Capital Market
Capital Market
Capital Market
A capital market refers to financial market in which equity, debt and securities are bought and sold. Capital Market is further divided into two parts i.e.
- Primary Market
- Secondary Market
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Capital Market
- Basics of Capital Market
- Type of Capital Market
- Equity Market
- Fixed Income
- Derivatives
- Cash instruments
- Counter Market
- Portfolio Management
Capital Market FAQs
What are the career prospects after completing the exam successfully?
- Portfolio Manager
- Fund Manager
- Equity Analyst
- Account Manager
What are the exam objectives?
- Introduction to Capital Market
- Basics of Capital Market
- Type of Capital Market
- Equity Market
- Fixed Income
- Derivatives
- Cash instruments
- Counter Market
- Portfolio Management
What skills are required for this exam?
- Finance skills
- Strong Writing
- Analytical skills
- Research Skills
Who is the target audience for this exam?
- Finance Professionals
- Finance Graduates
- Market Investors
- Fund Manager
- Account Manager
Who is the target audience for this exam?
- Finance Professionals
- Finance Graduates
- Market Investors
- Fund Manager
- Account Manager
What is Capital Market?
Capital markets are mainly used to sell financial products such as equities and debt securities. Capital market includes both stock market and bond market, equities are basically stocks and debts securities are bonds which are traded in capital market.