open source communities to augment their career prospects by validating your skills and knowledge in Linux operating system.

Who should take the exam?

The LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam is an entry-level exam and is suitable for Linux professionals, Linux administrators, system or network administrators, Linux enthusiasts. 

Course Outline

The important topics covered in this exam are:

  • Topic 1: The Linux Community and a Career in Open Source - Total Weight: 7
  • Topic 2: Finding Your Way on a Linux System - Total Weight: 9
  • Topic 3: The Power of the Command Line - Total Weight: 9
  • Topic 4: The Linux Operating System - Total Weight: 8
  • Topic 5: Security and File Permissions - Total Weight: 7

Get ready to enhance your skills and qualify LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam with hundreds of practice test and expert guidance. Try Free Practice test Now!

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name LPI Linux Essentials 
Exam Code 010-160 
Exam Duration 60 mins
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Linux Operating System
Number of Questions 40 Questions
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite Passing the Linux Essential 010 exam
Exam Fee India: 88USD; United States: 120 USD

Exam Language English, German, Japanese, Dutch,

Portuguese (Brazilian), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)

Pass Score 500/800

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam FAQs

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 certification contains 40 questions which need to be completed in 60 minutes.

Get ready to develop an understanding of the Linux and open-source industry. Also, develop the Knowledge of the major components of the Linux operating system, and technical proficiency to work on the Linux command line.

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Cheat Sheet

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam Study Guide

The LPI Essential 010-160 exam is of intermediate difficulty. It will assist you in obtaining the Linux Essentials certification. Furthermore, based on your skills, this certification exam will provide you with good career opportunities.

How difficult is the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam?

While preparing for the Linux Essential (LPI 010-160) interview, it is important to prepare yourself for the technical round. Prepare with a focus on Linux System, Power of the Command-Line and Linux Operating System.

Linux Essential Interview Questions (LPI 010-160) Interview Questions

The LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Online Tutorial focuses on developing key skills -

  • Understanding of the Linux and open-source industry
  • Knowledge of components of the Linux operating system
  • Understanding of security and administration
  • Learn management, working on the command line, and permissions
This exam cost varies with the country - For example, for India it is 88USD; for the United States it is 120 USD including the additional taxes.
LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam is an entry level certification for beginners on Linux operating system. The LPI Linux Essentials certification is targeted to candidates who want to build their career in Linux System Administration. The LPI Linux Essentials exam endorses the candidate skills and knowledge in usage, configuration, security and basic administration of Linux operating system.
This exam measures your ability to conduct basic administration tasks in Linux operating system involving file and folder management, basic scripting, network configuration and user management. Candidate should have technical skills and knowledge to accomplish these tasks.
The intended audience for LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam is junior administrators, Linux administrators, system administrators, Linux enthusiasts.
The candidates applying for this exam should be aware of basic skills and knowledge on Linux operating system. The candidate should be aware of • Various Linux distributions • Command Line Basics • Using Directories and Listing Files • File and Directory Management • Data extraction and search from files • Basic Scripting • Network Configuration • Essential security and user management
In this exam the main highlighted areas are: • Topic 1: The Linux Community and a Career in Open Source - Total Weight: 7 • Topic 2: Finding Your Way on a Linux System - Total Weight: 9 • Topic 3: The Power of the Command Line - Total Weight: 9 • Topic 4: The Linux Operating System - Total Weight: 8 • Topic 5: Security and File Permissions - Total Weight: 7
This exam is best fit for the candidates who want to build their career in Linux administration and wants to move ahead in Linux related careers of Linux administration, Security or Network administration. The certificate validates your skills in basic administration tasks on the Linux operating system.
To become LPI Linux Essentials Professional, you have to pass LPI 010-160 exam.
You will get assistance regarding any query or doubt related to LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam when you prepare with our test series. There is a team of experts who will handle your query.
Yes you will be provided with all assistance with our team of Linux experts, who keeps on updating the tips and tricks regarding the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam on our blog.
At Testpreptraining you will get a unique set of questions shuffled with different levels which will help you check your skills and weak areas. Doing these questions will increase your knowledge to score better in the exam.
Testpreptraining training course is designed to give you all of the skill-sets necessary to prepare and assess yourself for the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam so as to help you pass the exam in your first attempt.
Testpreptraining gives you the option to take free LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 practice test with different and unique questions before purchasing the complete test.


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