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Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) - RETIRED

Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) - RETIRED

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  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
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  • No. of Questions13
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedDecember 2024

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Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131)

CCA Administrator Exam validates one’s cluster administration and core systems related skills. CCA Administrator certification exam is a hands-on, practical exam based on Cloudera technologies. It is a remote-proctored exam that can be taken anytime from anywhere. Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) multiple choice questions. Candidates will be given 8-12 performance-based tasks to check hands-on skills and thereby perform these tasks on the pre-configured Cloudera cluster.

Who should take CCA Administrator Online Course?

It is very important to learn Big Data for every professional if they want to get a more relevant job according to their profile. CCA Admin exam is suggested to professionals like - Data Scientists, Technical Architects, Software Developers, Testing professionals, Mainframe Professionals. Project/Program Managers, Data Analytic Professionals, Business Intelligence Professionals amd Students looking to start a career in Big Data. 

Evaluation Structure

Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) is graded immediately upon submission and score report are shared the same day as your exam. the score report displays the problem number for each problem you attempted and a grade on that problem. In case candidate fail a problem, the score report includes the criteria failed. In case candidate pass the exam, they receive a second e-mail within a few days of your exam with your digital certificate as a PDF, license number, a Linkedin profile update, and a link to download CCA logos for use in the personal business collateral and social media profiles.

Validate your skills and pass Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) with real time exam questions and expert guidance. Try Free practice Test Now!

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator
Exam Code CCA-131
Exam Duration 120 mins
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Associate

Number of Questions 8–12 performance-based (hands-on)

tasks on pre-configured Cloudera Enterprise cluster

Eligibility/Pre-Requisite NIL
Exam Status Live
Exam Language English
Passing Score 70% and above

Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) - RETIRED FAQs

Get all your doubts resolved with Top Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) FAQ

You test score will be sent through email after few hours of the exam. And if you get pass then after some days you will receive another email with attached digital certificate.

Cloudera Administrator Certification (CCA-131) is a platform for budding engineers. With the Cloudera administrator certification training, you can learn all the required skills for a Cloudera administrator.

Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) Study Guide

Cloudera Associate Administrator exam validates skills related to core system and cluster administration. In this certification you will get hands on experience on cloud technologies. This exam is recommended for advanced professional like software developer, BI professional and individuals looking to start their career in Big Data.

The Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) Online Tutorial has been developed with a focus on cluster administration and core systems related skills. 

1. You have to create an account at 2. After that select the exam you purchased 3. Then choose a date and time you would like to take your exam. 4. Select an available time slot for your exam. Time slots are first come, first serve. 5. Pass the compatibility tool and install the screen sharing Chrome Extension

To help you prepare for the Exam CCA-131: Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator interview we have curated a list of questions and answers with a focus on cluster administration and core system skills.

Prepare with Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator Interview Questions

If you want to repurchase the exam again then you have to wait for 30 days and after that you can give the exam again.
You have to score minimum 70% to pass this certification.
This certification is valid for 2 years.
If you want to reschedule or cancel the exam then you must contact for cancellation at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment.
If you have the CCA voucher as of October 18, 2019 then you can scheduled the exam any time after February1, 2020.
1. Candidates applying for the exam should know the installation process of cloudera manager. 2. They should know how to perform configuration for Hadoop clusters. 3. Candidate should be able to manage daily operations in the company. 4. There is knowledge requirement for best security practice and ability to find the problem for troubleshooting.
There will be 8-12 performance based tasks which required hands on knowledge and will be done on Cloudera enterprise cluster.
CCA certification exam required a professional knowledge in Big Data. This certification will test the candidate’s skills for Hadoop system. This exam is designed for professionals like Data Scientists, Technical Architects, and SoftwareDevelopers etc. When starting preparing for the exam, 1. First try to enhance your skills in getting knowledge about the clusters by installing cloudera and developing clusters. 2. Find some online course to help you in preparing better. There you will get bulk of practice sets of questions which help you know your strength and weakness. 3. Try to do as much practice sets as possible and if you face any issue there is always an expert assistance to solve your queries.
If you pass the certification then you will receive an email after few days of the exam with attached Pdf of digital certificate, license number and profile update for Linkedin for business or social media purpose.
You will 120 minutes to complete the Cloudera Associate Administrator certification exam.
1. Cloudera and Hortonworks are both Hadoop distributions for various companies. Cloudera includes commercial license and is used for commercial purpose. Whereas Hortonworks has open source license which makes there business growth strategies different from each other. 2. They both a good market growth when it comes to Hadoop distributions but Cloudera being the older has much more impact and Hortonworks is also catching up fastly. 3. Both have different features but Cloudera is always a good choice for Hadoop but it is only dependent on the organization you are entering and individual’s choice.
You can take the exam anywhere. You only need computer with webcam and internet connection with chrome browser installed.
If you got failed and want to retake the exam you have to wait for 30 days. You have to pay for every attempt and if you get pass in the exam then retaking the exam is not allowed.
Yes our experts frequently blog about the tips and tricks for exam preparation.
1. Every CCA question requires to solve a particular scenario. It requires making configuration and service changes via Cloudera Manager, on the others hand it demands knowledge of command line Hadoop utilities and basic competence with the Linux environment. 2. The exam is graded immediately upon submission and scores are e-mailed the same day of the exam. The score report displays the problem number for each problem attempted and a grade on that problem. If you fail a problem, the score report includes the criteria you failed. More information is not reported in order to protect the exam content. 3. In case you pass the exam, a second e-mail within a few days will be sent of your exam with your digital certificate as a PDF, your license number, a Linkedin profile update, and a link to download your CCA logos for use in your personal business collateral and social media profiles.
TestprepTraining provides unique sets of questions that will help you check your skills and knowledge on using Hadoop. These practice questions will help you increase your knowledge for better preparation of exam.
Once purchased, the practice exams can be access for the lifetime.
No prerequisites set for taking any Cloudera certification exam. However, knowledge of system administration, or equivalent training is highly recommended. CCA Administrator exam (CCA131) follows the same objectives as Cloudera Administrator Training and the training course is an excellent part of preparation for the exam.
Yes we offer nearly 50% discount for the order more than 10 products at a time. You can reach the testprep training Helpdesk for more details. The member of support staff will respond as soon as possible.
Yes, Testprep Training offers email support for any certification related query while you are preparing for the exam using our practice exams. Your query will be handled by experts in due course.
Yes, we offer a 100% unconditional money back guarantee. In case you are not able to clear the exam for then you can request for the full refund. Please note that we only refund the cost of product purchased from Testprep Training and not the Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) cost.
Yes testprep training offers free practice tests for Cloudera Certified Associate Administrator (CCA-131) which can be used before the final purchase for complete test.
1. Data Scientists 2. Technical Architects 3. Software Developers 4. Testing professionals 5. Mainframe Professionals 6. Project/Program Managers 7. Data Analytic Professionals 8. Business Intelligence Professionals 9. Beginners in Big Data


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