If you have set a resolution for 2021 to qualify Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam. Then it is very important to be well versed with exam details and all the related resources to prepare for the exam. Many a times, it has been seen that candidates fail the exam due to un-updated content and not enough understanding of the industry standards. Some of the important concepts that you must focus on while preparation includes core concepts of hybrid cloud, moving data to Google Cloud, core concepts of Google Cloud IAM. Also, you must develop skills to understand right storage system and database offering.
We are all familiar with the prescribed Google courses, exams, and their advantages. Here, in this article, we are going to discuss at length the online course. But before we begin let us give some important details about the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Online Course Launched. First of all, the candidate should visit the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam Format which clears many doubts of the candidate regarding the exam.
Also, we will cover each and every detail related to the new Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam. What is new in the exam? Who can take the exam? or probably tips for the exam as well as ways to prepare for the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam, all these questions, and other doubts will be cleared by the end of this blog. So, without wasting any time let’s get lighted with the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam overview.
Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam Overview
Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect is perfect if you are preparing to build a career in modern software systems. Without learning cloud technology, it’s high time you get a wake-up call. However, In this contemporary era, cloud technology is inevitable. In other words, you cannot brush this technology aside and yet work in the IT industry. Let us just start with the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect.
A Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect enables companies to make the most of Google Cloud tools. Using their expertise in cloud design and Google’s technology, they create and oversee strong, secure, scalable, always-available, and flexible solutions that help achieve business goals. The Cloud Architect needs to be skilled in all aspects of business cloud planning, designing solutions, and using the best architectural methods. They should also have experience in software development methods, particularly for multi-layered distributed applications that work across various cloud systems or mixed cloud and non-cloud environments.
The Google Cloud Certified – Professional Cloud Architect exam assesses the candidate’s ability to the following:
- Design and plan a cloud solution architecture
- Manage and provision the cloud solution infrastructure
- Design for security and compliance
- Analyze and optimize technical and business processes
- Manage implementations of cloud architecture
- Ensure solution and operations reliability
Is Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam worth it?
The increase in demand for cloud service professionals in the IT industry has created cloud service popular than ever before. It has been recognized that people are connecting more in cloud services and therefore, certification in Google Cloud Architect came into the picture. Nowadays employers look after people who are IT, professionals. They have a much better understanding which helps them to build their career around the IT industry. Moreover, it helps them create a cloud environment into their infrastructure as evident as possible. By taking comprehensive cloud computing training and certification, you are one step closer to a job that will offer you growth and success.
Who should take Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam?
Let us just tell you who can take this exam.
The Cloud Architect needs to be really good at planning how a company uses the cloud, making solutions, and using the best ways to make them. They also need to know a lot about making software, especially for complex applications that work across different clouds or mixed cloud and non-cloud systems. The Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam is designed to evaluate a person’s skills in creating and planning a cloud solution, setting up and managing the cloud’s infrastructure, making it secure and compliant with rules, improving technical and business processes, supervising the setup of the cloud system, and ensuring that it works reliably.
GCP Cloud Architect Exam Details
Once you get a smart summary of the exam, it‘s time to give consideration to the exam details. Details perform an outstanding role, be it exam details or any other details. Even if know the details, make sure to give them a look as they may change with change in time. Once you have details in your hands, you are all set to move forward. Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam comprises of 40 questions that are multiple-choice, with the duration of 120 minutes. Your exam certification is valid for 2 years after you pass the test, but there isn’t a specific score needed to pass. You can take the test in English or Japanese. Most importantly, the exam costs $200 USD.

Now, we have almost covered all the necessary details and topics related to the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam. In the next section, we will be more talking about the various learning resources and methods that will help you in your journey to pass the exam.
Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Online Course
First of all, for making the preparation of the candidate easy, we have made an online course for the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam. Online courses are one of the most interactive paths of qualifying for the exam. subject matter experts create them. Further, the course will provide the candidate a solid foundation of the exam concepts. Additionally, this online course has been built to guide you along the learning curve.
