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Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA (200-301) Certification Exam

Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA (200-301) Certification Exam

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  • No. of Questions5
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

Practice Exam

  • No. of Questions774
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedOctober 2024

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  • Content TypeVideo
  • DeliveryOnline
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
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Cisco Certified Network Associate (200-301 CCNA)

The 200-301 CCNA exam examines your knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability. This exam is designed for anyone seeking CCNA certification. This also provides foundational knowledge for all support technicians involved in the basic installation, operation, and verification of Cisco networks.

The exam will help you get the role of -

  • Entry-level network engineer
  • Network administrator
  • Network support technician
  • Help desk technician

Course Structure

The important topics in the exam include:

  • Network Fundamentals (20%)
  • Network Access (20%)
  • IP Connectivity (25%)
  • IP Services (10%)
  • Security Fundamentals (15%)
  • Automation and Programmability (10%)

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Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA
Exam Code 200-301
Exam Duration 120 mins
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Associate
Number of Questions 40-60 Questions
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite NIL
Exam Status Live
Exam Language English, Japanese
Register Pearson VUE

Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA (200-301) Certification Exam FAQs

The important topics in the exam include: • Network Fundamentals (20%) • Network Access (20%) • IP Connectivity (25%) • IP Services (10%) • Security Fundamentals (15%) • Automation and Programmability (10%)
You can give the exam in English and Japanese language.
Candidates who fail an Associate, Professional, or Specialist exam must wait a period of five calendar days, beginning the day after the failed attempt, before they may retest for the same exam. Once passed, a candidate must wait a minimum of 180 days before taking the same exam with an identical exam number.
You can register for the exam at Pearson VUE.

Exam retaking policies - 

  • Candidates who fail an Associate, Professional, Specialist, or CCDE Written exam must wait five (5) calendar days to retry for the same exam, starting the day following the failed attempt.Once passed, a candidate must wait a minimum of 180 days before taking the same exam with an identical exam number.
  • Candidates who fail an Online / Un-Proctored Cisco (700-xxx series) exam must wait a period of forty-eight hours (48hrs) after the failed attempt, before they may retest for the same exam.
CCNA course takes 1month of self study to get prepare for the CCNA exam. It is definitely not a difficult test, but for those new to networking, there are a lot of new concepts and a lot of things to grasp.
For this exam, you will get 120 minutes to complete the exam.

Exams for associate, professional, specialist, and expert levels are valid for three years after you pass them. Specialist certification exams are valid for two years from the date of completion.

Each candidate must provide a digital picture and digital signature, as well as two forms of personal identity, to be admitted to the test facility. Both pieces of identification must have candidate signature, and one must be a government-ID.

CCNA certification will help you gain a strong knowledge in networking and is recommended for network engineers. This certification is a beginner level which will enhance your knowledge to implement and support a service provider network. You will get many job opportunities after the certification and with a good pay structure.

Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA (200-301) Online Tutorial focuses on the core exam objectives - 

  • Network Fundamentals 
  • Network Access 
  • IP Connectivity
  • IP Services
  • Security Fundamentals
  • Automation and Programmability
The exam will help you get the role of: • Entry-level network engineer • Network administrator • Network support technician • Help desk technician

Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA (200-301) exam is an associate-level, principle-based exam with a focus on encompassing technology areas; namely, Networking, Security, and Automation. 

CCNA (200-301) Preparation Guide

CCNP is considered as an advanced level certification which requires a deep level knowledge in LANs and WANs. And, CCNA is an associate level certification that requires knowledge of networking. This includes various components of service provider network construction and the Cisco service provider IP NGN architecture.
The 200-301 CCNA exam examines your knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability. This exam is designed for anyone seeking CCNA certification
Passing scores are set by using statistical analysis and are subject to change. Candidates receive a score report along with a score breakout by exam section and the passing score for the given exam. Cisco does not publish exam passing scores because exam questions and passing scores are subject to change without notice.
In Cisco, the associate and professional level exams are valid for 3 years and the specialist exam are valid for 2 years.
Once purchased, the practice exams can be accessed for the lifetime.
Yes, our experts frequently blog about the tips and tricks for exam preparation.
Yes, we offer nearly 50% discount for the order more than 10 products at a time. You can reach the test prep training Helpdesk for more details. The member of the support staff will respond as soon as possible.
Yes, test prep training offers free practice tests for this exam which can be used before the final purchase for a complete test.
Yes, Testprep Training offers email support for any certification related query while you are preparing for the exam using our practice exams. Your query will be handled by experts in due course.
Yes, we offer a 100% unconditional money back guarantee. In case you are not able to clear the exam for then you can request for the full refund. Please note that we only refund the cost of the product purchased from Testprep Training and not the Exam cost.


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