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Exam 250-438: Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15

Exam 250-438: Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15

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  • No. of Questions20
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

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  • No. of Questions20
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedOctober 2024

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Exam 250-438: Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15

The Exam 250-438: Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15 will test the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of the planning, designing, deploying and optimization of Symantec Data Loss Prevention. This understanding should serve as a basis of technical knowledge and competency for Symantec Data Loss Prevention solutions in an enterprise environment.

Target Audience 

SCS exams target technical people who have hands-on experience with the product. They might be called technical sales engineers, partner integrators, product engineers, administrators, architects, designers, technical support engineers, or consultants, for example.


Required 6-9 months of regular experience working with Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15 in a production or lab environment. This exam is for an entire product suite that touches almost every part of a network and cloud infrastructure.

Course Outline 

The important domains that the Exam 250-438: Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15 cover are: 

  • SECTION 1: Overview and Architecture
  • SECTION 2: Installation and Configuration
  • SECTION 3: Management and Reporting
  • SECTION 4: Basic Troubleshooting

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15

Exam Code 250-438
Exam Duration 90 mins
Exam Format Multiple Choice
Exam type 0
Number of Questions 70-80 Questions
Validity 0

Exam Status Live

Exam Language English

Pass Score 70% and above

Exam 250-438: Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15 FAQs

The Exam 250-438: Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15 will test the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of the planning, designing, deploying and optimization of Symantec Data Loss Prevention.
The candidate will be given a period of 90 minutes to complete their exam.
The exam ID for the Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 156 is 250-438.
The important topics that the Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15 exam covers are overview and architecture, installation and configuration, management and reporting etc.
The Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15 exam is available in the English only.
Testpreptraining gives you the option to take the free practice test with different and unique questions before purchasing the complete test.
Required 6-9 months of regular experience working with Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15 in a production or lab environment. This exam is for an entire product suite that touches almost every part of a network and cloud infrastructure.
Yes, you will be given access to the practice sets which will be available once you have registered for the course.
At Testpreptraining you will get a Unique set of questions shuffled with different levels which will help you check your skills and weak areas. Doing these questions will increase your knowledge to score better in the exam.
There are 70-80 questions in total in the Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15 exam.
The questions of the Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15 exam are available in the form of multiple choice.


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