Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer free questions

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Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

Whether you are a beginner just starting your Python programming adventure or someone looking to solidify your knowledge and showcase your skills, this blog is designed to provide you with valuable resources and insightful guidance. To help you prepare for the PCEP certification exam, we understand the importance of practice and self-assessment. That’s why we have compiled a collection of high-quality, free questions designed to test your knowledge and sharpen your skills. These questions cover a wide range of topics, including Python syntax, data types, control flow, functions, and modules. By solving Entry-Level Python Programmer free questions, you will gain confidence and reinforce your understanding of key Python concepts.

We believe that a strong foundation in Python programming is essential for success, and these free questions are the perfect stepping stone on your path to achieving the PCEP certification. By regularly practicing with these questions, you will not only improve your problem-solving skills but also develop a deeper understanding of Python’s intricacies. Additionally, you will become familiar with the format and types of questions typically found in the PCEP certification exam, ensuring that you are well-prepared for the challenges ahead.

1. Overview of Computer Programming and Python

The objectives covered in this section include understanding fundamental terms and definitions, Python’s logic and structure, introducing literals and variables, choosing operators and data types, and performing input/output console operations. In this, you will explore numeral systems like binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal. Additionally, it covers variables, naming conventions, and implementing PEP-8 recommendations for code style and readability.

Furthermore, you will get to learn about numeric operators (e.g., ** * / % // + -), string operators (e.g., * +), assignment and shortcut operators, unary and binary operators, priorities and binding, bitwise operators, Boolean operators (not, and, or), Boolean expressions, relational operators (e.g., == != > >= < <=), the accuracy of floating-point numbers, and type casting. And, you will learn about functions such as print() and input(), along with keyword parameters like sep= and end=.

Topic: Basic terms and definitions

Question: Which of the following is a programming language used for web development?


b) CSS

c) Python

d) MySQL

The correct answer is option c) Python.

Explanation: HTML and CSS are markup languages used for designing web pages, while Python is a general-purpose programming language. MySQL is a database management system.

Question: What is the purpose of a function in programming?

a) To store data

b) To perform mathematical calculations

c) To repeat a set of instructions

d) To create graphical user interfaces

The correct answer is option c) To repeat a set of instructions.

Explanation: A function is a reusable block of code that performs a specific task. It allows programmers to organize code into smaller, modular pieces and avoid repetition.

Question: What does the term “syntax” refer to in programming?

a) The process of finding and fixing errors in code

b) The rules and structure of a programming language

c) The way code is executed by the computer

d) The visual appearance of the code

The correct answer is option b) The rules and structure of a programming language.

Explanation: Syntax refers to the rules and structure of a programming language. It defines how statements and expressions should be written to form a valid program. Syntax errors occur when the code violates these rules.

Question: What is the purpose of a variable in programming?

a) To store and manipulate data

b) To display output on the screen

c) To perform arithmetic calculations

d) To execute conditional statements

The correct answer is option a) To store and manipulate data.

Explanation: A variable is a named container used to store data in a program. It allows the programmer to manipulate and retrieve the stored data during the execution of the program.

Question: Which of the following is an example of a reserved keyword in Python?

a) variable

b) function

c) print

d) import

The correct answer is option d) import.

Explanation: Reserved keywords in programming languages have special meanings and cannot be used as variable or function names. In Python, “print” and “import” are examples of reserved keywords.

Topic: Python’s logic and structure

Question: What is the purpose of indentation in Python code?

a) To make the code more readable

b) To highlight syntax errors

c) To define the structure of a loop or conditional statement

d) To declare variables and functions

The correct answer is option c) To define the structure of a loop or conditional statement.

Explanation: In Python, indentation is used to define the structure of code blocks, such as loops and conditional statements. It helps in visually identifying the scope and hierarchy of the code. Although indentation improves readability, its primary purpose is to determine the code’s logical structure.

Question: Which of the following is NOT a Python data structure?

a) List

b) Array

c) Dictionary

d) Tuple

The correct answer is option b) Array.

Explanation: Arrays are not a built-in data structure in Python. However, Python provides the “array” module to work with arrays.

Question: What does the “elif” keyword represent in Python?

a) A loop control statement

b) A reserved keyword for defining functions

c) An abbreviation for “else if”

d) An error handling mechanism

The correct answer is option c) An abbreviation for “else if”.

Explanation: The “elif” keyword in Python is an abbreviation for “else if” and is used to define multiple conditional branches in an if statement. It allows the programmer to test multiple conditions sequentially.

