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Blockchain Development Online Course

Blockchain disrupts many different aspects of our life including finance, retail, merchandising, identity, and more. Ethereum is a platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud, or third-party interference. 

This course will help you learn the basics of building decentralized applications with the Ethereum network. You will also learn how to create smart contracts, implement business logic using Solidity, and test your code. 

By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills necessary to build, test, and deploy applications in the Ethereum network.

Course Curriculum

Start at the End

  • The Course Overview
  • Posting an Item for Sale
  • Buying an Item for Sale
  • Concluding the Transaction and Releasing the Funds
  • Setting Up Our Development Environment

Create Your First Smart Contract in Ethereum

  • Creating a Contract with Solidity
  • Add Datatypes and Functions to a Contract
  • Change Function Behaviors with Modifiers
  • Emitting Events
  • Create a kill() Function for Your Smart Contract

Testing Your Smart Contract

  • Why Tests Are Necessary?
  • Write Unit Tests in Solidity
  • Write Integration Tests in JavaScript Using Mocha
  • Use Ganache to Run Your Tests
  • Debugging Your Smart Contract When Tests Fail

Build a User Interface for Your Smart Contract Using React

  • Retrieve the Data from the Smart Contract on Page Load
  • Implement the Contract Purchases in the UI
  • Persist the Contract State and Refresh the UI on State Change
  • Configure a MetaMask Wallet for Purchases
  • Instrument User Feedback and Logging for Successful Transactions and Errors

Deploying Your Smart Contract

  • Deploy Your Contract Locally Using Ganache
  • Deploy Your Contract to Testnet
  • Deploy Your UI to AWS
  • Interacting with Your Application on Testnet
  • Troubleshooting Deployments

Tags: Blockchain Development Online Course, Blockchain Development Training, Blockchain Development Practice Exam, Blockchain Development Exam Questions