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International Sales

International Sales

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  • No. of Questions10
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
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  • No. of Questions222
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedJuly 2024

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International Sales

Selling products or services internationally is known as International Sales. An international sales contract is an agreement between a purchaser and a dealer that distinguishes the gatherings in the exchange, the labour and products being sold, the agreements of the deal, and the cost to be paid. 

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to International Marketing
  • The World Economy
  • International Trade Theory
  • International Political Environment
  • Legal Environment
  • Social & Cultural Environment
  • International Marketing Research
  • Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
  • Market Entry and Expansion Strategies
  • Competitive Analysis and Strategic Positioning
  • International Product Strategy
  • International Branding and Packaging
  • Marketing Industrial Products
  • International Marketing of Services
  • Basic Pricing Concepts
  • Dumping and Countertrade
  • Transfer Pricing and Other Pricing Approaches
  • Global Advertising
  • Advertising School of Thoughts
  • Global Promotion
  • Channels of Distribution
  • Channel Development & Adaptation
  • A Guide for Developing a Marketing Plan
  • Physical Distribution & Documentation
  • Global E-Marketing
  • Sources of Financing and International Money
  • Negotiating with International Customers, Partners and Regulators
  • Leading, Organizing, and Monitoring the Global Marketing Effort
  • The Future of Global Marketing

International Sales FAQs


Different languages

Difficulty in communication and transportation 

Risk in transit

Lack of information about foreign businessmen

Import and export restrictions


Study of foreign markets

Traditionally, exchange was managed through two-sided arrangements between two countries. Furthermore, it is the WTO's obligation to survey the public exchange approaches and to guarantee the intelligibility and straightforwardness of exchange arrangements through observation worldwide monetary strategy making.

At the point when an association thinks universally, it searches for abroad freedoms to build its piece of the pie and client base. International advertising might give a lift to a brand's standing. A brand that sold internationally is seen to be superior to the brand that sold locally.

1. Export Trade

2. Import Trade

3. Entrepot Trade


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