Question: Which of the following is NOT a comparison operator in Python?

a) ==

b) !=

c) <=

d) &&

The correct answer is option d) &&.

Explanation: The “&&” operator is not a valid comparison operator in Python. In Python, the logical AND operator is represented by “and”.

Question: What is the purpose of a loop in programming?

a) To perform arithmetic calculations

b) To create graphical user interfaces

c) To store and manipulate data

d) To repeat a set of instructions

The correct answer is option d) To repeat a set of instructions.

Explanation: A loop is used to repeat a set of instructions multiple times until a specific condition is met. It allows for efficient repetition of tasks and avoids writing redundant code.

Topic: Literals, variables, and different numeral systems

Question: Which of the following is an example of a string literal in Python?

a) 42

b) 3.14

c) “Hello, World!”

d) True

The correct answer is option c) “Hello, World!”.

Explanation: A string literal in Python is a sequence of characters enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

Question: What is the hexadecimal representation of the decimal number 15 in Python?

a) 0xA

b) 0x9

c) 0xE

d) 0xF

The correct answer is option d) 0xF.

Explanation: Hexadecimal numbers in Python are represented with the prefix “0x”. The decimal number 15 is represented as 0xF in hexadecimal.

Question: What is the octal representation of the binary number 1101 in Python?

a) 17

b) 12

c) 13

d) 15

The correct answer is option d) 15.

Explanation: Octal numbers in Python are represented with the prefix “0o”. The binary number 1101 is equivalent to the decimal number 13, which is represented as 0o15 in octal.

Question: What is the value of the expression 5 // 2 in Python?

a) 2.5

b) 2

c) 3

d) 2.0

The value of the expression 5 // 2 is 2. The correct answer is option b) 2.

Explanation: The “//” operator in Python represents integer division. It divides the operands and returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the division result.

Question: Which data type in Python is used to represent whole numbers without a fractional part?

a) int

b) float

c) str

d) bool

The correct answer is option a) int.

Explanation: The “int” data type in Python is used to represent whole numbers without a fractional part. It stands for integer values.

Topic: Operators and data types

Question: What is the purpose of the “+” operator in Python?

a) Addition of two numbers

b) Multiplication of two numbers

c) Exponentiation of two numbers

d) Division of two numbers

The correct answer is option a) Addition of two numbers.

Explanation: The “+” operator in Python is used for addition of two numbers or concatenation of two strings.

Question: Which data type in Python is used to represent a sequence of characters?

a) int

b) float

c) str

d) bool

The correct answer is option c) str.

Explanation: The “str” data type in Python is used to represent a sequence of characters, commonly known as strings.

Question: What is the purpose of the “==” operator in Python?

a) To assign a value to a variable

b) To compare two values for equality

c) To perform mathematical multiplication

d) To perform logical conjunction

The correct answer is option b) To compare two values for equality.

Explanation: The “==” operator in Python is used to compare two values for equality. It returns True if the values are equal and False otherwise.

Question: Which data type in Python is used to represent true or false values?

a) int

b) float

c) str

d) bool

The correct answer is option d) bool.

Explanation: The “bool” data type in Python is used to represent true or false values. It is used in logical operations and conditional statements.

Question: What is the purpose of the “%” operator in Python?

a) To perform exponentiation

b) To perform division and return the remainder

c) To perform addition and return the average

d) To perform logical negation

The correct answer is option b) To perform division and return the remainder.

Explanation: The “%” operator in Python is used for the modulus operation, which returns the remainder of a division. It is useful for tasks like checking divisibility or cycling through a range of values.

Topic: Input/Output console operations

Question: What is the purpose of the “input” function in Python?

a) To print output on the console

b) To read user input from the console

c) To perform mathematical calculations

d) To create graphical user interfaces

The correct answer is option b) To read user input from the console.

Explanation: The “input” function in Python is used to read user input from the console. It displays a prompt and waits for the user to enter a value.

Question: How can you print the value of a variable in Python?

a) output(variable)

b) print(variable)

c) console.log(variable)

d) write(variable)

The correct answer is option b) print(variable).

Explanation: The “print” function in Python is used to display the value of a variable or any other desired output on the console.

Question: Which escape sequence in Python represents a newline character?

a) \n

b) \t

c) “

d) ‘

The correct answer is option a) \n.

