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Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution (AI-100) - RETIRED

Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution (AI-100) - RETIRED

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  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

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  • No. of Questions188
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedOctober 2024

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Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution (AI-100) 

Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution (AI-100) exam has been designed for candidates to analyze the requirements for AI solution with recommended tools and technologies and implements solutions that meet scalability and performance requirements. Also, candidates translate the vision from solution architects and work with data scientists, data engineers, IoT specialists, and AI developers to build complete end-to-end solutions

The Microsoft Azure AI Solution (AI-100) will Retire in June - Replaced by AI-102

Who should take the Exam?

This exam is best suitable for,

  • Candidates, who can design and implement the various AI applications using the Microsoft Azure Cognitive and Azure Bot service.
  • Candidates who understand the components that make up the Azure AI portfolio and the available data storage options.
  • Candidates have an understanding of implementing the AI solutions using Cognitive Services, Azure bots, Azure Search, and data storage in Azure. 
  • Candidates must understand when a custom API should be developed to meet specific requirements.

Course Outline

The content of this exam was updated on May 20, 2020

Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution (AI-100) covers the following topics -

  • Analyze solution requirements (25-30%) 
  • Design AI solutions (40-45%)
  • Implement and monitor AI solutions (25-30%)

Boost your learning and prepare for Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution (AI-100) Exam with hundreds of real-time practice exam and expert guidance. Take Free Test Now!

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution 
Exam Code AI-100
Exam Duration 180 mins
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Cloud Computing
Number of Questions 40-60 Questions
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite NIL
Exam Status Retired
Exam Language English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean
Pass Score 700 (on a scale of 1-1000)

Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution (AI-100) - RETIRED FAQs

Candidates who want to apply for AI-100 exam are preparing to become Certified Azure AI, Engineer Associate. Candidates should have understanding of designing and implementing the various AI applications using the Microsoft Azure Cognitive and Azure Bot service. Moreover, the candidates should understand the components that make up the Azure AI portfolio and the available data storage options.
Microsoft Azure AI Engineer use Cognitive Services, Machine Learning, and Knowledge Mining for architecting and implementing the Microsoft AI solutions involving natural language processing, speech, computer vision, bots, and agents.
In a year the candidate can give the exam only five times and after then the candidate is eligible for the exam after 12 months. The 12 months period will start the day of the fifth unsuccessful exam. After giving the first exam if a candidate did not pass then they should have to wait at least a day to give the second test.
AI-100 exam is good for those having ability the technical tasks like analyzing solution requirements with designing solutions and integrating AI models into solutions.
There is no prerequisite for the AI-100 exam. It is recommended have knowledge in designing and implementing the AI apps and agents that use Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Bot Service. Candidates can also recommend solutions that use open source technologies.
Microsoft certification contains 40-60 questions which need to be completed in 180 minutes.
In AI-100 the main highlighted areas are: 1 1. Analyze solution requirements (25-30%) 2. Design AI solutions (40-45%) 3. Implement and monitor AI solutions (25-30%)

The AI-100 exam retired on June 30, 2021. It is replaced by the Microsoft AI-102 exam.

Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution (AI-100) is for candidates who analyze the requirements for AI solution with recommended tools and technologies, and implements solutions that meet scalability and performance requirements.In this exam, the candidates translate the vision from solution architects and work with data scientists, data engineers, IoT specialists, and AI developers to build complete end-to-end solutions

The Microsoft Azure AI-100 exam preparation should focus on Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution, Azure technologies, developing an understanding of machine learning and deploying end to end AI solutions using Azure AI services.

Microsoft Azure AI-100 Preparation Guide

Microsoft AI-100 is an industry recognised certification that helps to gain a competitive edge over other candidates. Moreover, earning a professional certification enhances your employability and demonstrates your capability.

Microsoft Azure AI-100 Cheat Sheet 

Exam AI-100: Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution Online Tutorial

To be certified as Microsoft Azure AI Engineer Associate you need to pass AI-100 exams.
You will get a total of 210 minutes out of which 180 minutes will be for exam and rest is the seating time.
Yes, you will be provided with full assistance with our team of experts, who keeps on updating the tips and tricks regarding the exam on our blog.
Testpreptraining gives you the option to take the free practice test with different and unique questions before purchasing the complete test.
Yes, you will be given access to the practice sets which will be available once you have registered for the course.


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