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Elastic Search 5.0 Online Course

This course is a comprehensive beginner-level tutorial on Elastic Search with concepts explained in a very easy to understand manner. Practical tips and techniques are provided at every step of the way to ensure you are able to grasp each topic as quickly as possible.

By the end of this course, you will have a firm understanding of all the fundamentals of ElasticSearch 5.0, along with knowledge of practical real-world usage.

Course Curriculum

Getting Started with ElasticSearch

  • The Course Overview
  • What Is ElasticSearch?
  • Installing ElasticSearch
  • Goal of ElasticSearch
  • What’s New in Version 5.0?
  • Why Use ElasticSearch?

Dichotomy of ElasticSearch

  • What Is an Index?
  • Documents in ElasticSearch
  • What Is a Cluster?
  • Setting Shards and Replicas

Get Going with Documents and Indices

  • Adding and Deleting an Index
  • Adding and Deleting Documents
  • Using Bulk API

Querying with RESTful API

  • Introduction to REST API
  • Using REST API to Search
  • Using REST API to Update

Introduction to DSL

  • Understanding DSL
  • Term Queries and Boosting
  • Range Query
  • Exist Query
  • Aggregation Based Analytics
  • Aggregations: Implementation

What ElasticSearch is NOT

  • Myths about ElasticSearch

Getting More with ElasticStack

  • What Is ElasticStack?
  • Kibana
  • Logstash
  • X-Pack
  • Beats

Apache Log Analysis

  • Preparing for Log Analysis
  • Running Log Analysis

Advanced ElasticSearch Queries

  • Sorting in ElasticSearch
  • Geo Searching
  • Getting into Synonyms

ElasticSearch versus Apache Solr

  • Choosing between ElasticSearch and Apache Solr

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