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ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Agile Tester (CTFL-AT)

ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Agile Tester (CTFL-AT)

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  • No. of Questions10
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

Practice Exam

  • No. of Questions267
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedDecember 2024

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ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Agile Tester (CTFL-AT) 

The ISTQB® Foundation Level Agile Tester (CTFL-AT) exam has been developed to assess the key testing skills necessary to successfully contribute to an Agile project. The ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Agile Tester exam covers agile testing in coordination with the principles of agile software development as outlined in the Agile Manifesto. The candidates must understand the values, principles and foundation of Agile projects.  Candidates must also have an understanding of how testers are an integral part of a whole-team approach together with developers and business representatives.

Who should take the exam?

The ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Agile Tester (CTFL-AT)  exam is designed for professionals who are working within Agile environments. It is also for professionals who are planning to start implementing Agile methods shortly or are working within organizations that plan to do so.

Exam Details

  • Total Questions: 40 Questions
  • Total Points: 40 Points
  • Passing Score: 26 and above
  • Exam Duration: 60 mins (+25% Non-Native Language)

Skills Evaluated

The following skills are assessed of the candidates appearing for the exam - 

  • Ability to collaborate in a cross-functional Agile team being associated with principles and basic practices of Agile software development
  • Ability to adapt existing testing experience and knowledge to Agile values and principles
  • Ability to support the Agile team in planning test-related activities
  • Ability to implement relevant methods and techniques for testing in an Agile project
  • Ability to administer the Agile team in test automation activities
  • Ability to administer business stakeholders in defining understandable and testable user stories, scenarios, requirements, and acceptance criteria as appropriate
  • Ability to operate and share information with other team members using effective communication styles and channels

Course Outline

The ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Agile Tester (CTFL-AT) Exam covers the following topics -  

Domain 1 - Understanding the process of Agile Software Development

1.1 The Fundamentals of Agile Software Development

1.2 Aspects of Agile Approaches

Domain 2 - Understanding Fundamental Agile Testing Principles, Practices, and Processes 

2.1 The Differences between Testing in Traditional and Agile Approaches

2.2 Status of Testing in Agile Projects

2.3 Role and Skills of a Tester in an Agile Team

Domain 3 - Understanding Agile Testing Methods, Techniques, and Tools

3.1 Agile Testing Methods

3.2 Assessing Quality Risks and Estimating Test Efforts

3.3 Techniques in Agile Projects

3.4 Tools in Agile Projects

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Agile Tester 
Exam Code (CTFL-AT)
Exam Duration 60 mins (+25% Non-Native Language)
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Foundation
Number of Questions 40 Questions (40 Points)
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite NIL
Exam Fee $199 USD
Exam Language English
Pass Score 26 and above


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