
How to use Google Cloud Data Flow?

Google Cloud Dataflow is a fully managed service for developing and executing data processing pipelines. It is a unified programming model and a managed service that enables you to develop…
What is AWS CloudFront and how it works?

What is AWS CloudFront and how it works?

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery service that works in conjunction with other Amazon Web Services (AWS) to make it simple for developers to transmit information to end-users. CloudFront has…

An Overview of Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is a key-value, NoSQL database generated by Amazon. It is a key-value and document database that gives single-digit millisecond administration at any scale. Also, it is a completely…
What is AWS CloudFormation?

What is AWS CloudFormation?

AWS CloudFormation is a service that assists you in modeling and setting up your Amazon Web Services resources so you can spend less time managing them and more time working…