Explanation: The “\n” escape sequence in Python represents a newline character. It is used to start a new line while printing or formatting text.

Question: What is the purpose of the “format” method in Python?

a) To format strings with dynamic values

b) To convert numbers to strings

c) To calculate the length of a string

d) To check if a string starts with a specific substring

The correct answer is option a) To format strings with dynamic values.

Explanation: The “format” method in Python is used to format strings with dynamic values. It allows you to insert variables or expressions into a string using placeholder {} characters.

Question: Which function in Python is used to convert a string to an integer?

a) str()

b) int()

c) float()

d) bool()

The correct answer is option b) int().

Explanation: The “int()” function in Python is used to convert a string to an integer data type. It is useful when you need to perform arithmetic operations or comparisons with numeric values.

2. Conditional Blocks and Loops

In this, you will learn about conditional statements using the if instruction. This includes understanding if, if-else, if-elif, and if-elif-else statements for making decisions based on different conditions. You will also explore multiple conditional statements and how to nest them within each other. Moreover, you will get familiar with building loops with while, for, range(), and in statements are covered, allowing you to iterate through sequences such as lists or strings. The concept of expanding loops with while-else and for-else is also explained.

Additionally, you will explore nesting loops and conditional statements to create complex program structures. And, understand controlling loop execution using the break and continue statements. By understanding control flow, conditional blocks, and different types of loops, you will gain the ability to make decisions and create repetitive operations in your Python programs.

Topic: Using “if” instruction to make decisions and branch the flow

Question: Which control flow statement in Python is used to perform conditional branching?

a) if

b) for

c) while

d) switch

The correct answer is option a) if.

Explanation: The “if” statement in Python is used to perform conditional branching. It allows the program to make decisions based on the evaluation of a condition.

Question: What is the syntax of the if statement in Python?

a) if condition:

code block


code block

b) if condition:

# code block

c) if condition


# code block

d) if (condition)

// code block

The correct answer is option b) if condition: # code block.

Explanation: The correct syntax of the if statement in Python is:

if condition:

    # code block

The “else” clause is optional and can be used to define an alternative code block to execute when the condition is False.

Question: What is the purpose of the elif statement in Python?

a) To terminate the execution of a loop

b) To define the else block of an if statement

c) To add an additional condition to an if statement

d) To increment a loop variable

The correct answer is option c) To add an additional condition to an if statement.

Explanation: The “elif” statement in Python is used to add an additional condition to an if statement. It allows the program to check multiple conditions sequentially and execute the corresponding code block when a condition evaluates to True.

Question: Which of the following logical operators can be used to combine multiple conditions in an if statement?

a) && (and)

b) || (or)

c) ! (not)

d) All of the above

The correct answer is option d) All of the above.

Explanation: In Python, the logical operators used to combine multiple conditions in an if statement are “and”, “or”, and “not”.

Question: What happens if none of the conditions in an if-elif-else statement evaluate to True?

a) The program terminates

b) The if-elif-else statement is skipped

c) The else block is executed

d) An exception is raised

The correct answer is option c) The else block is executed.

Explanation: If none of the conditions in an if-elif-else statement evaluate to True, the else block is executed (if present). It provides a fallback option when none of the previous conditions match.

Topic: Different types of iterations

Question: Which control flow statement in Python is used for definite iteration?

a) if

b) for

c) while

d) switch

The correct answer is option b) for.

Explanation: The “for” statement in Python is used for definite iteration. It allows you to iterate over a sequence (such as a list or string) or any other iterable object.

Question: What is the syntax of the for loop in Python?

a) for item in sequence:

code block


code block

b) for item in sequence:

# code block

c) for item in sequence


# code block

d) for (item in sequence)

// code block

The correct answer is option b) for item in sequence: # code block.

Explanation: The correct syntax of the for loop in Python is:

for item in sequence:

    # code block

The “else” clause is optional and is executed when the loop completes all its iterations.

Question: What is the purpose of the range() function in a for loop?

a) To define the range of values for iteration

b) To generate a sequence of numbers

c) To specify the number of iterations

d) To check the condition for termination

The correct answer is option b) To generate a sequence of numbers.

Explanation: The range() function in Python is used to generate a sequence of numbers that can be used as the iterable in a for loop. It allows you to define the range of values over which the loop will iterate.

Question: What is the purpose of the break statement in a loop?

a) To exit the loop prematurely

b) To skip the current iteration and move to the next one

c) To restart the loop from the beginning

d) To check if a condition is True or False

The correct answer is option a) To exit the loop prematurely.

