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BiSL® Next - Business Information Management (BIM) Practice Exam

BiSL® Next - Business Information Management (BIM) Practice Exam

About BiSL® Next - Business Information Management (BIM) Practice Exam

The BiSL® Next - Business Information Management (BIM) exam assess the skills and knowledge of the candidate to perform tasks including transforming the data management system of an enterprise. Together with the objective to enhance business performance and value.

Knowledge Gained

  • Candidates learn to implement streamlined and holistic information management systems for the smooth delivery of modern businesses’ interconnected services.
  • Candidates develop skills to utilize the BiSL Next Framework, as well as prioritise the wider vision of the enterprise over the operational method of responding to information incidents.
  • Candidates learn to focus on the needs of the enterprise for achieving from the management of its data
  • Candidates develop the ability to fulfil an invaluable business strategist role, able to guide the enterprise through its entire data management transformation.

Skills Acquired

  • Learn to use the BiSL Next Framework to optimise the management of business information
  • Learn and implement IT solutions for enterprises to manage their data in the future
  • Learn to provide strategic direction to upgrade/utilise technology for optimally serving the business needs
  • Learn to provide advice on effective and appropriate solutions to information gathering
  • Learn and ensure any proposed improvements (including process, technology or methodology)
  • Learn to Translate business strategy for clearly directed, value-driven and cost-effective IT projects

Who should take the BiSL Next Foundation exam?

The BiSL® Next - Business Information Management (BIM) Examis suitable for any role with a focus to enhance how businesses manage their data. Roles include -

  • CIOs
  • BIM Coordinator
  • Business Information Systems Analyst
  • Business Manager
  • Business Information Manager
  • Business Strategy Manager
  • Business Engagement Manager

What are the key learingn?

  • Learn the basic terms and definitions of business information management
  • Learn about the BiSL Next model’s structure that supports the guidance to transform enterprise data management. With focus on four activity domains (Governance, Strategy, Improvement, Operation), four perspectives (Business, Data, Services, Technology), as well as four drivers (Need, Value, Mission and Capability)
  • Learn the process in which BiSL Next Framework relates to existing frameworks in Business Service Development
  • Learn to create and maintain effective policies pertaining to ‘who does what’ and ‘who is authorised to do what’

Exam format

  • Total Questions: 40 questions
  • Exam Duration: 40 minutes
  • Pass Score: 65% and above (26 marks)
  • Exam Type: Closed book
  • Exam Language: English
  • Exam Format: Paper based and online 

What do we offer?

  • Full-Length Mock Test with unique questions in each test set
  • Practice objective questions with section-wise scores
  • In-depth and exhaustive explanation for every question
  • Reliable exam reports evaluating strengths and weaknesses
  • Latest Questions with an updated version
  • Tips & Tricks to crack the test
  • Unlimited access

What are our Practice Exams?

  • Practice exams have been designed by professionals and domain experts that simulate real-time exam scenario.
  • Practice exam questions have been created on the basis of content outlined in the official documentation.
  • Each set in the practice exam contains unique questions built with the intent to provide real-time experience to the candidates as well as gain more confidence during exam preparation.
  • Practice exams help to self-evaluate against the exam content and work towards building strength to clear the exam.
  • You can also create your own practice exam based on your choice and preference 

100% Assured Test Pass Guarantee

We have built the TestPrepTraining Practice exams with 100% Unconditional and assured Test Pass Guarantee! 

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