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Bootstrap 4 Practice Exam

Bootstrap 4 Practice Exam

Bootstrap is an open-source and free tool collection used for creating responsive websites and web applications. It is primarily popular with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks for building responsive, mobile-first websites. Bootstrap helps solve many issues including the cross-browser compatibility issue. In today's time, we experience perfection with the websites running flawlessly for all the browsers including IE, Firefox, and Chrome together with all screens sizes including Desktop, Tablets, Phablets, and Phones. This has only been possible to Bootstrap developers Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, though it had been later declared to be an open-source project.

Why use Bootstrap?

  • It facilitates faster and easier Web Development.
  • It helps create Platform-independent sites.
  • It helps in developing Responsive Web-pages.
  • It is used for designing mobile devices also.

Purpose of Bootstrap 

  • Bootstrap is a framework to assist in designing websites in a faster and easier manner.
  • Bootstrap includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels, and more.
  • Also, it gives support for JavaScript plugins.

About Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 is one of the latest versions of Bootstrap with new components including faster stylesheet and more responsiveness. Some of the important features of Bootstrap 4 are - 

  • Bootstrap 4 supports the leatest and stable releases of all major browsers and platforms.
  • Bootstrap does not support Internet Explorer 9 

Bootstrap 4 Updates

  • There is a major rewrite of the code
  • Less is replaced with Sass
  • There is an addition of Reboot, a collection of element-specific CSS changes in a single file, based on Normalize
  • The support for IE8, IE9, and iOS 6 is dropped
  • Offer CSS Flexible Box support
  • The navigation customization options are added
  • The responsive spacing and sizing utilities are added
  • There is a switch from the pixels unit in CSS to root ems
  • The global font size is increased from 14px to 16px for enhanced readability
  • The panel, thumbnail, pager, and well components are dropped
  • The Glyphicons icon font is dropped
  • Huge number[quantify] of utility classes
  • Improvement in form styling, buttons, drop-down menus, media objects and image classes

Who should take Boostrap 4 Exam?

The Bootstrap 4 Developer Exam is suitable for beginners as well as people who work as - 

  • Web Designer
  • Front-end developer
  • UI developer
  • Bootstrap Developer
  • HTML Developer

Benefits of Bootstrap 4

  • Firstly, it is easy to use. Since anybody with just basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can start using Bootstrap can use it
  • Second, it has responsive features. This means bootstrap's responsive CSS can adjust to phones, tablets, and desktops
  • Thirds it uses a mobile-first approach. As in Bootstrap, mobile-first styles are part of the core framework
  • Bootstrap 4 works well with all modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 10+, Edge, Safari, and Opera

Topics Covered

The Bootstrap 4 practice exam covers the following topics - 

Bootstrap Basics

  • Introduction
  • Download
  • Contents
  • Browsers & devices
  • JavaScript
  • Theming
  • Build tools
  • Webpack
  • Accessibility


  • Overview
  • Grid
  • Utilities for layout


  • Reboot
  • Typography
  • Code
  • Images
  • Tables
  • Figures


  • Alerts
  • Badge
  • Breadcrumb
  • Buttons
  • Button group
  • Card
  • Carousel
  • Collapse
  • Dropdowns
  • Forms
  • Input group
  • Jumbotron
  • List group
  • Media object
  • Modal
  • Navs
  • Navbar
  • Pagination
  • Popovers
  • Progress
  • Scrollspy
  • Spinners
  • Toasts
  • Tooltips


  • Borders
  • Clearfix
  • Close icon
  • Colors
  • Display
  • Embed
  • Flex
  • Float
  • Image replacement
  • Overflow
  • Position
  • Screen readers
  • Shadows
  • Sizing
  • Spacing
  • Stretched link
  • Text
  • Vertical align
  • Visibility

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  • Full-Length Mock Test with unique questions in each test set
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  • Practice exams have been designed by professionals and domain experts that simulate real-time exam scenario.
  • Practice exam questions have been created on the basis of content outlined in the official documentation.
  • Each set in the practice exam contains unique questions built with the intent to provide real-time experience to the candidates as well as gain more confidence during exam preparation.
  • Practice exams help to self-evaluate against the exam content and work towards building strength to clear the exam.
  • You can also create your own practice exam based on your choice and preference 

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Tags: Bootstrap 4 Practice Exam, Bootstrap 4 Free Test, Bootstrap 4 Exam Questions, Bootstrap 4 Online Course, Bootstrap 4 Tutorial, Bootstrap 4 Study Guide