Explanation: The “break” statement in Python is used to exit the loop prematurely. When encountered, it immediately terminates the loop and transfers control to the next statement after the loop.

Question: What is an infinite loop?

a) A loop that executes a fixed number of times

b) A loop that repeats until a condition is False

c) A loop that continues indefinitely without a way to exit

d) A loop that contains nested loops

The correct answer is option c) A loop that continues indefinitely without a way to exit.

Explanation: An infinite loop is a loop that continues indefinitely without a way to exit. It occurs when the condition for termination is never met or when the loop is explicitly designed to run forever.

3. Tuples, Dictionaries, Lists, and Strings

In this, you will learn to construct vectors, perform indexing and slicing operations, use the len() function, and employ list methods such as append(), insert(), and index(). Additionally, you will explore functions like len() and sorted(), as well as concepts like iterating through lists with the for loop, initializing loops, and using the in and not in operators. List comprehensions, copying and cloning lists, and nested lists (matrices and cubes) are also covered.

Furthermore, this covers indexing, slicing, building, and the immutability of tuples. And, you will learn how to build dictionaries, index them using keys, add and remove keys, and iterate through dictionaries and their keys and values. Additionally, you will learn methods such as keys(), items(), and values(), and check the existence of keys in dictionaries. And, about escaping characters using the \ character, handling quotes and apostrophes inside strings, working with multi-line strings, and exploring basic string functions and methods.

Topic: Using lists to collect and process data

Question: Which of the following data types in Python is mutable and allows duplicate values?

a) Tuple

b) Dictionary

c) List

d) String

The correct answer is option c) List.

Explanation: Lists in Python are mutable, meaning their elements can be modified, and they can contain duplicate values.

Question: What is the syntax to create an empty list in Python?

a) []

b) {}

c) ()

d) ”

The correct answer is option a) [].

Explanation: An empty list can be created by using square brackets without any elements inside.

Question: How do you add an element to the end of a list in Python?

a) list.append(element)

b) list.insert(index, element)

c) list.extend(element)

d) list.add(element)

The correct answer is option a) list.append(element).

Explanation: The append() method is used to add an element to the end of a list in Python.

Question: What is the output of the following code?

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

The correct answer is option c) 3.

Explanation: The code prints the value at index 2 in the list my_list, which is 3.

Question: How do you find the number of elements in a list in Python?

a) list.size()

b) list.length()

c) len(list)

d) list.count()

The correct answer is option c) len(list).

Explanation: The len() function is used to find the number of elements in a list in Python.

Topic: Tuples for collecting and processing data

Question: Which of the following data types in Python is immutable and allows duplicate values?

a) Tuple

b) Dictionary

c) List

d) String

The correct answer is option a) Tuple.

Explanation: Tuples in Python are immutable, meaning their elements cannot be modified after creation. They can contain duplicate values.

Question: What is the syntax to create a tuple in Python?

a) []

b) {}

c) ()

d) ”

The correct answer is option c) ().

Explanation: A tuple can be created by using parentheses with elements separated by commas.

Question: How do you access a specific element in a tuple in Python?

a) tuple.append(index)

b) tuple.insert(index, element)

c) tuple.extend(index)

d) tuple[index]

The correct answer is option d) tuple[index].

Explanation: Elements in a tuple can be accessed using their index value enclosed in square brackets.

Question: What is the output of the following code?

my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

The correct answer is option d) 4.

Explanation: The code prints the value at index 3 in the tuple my_tuple, which is 4.

Question: Can you modify the elements of a tuple after its creation?

a) Yes, using the append() method

b) Yes, using the insert() method

c) No, tuples are immutable

d) No, tuples are mutable

The correct answer is option c) No, tuples are immutable.

Explanation: Once a tuple is created, its elements cannot be modified. To change the values, a new tuple must be created.

Topic: Dictionaries for collecting and processing data

Question: Which of the following data types in Python stores data in key-value pairs?

a) Tuple

b) Dictionary

c) List

d) String

The correct answer is option b) Dictionary.

Explanation: Dictionaries in Python store data in key-value pairs, where each key is unique and associated with a value.

Question: What is the syntax to create an empty dictionary in Python?

a) {}

b) []

c) ()

d) ”

The correct answer is option a) {}.

Explanation: An empty dictionary can be created by using curly braces without any key-value pairs inside.