Online Course- In the Testprep training’s Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect online course, the candidate will learn the following concepts in depth:
- Deploy managed Hadoop apps on the Google Cloud
- Make informed decisions about containers, VMs and AppEngine
- Understand overall architecture and working of Google Cloud Gain ability to work on GCP practically
- Preparedness for the Cloud Architect professional exam
Course Curriculum
1. Introduction
- Introduction
- All about Google certification
- Overview of Cloud Architect Certification
- What is and why to use cloud
2. Hands on with GCP
- Lab 1: Creating a Google cloud Account
- Lab 2: How to use cloud shell
3. Hadoop
- Introduction to Hadoop
- Hadoop bigger picture
- Then, Hadoop in Detail
- Also, the Hadoop ecosystem and its GCP equivalent
4. Compute
- Introduction to Computing
- Preemptible VMs
- Google APP Engine (GAE)
- Google Container Engine (GKE)
- Lab 1: Creating VM instances
- Further, the Lab 2: Editing VM instances
- Moreover, Lab 3: VM instances via command line
- Also, Lab 4: Persistent Disks
5. Storage
- All About Storage
- A bit more about cloud Storage
- Lab 1: Storage Buckets
- In addition, Lab 2: Permissions
- Also, Lab 3: Life cycle Management
- Next, Lab 4: Data Migration – Transfer service
6. Cloud SQL & More
- Firstly, Cloud SQL
- Secondly, Cloud Spanner
- Lab: Cloud SQL
7. Data Store
- All about Data Store
8. BigTable- Columnar Store
- BigTable introduction
- Also, CRUD operations & choice of BigTable
9. VMs and Images
- Introduction to VMs
- Then, the VM- machine type
- In addition, about Images
10. VPC & Networks
- Introduction to VPC
- Next, IP Addresses, Routes & IP aliasing
- Also, Cloud VPN
- Moreover, Shared VPCs
11. Managed Instance Groups and Load Balancing
- Firstly, the Introduction
- Secondly, the detailed Study
- Also, Lab: Content Based Load Balancing
12. Operations & Security
- StackDriver
- Cloud IAM & more
- Lab: Cloud IAM
Additional Learning Resources
Google Learning Resources– The Google Cloud Free Tier provides the candidate with free resources to study Google Cloud services. This becomes all the more enriching for a candidate if they are completely new to the platform and need to learn the basics. On the other hand, if suppose you’re an established customer and want to experiment with new solutions, the Google Cloud Free Tier has got you covered. So, for that, we’re providing you two Quick links for additional resources.
Google Cloud Essentials– In this introductory-level quest, the candidate will get hands-on practice with Google Cloud’s fundamental tools and services. Google Cloud Essentials is the recommended first Quest for the Google Cloud learner. This provides the candidate with practical experience that they can apply to their first Google Cloud project. From writing Cloud Shell commands and marshaling their first virtual machine, to running applications on Kubernetes Engine or with load balancing.
Testprep Online Tutorials– Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Online Tutorial can help you understand the exam better and in more detail. They also talk about the exam rules and details. These tutorials give you a lot of information about the exam, which can help you get ready for it. So, studying with Online Tutorials can make your preparation stronger.
Try Practice Test– Practice tests are the one who ensures the candidate about their preparation. The practice test will help the candidates to acknowledge their weak areas so that they can work on them. There are many practice tests available on the internet nowadays, so the candidate can choose which they want. We at Testprep training also offer practice tests which are very helpful for the ones who are preparing.
Expert Corner
Because Google certifications are valued in the job market, there are more jobs available. If you pass the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam, you can get certified and have access to many high-level jobs. To pass, you can use different training options like study guides, online tools for studying on your own, and courses that cover everything you need to know for the Google exam. So, get some hands-on knowledge and start preparing for the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam.