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Exam 250-447: Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5

Exam 250-447: Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5

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  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

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  • No. of Questions132
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedDecember 2024

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Exam 250-447: Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5

The Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5 candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the planning, designing, deploying and optimization of the Symantec Client Management Suite. This understanding serves as a basis of technical knowledge and competency for the Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5 solution in an enterprise environment.


Recommended 3 months regular experience working with Symantec ITMS or CMS, SMS or AMS solutions and products with at least the ability to complete the following:

  • Create a high-level design of a basic Client Management Suite 8.5 implementation
  • Install the Client Management Suite 8.5 components, updates and perform post-installation tasks
  • Import and discover endpoint resources
  • Create/Apply/Manage Filters, Targets & Organizational Views/Groups
  • Inventory managed computers
  • Configure the Software Catalog, Portal and Library, etc.

Course Outline 

The important domains that the Exam 250-447: Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5 cover are: 

  • SECTION 1: Understanding the Components of Client Management Suite 
  • SECTION 2: Planning for Client Management Suite
  • SECTION 3: CMS 8.5 Solution Design
  • SECTION 4: Solution Communications
  • SECTION 5: Client Management Suite 8.5 Installation 
  • SECTION 6: Asset & Inventory Management
  • SECTION 7: Endpoint Deployment & Staging
  • SECTION 8: Software Distribution
  • SECTION 9: Managing Software Updates
  • SECTION 10: Reporting in Client Management Suite 8.5
  • SECTION 11: Organizational Views, Targets, and Filters

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5

Exam Code 250-447
Exam Duration 90 mins
Exam Format Multiple Choice
Exam type 0
Number of Questions 65-75 Questions
Validity 0

Exam Status Live

Exam Language English

Pass Score 70% and above

Exam 250-447: Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5 FAQs

At Testpreptraining you will get a Unique set of questions shuffled with different levels which will help you check your skills and weak areas. Doing these questions will increase your knowledge to score better in the exam.
Yes, you will be given access to the practice sets which will be available once you have registered for the course.
Testpreptraining gives you the option to take the free practice test with different and unique questions before purchasing the complete test.
The candidate will be given a period of 90 minutes to complete their exam.
The exam ID for the Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5 is 250-447.
Recommended 3 months regular experience working with Symantec ITMS or CMS, SMS or AMS solutions and products with at least the ability to complete the following: ● Create a high-level design of a basic Client Management Suite 8.5 implementation ● Install the Client Management Suite 8.5 components, updates and perform post-installation tasks ● Import and discover endpoint resources ● Create/Apply/Manage Filters, Targets & Organizational Views/Groups ● Inventory managed computers ● Configure the Software Catalog, Portal and Library, etc.
The questions of the Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5 exam are available in the form of multiple choice.
The Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5 exam is available in the English only.
There are 65-75 questions in total in the Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5 exam.
The Administration of Symantec Client Management Suite 8.5 candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the planning, designing, deploying and optimization of the Symantec Client Management Suite.


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