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CCDP 300-320 ARCH Exam - RETIRED

CCDP 300-320 ARCH Exam - RETIRED

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  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice
  • TypeExam Format

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  • No. of Questions423
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedDecember 2024

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Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP) 300-320 ARCH

Cisco Designing Network Service Architectures (ARCH) exam 300-320 is an assessment exam associated with the Cisco Certified Design Professional certification. The Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH) exam (300-320) is a 75-minute assessment with 60 – 70 questions associated with the Cisco Certified Design Professional certification.


Who should take 300-320 ARCH Exam?

The certification exam tests a candidate's knowledge of the latest development in network design and technologies, including L2 and L3 infrastructures for the enterprise, WAN technologies, data center integration, network security and network services.

Course Outline

CCDP 300-320 ARCH Exam covers the following topics -  

  • Advanced Addressing and Routing Solutions for Enterprise Networks (22%)
  • Advanced Enterprise Campus Networks (20%)
  • WANs for Enterprise Networks (17%)
  • Enterprise Data Center Integration (17%)
  • Security Services (13%)
  • Network Services (11%)

Practice and prepare for CCDP 300-320 ARCH Exam now and pass with 100% guarantee with expert guidance. Boost your chances to qualify for exam! 

Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP) 
Exam Code 300-320 ARCH
Exam Duration 75 minutes
Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type Online and Proctored Exam
Number of Questions 60-70 Questions
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite NIL
Exam Status Retired
Exam Language English
Certification  CCDP

** The 300-320 ARCH Exam will retire on February 23, 2020.


The topics in this exam includes - Advanced Addressing and Routing Solutions for Enterprise Networks (22%), Advanced Enterprise Campus Networks (20%), WANs for Enterprise Networks (17%) and Enterprise Data Center Integration (17%), Security Services (13%), and Network Services (11%).
This is an Online and proctored exam with multiple choice and multiple response questions.
You can recertify your CCDP certification by taking the new exam which will be active on 24 February, 2020.
1. Network Services - 11% 2. Security Services - 13% 3. Enterprise Data Center Integration - 17% 4. WANs for Enterprise Networks - 17% 5. Advanced Enterprise Campus Networks - 20% 6. Advanced Addressing and Routing Solutions for 7. Enterprise Networks - 22%
Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP) 300-320 ARCH exam examines candidates knowledge for new development in technologies and network design including WAN technologies and data center integration.
Before taking the ARCH course, learners should be familiar with: Internetworking technologies, Cisco products, and Cisco IOS features Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA®) level-of-knowledge Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) level-of-knowledge Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH) level-of-knowledge Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE) level-of-knowledge
There will be 60-70 questions which have to be done in 75 minutes.
Yes, you will get a digital certificate if you are granted a new certification on February 24, 2020.
1. This certification examines the candidate’s knowledge in latest technologies and network design which includes WAN technologies, L2 and L3 infrastructure. When started preparing you first to understand the concepts of network security and network services. And create blueprint according to exam patterns mentioning important topics. 2. You can prepare for the exam by taking help from mock test and doing that on a daily basis. This will help you understand things easily. 3. You can take online course which will provide you study material with practice sets of questions accordingly with the assistance of experts to solve your issues.
You will get 75 minutes to complete the exam.
To achieve New CISCO Enterprise Certification after 24 February, 2020 you need the pass the core exam 350-401 ENCOR exam.
Your certification will still be valid till the expiry date. When new programs will be active as on 24 February, 2020 then your certificate will be transferred to a new program.
The new certification test will be available on 24 February, 2020. You can complete this certification before that after that you have to give the new exam to earn the certification.
This exam will retire on 23 February, 2020.
Yes, Testprep Training offers email support for any certification related query while you are preparing for the exam using our practice exams. Your query will be handled by experts in due course.
Yes we offer nearly 50% discount for the order more than 10 products at a time. You can reach the testprep training Helpdesk for more details. The member of support staff will respond as soon as possible.
Yes our experts frequently blog about the tips and tricks for exam preparation.
1. Channel Partners 2. Customers 3. Employees
Yes, we offer a 100% unconditional money back guarantee. In case you are not able to clear the exam for then you can request for the full refund. Please note that we only refund the cost of product purchased from Testprep Training and not the CCDP 300-320 ARCH Exam cost.
Once purchased, the practice exams can be access for the lifetime.
Yes testprep training offers free practice tests for CCDP 300-320 ARCH Exam which can be used before the final purchase for complete test. 


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