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Banking Fundamentals International Module (Foundation) Practice Exam - RETIRED

Banking Fundamentals - International (Foundation Module)

About Banking Fundamentals - International (Foundation Module)

This program is developed by Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. (FLIP). FLIP  offers a range of e-learning & certification programs across Banking & Financial Services (BFS), both for freshers and working professionals. This set of programs designed specifically for the IT audience. They lay the foundation for IT professionals engaged in BFS projects. They equip you with the necessary domain knowledge, to interact with customers confidently, and better understand their requirements.

The program covers key concepts in banking and finance such as Interest, Financial statements, risk etc. It gives you an overview of the banking business, with a specific focus on US/UK products and process. It also covers the key compliances, and an overview of the technological aspects of banking.

Who should do FLIP's Banking Fundamentals program?

The course is suitable for candidates with the following qualifications:

  • Engineers/Other Graduates looking for a BFS career in IT/KPO/BPO
  • MBAs/Post Graduates looking for a Business analyst role in IT/KPO
  • Other working professionals, looking to move into BFS in IT/KPO

Who should take the exam?

In terms of role suitability, this course is relevant for people looking to join the BFS vertical of a

  • IT company,
  • KPO,
  • BPO

How to Register?

To undergo the NCFM Banking Fundamentals certification, it is mandatory to complete the e-learning (training) of Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. /FLIP 

Step 1 - Register with FLIP 

Step 2 - Purchase the Banking Fundamentals E-Learning module

Step 3 - After completing the training pay NCFM the certification fee, and book the test date.

Tags: NCFM Exam Dumps, NCFM Practice Test, NCFM Exam Questions, NCFM MCQ, Banking Fundamentals - International (Foundation Module) MCQ, Banking Fundamentals - International (Foundation Module) Practice test, Banking Fundamentals - International (Foundation Module) practice exam, Banking Fundamentals - International (Foundation Module) free test, Banking Fundamentals - International (Foundation Module) free questions, Banking Fundamentals - International (Foundation Module) exam dumps, Banking Fundamentals - International (Foundation Module) exam questions