Question: How do you add a new key-value pair to a dictionary in Python?

a) dict[key] = value

b) dict.add(key, value)

c) dict.insert(key, value)

d) dict.append(key, value)

The correct answer is option a) dict[key] = value.

Explanation: A new key-value pair can be added to a dictionary in Python by assigning a value to a specific key using square brackets.

Question: What is the output of the following code?

my_dict = {‘name’: ‘John’, ‘age’: 25, ‘city’: ‘New York’}


a) ‘name’

b) ‘John’

c) 25

d) ‘city’

The correct answer is option c) 25.

Explanation: The code prints the value associated with the key ‘age’ in the dictionary my_dict.

Question: How do you find the number of key-value pairs in a dictionary in Python?

a) dict.size()

b) dict.length()

c) len(dict)

d) dict.count()

The correct answer is option c) len(dict).

Explanation: The len() function is used to find the number of key-value pairs in a dictionary in Python.

Topic: Operating with strings

Question: Which of the following data types in Python represents a sequence of characters?

a) Tuple

b) Dictionary

c) List

d) String

The correct answer is option d) String.

Explanation: Strings in Python represent a sequence of characters and are enclosed in either single quotes (”) or double quotes (“”).

Question: What is the syntax to create a string in Python?

a) []

b) {}

c) ()

d) ”

The correct answer is option d) ”.

Explanation: A string can be created by using single quotes, double quotes, or triple quotes to enclose the characters.

Question: How do you access a specific character in a string in Python?

a) string.append(index)

b) string.insert(index, character)

c) string.extend(index)

d) string[index]

The correct answer is option d) string[index].

Explanation: Characters in a string can be accessed using their index value enclosed in square brackets.

Question: What is the output of the following code?

my_string = “Hello, World!”


a) ‘H’

b) ‘W’

c) ‘,’

d) ‘r’

The correct answer is option c) ‘,’.

Explanation: The code prints the character at index 7 in the string my_string, which is ‘,’.

Can you modify the characters of a string after its creation?

a) Yes, using the append() method

b) Yes, using the insert() method

c) No, strings are immutable

d) No, strings are mutable

Explanation: The correct answer is option c) No, strings are immutable. Once a string is created, its characters cannot be modified. To change the string, a new string must be created.

4. Understanding Functions and Exceptions

In this section, you will learn how to define and invoke user-defined functions and generators, use the return keyword to return results, handle the None keyword, and explore the concept of recursion, where a function calls itself. This includes understanding the difference between parameters and arguments, and the different methods of passing arguments (positional, keyword, and mixed). You will also explore default parameter values, name scopes, name hiding (shadowing), and the global keyword for accessing global variables within functions.

Additionally, yu will gain an understanding of the hierarchy, including BaseException, Exception, SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, and abstract exceptions such as ArithmeticError, LookupError, IndexError, KeyError, TypeError, and ValueError. And, you will also learn about the try-except block and its variations, including the try-except Exception format.

Topic: Decomposing the code using functions

Question: What is the purpose of using functions in programming?

a) To store data

b) To perform mathematical calculations

c) To organize and reuse code

d) To create graphical user interfaces

The correct answer is option c) To organize and reuse code.

Explanation: Functions in programming allow for the organization of code into modular and reusable blocks, which helps improve code maintainability and reusability.

Question: How do you define a function in Python?

a) def function_name(arguments):

code block

b) function function_name(arguments):

# code block

c) function_name(arguments):

# code block

d) def(arguments):

# code block

The correct answer is option a) def function_name(arguments): # code block.

Explanation: In Python, functions are defined using the “def” keyword, followed by the function name and a set of parentheses containing any arguments the function may take.

Question: What is the purpose of function arguments in Python?

a) To pass data into a function

b) To specify the return value of a function

c) To control the flow of program execution

d) To handle errors and exceptions

The correct answer is option a) To pass data into a function.

Explanation: Function arguments allow you to pass data or values into a function so that it can perform operations or computations using that data.

Question: How do you call or invoke a function in Python?

a) function_name(arguments)

b) call function_name(arguments)

c) execute function_name(arguments)

d) run function_name(arguments)

The correct answer is option a) function_name(arguments).

Explanation: To call or invoke a function in Python, you use the function name followed by a set of parentheses containing any arguments required by the function.

Question: What is the purpose of the return statement in a function?

a) To stop the execution of the function

b) To print output on the console

c) To specify the arguments of the function

d) To return a value from the function

The correct answer is option d) To return a value from the function.

Explanation: The return statement in a function is used to specify the value or data that the function should provide as its result when called. It also exits the function, returning control to the caller.

Topic: Interaction between the function and its environment

Question: What is a parameter in a function?

a) The value returned by the function

b) The name given to the function

c) The input data passed to the function

d) The output data produced by the function

The correct answer is option c) The input data passed to the function.

Explanation: Parameters in a function are the placeholders for the values that are passed into the function when it is called.

Question: What is a local variable in a function?

a) A variable declared inside the function

b) A variable accessible from any part of the program

c) A variable that retains its value across function calls

d) A variable used to store the return value of a function

The correct answer is option a) A variable declared inside the function.

Explanation: Local variables are variables that are defined and accessible only within the scope of the function in which they are declared.

Question: What is the scope of a variable in Python?

a) The range of lines where the variable is accessible

b) The physical memory location where the variable is stored

c) The set of values that the variable can take

d) The number of times the variable is used in the program

The correct answer is option a) The range of lines where the variable is accessible.

Explanation: The scope of a variable in Python defines where the variable can be accessed or referenced in the code.

Question: What is the purpose of the global keyword in Python?

a) To declare a variable inside a function as global

b) To prevent a variable from being modified in a function

c) To define a function as a global function

d) To indicate the main program in a Python file

The correct answer is option a) To declare a variable inside a function as global.

Explanation: The global keyword in Python is used to declare a variable inside a function as a global variable, making it accessible and modifiable from any part of the program.

Question: What happens if a variable name is used both as a global and local variable within a function?

a) The program raises an exception

b) The global variable takes precedence over the local variable

c) The local variable takes precedence over the global variable

d) The program executes without any issues

The correct answer is option c) The local variable takes precedence over the global variable.

Explanation: When a variable name is used both as a global variable and a local variable within a function, the local variable takes precedence over the global variable within the scope of the function.

Topic: Built-In Exceptions Hierarchy- Python

Question: What is an exception in Python?

a) An error that occurs during program execution

b) A built-in function in Python

c) A reserved keyword in Python

d) A type of loop in Python

The correct answer is option a) An error that occurs during program execution.

Explanation: In Python, exceptions are events or errors that occur during the execution of a program and disrupt the normal flow of code execution.

Question: What is the purpose of exception handling in Python?

a) To ignore errors and continue program execution

b) To display error messages to the user

c) To prevent errors from occurring in the code

d) To handle errors gracefully and provide alternative code paths

The correct answer is option d) To handle errors gracefully and provide alternative code paths.

Explanation: Exception handling in Python allows programmers to handle errors and exceptions that may occur during program execution by providing alternative code paths or error recovery mechanisms.

Question: What is the base class for all built-in exceptions in Python?

a) BaseException

b) Exception

c) Error

d) ValueError

The correct answer is option b) Exception.

Explanation: The Exception class is the base class for all built-in exceptions in Python. All other exceptions in Python inherit from this base class.

Question: Which of the following is NOT a common built-in exception in Python?

a) TypeError

b) IndexError

c) FileError

d) ValueError

The correct answer is option c) FileError.

Explanation: FileError is not a built-in exception in Python. Common built-in exceptions in Python include TypeError, IndexError, and ValueError, among others.

Question: How do you handle exceptions in Python using the try-except block?

a) try: … except:

b) try: … catch:

c) try: … except Exception:

d) try: … finally:

The correct answer is option c) try: … except Exception:.

Explanation: The try-except block in Python is used for exception handling. The code that may raise an exception is enclosed within the try block, and the specific exception(s) to handle are specified in the except block, followed by the code to be executed when the exception occurs.

Final Words

By engaging with these Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer free questions, you have taken a significant step towards strengthening your Python skills and preparing for the PCEP certification exam. We hope this resource has been valuable to you on your journey to becoming a certified professional. Remember that continuous practice and self-assessment are key components of mastering any programming language, including Python.

It is essential to keep challenging yourself, exploring new concepts, and applying your knowledge to real-world projects. As you progress, consider seeking out additional resources such as coding challenges, tutorials, and collaborative coding communities to further enhance your Python proficiency. While these free questions have provided you with a solid foundation, it’s important to keep in mind that the PCEP certification exam may cover a broader range of topics and require a deeper understanding of Python. We encourage you to explore official study materials, practice exams, and relevant documentation to ensure comprehensive exam readiness.

Python Programmer free questions