Top 50 AWS Cloud Practitioner Interview Questions

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Top 50 AWS Cloud Practitioner interview questions

With a growing number of companies shifting to the cloud, cloud computing has become a highly sought-after field in technology. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is at the forefront of this trend. AWS is the most commonly used cloud platform and offers a variety of cloud services to people and businesses.

If you’re looking to start a career in cloud computing or looking to expand your skill set, getting certified in AWS Cloud Practitioner is a great way to get started. AWS Cloud Practitioner certification validates your understanding of AWS Cloud and its basic services and prepares you for entry-level positions in cloud computing.

To become a certified AWS Cloud Practitioner, you have to successfully pass an interview, and that requires thorough preparation. In this article, we will discuss the top 50 AWS Cloud Practitioner interview questions to help you get ready for your interview and improve your chances of getting your desired job in cloud computing. Whether you’re just starting or have experience, keep reading to discover the commonly asked AWS Cloud Practitioner interview questions and how to respond to them.

AWS Cloud Practitioner Glossary

  1. AWS (Amazon Web Services): Amazon’s cloud computing platform offers various services like computing, storage, databases, analytics, and more.
  2. Cloud Computing: A way to provide computer resources through the internet, letting users access and use computing services whenever they need them.
  3. EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): A web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud.
  4. S3 (Simple Storage Service): It’s a storage service that’s great for storing lots of data, and it’s really safe and easy to use.
  5. VPC (Virtual Private Cloud): Think of it like a virtual network in the AWS cloud where you can put your AWS stuff.
  6. IAM (Identity and Access Management): This is a web service that helps you control who can access your AWS stuff securely.
  7. RDS (Relational Database Service): It’s like a web service that takes care of managing your databases for you, like SQL, Oracle, and others.
  8. Route 53: Imagine it as a web service that helps manage domain names and internet traffic.
  9. CloudFormation: It’s a tool that lets you set up and manage AWS stuff automatically, so you don’t have to do it all by hand.
  10. Lambda: Think of it as a service that lets you run code when certain things happen, and it handles all the computer stuff for you.
  11. API Gateway: It’s a service that helps developers easily create, publish, manage, and secure APIs, even when they’re really big.
  12. CloudWatch: Imagine it as a service that lets you see what’s happening with your AWS stuff, like keeping an eye on your resources and applications.
  13. Elastic Beanstalk: This is a service that makes it simple to put your web applications and services online without a lot of hassle.
  14. DynamoDB: It’s like a service that takes care of your database needs when you don’t want to worry about them.
  15. Redshift: It’s a service that helps you analyze big amounts of data, and it’s really fast and easy on your wallet.
  16. SES (Simple Email Service): It’s a service that makes it easy to send emails from your applications without any fuss.
  17. SQS (Simple Queue Service): This is a service that helps different parts of your applications talk to each other without causing a big mess.
  18. SNS (Simple Notification Service): It’s a service that sends messages to lots of people or places all at once.
  19. CloudFront: This is like a speedy delivery service that safely sends your data, videos, apps, and more to people all over the world.

AWS Cloud Practitioner “Mostly Asked” Interview Questions

It’s time to crack the interview and get into the top organization for individuals who hold the cloud practitioner certification and are preparing for AWS cloud managers and other IT career jobs. Companies in the Fortune 1000 are looking for people with AWS capabilities all over the world. As a result, the top questions are included below to assist you in preparing for the interview.

What is AWS in cloud computing?

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) refers to an advanced and evolving Cloud computing platform provided by Amazon. Moreover, it provides a combination of services that includes infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) .

What are the various AWS components?

The various AWS components include:

  1. EC2 – Elastic Compute Cloud
  2. S3 – Simple Storage Service, Route53
  3. EBS – Elastic Block Store
  4. Cloudwatch
  5. Key-Paris 

What is Amazon Elastic Compute  Cloud (EC2)?

  • Amazon EC2, also called Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, offers customers the ability to adjust and grow their computer power in the cloud. With EC2, you can create numerous virtual servers, and on each of these, you can handle storage and set up security as needed.

What are the advantages of using Amazon EC2?

  • Firstly, this service is easier and faster.
  • Secondly, it is elastic and scalable.
  • It provides high availability.
  • Lastly, it is cost-effective.

Define Amazon S3?

  • Amazon S3 is a Simple Storage Service with an S3 interface that allows you to store and retrieve unlimited amount of data from anywhere on the internet at any time. Not to mention, S3 has a “pay as you go” billing approach.

What is AWS Cloud Certification ?

  • AWS Certification by Amazon Web Services helps to get cloud experience that an IT professional earns after passing one or more exams by the public cloud provider. Furthermore, IT professionals who earn AWS certifications can show and confirm their expertise and skills in cloud technology.

Do AWS and Azure have similarities?

  • Amazon Web Service (AWS) is a cloud service from Amazon, while Azure is Microsoft’s cloud service. Both help businesses grow by offering services like networking, storage, and computing. AWS is known for its reliable storage option, while Azure uses Storage Blob. AWS is great for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and a variety of services, while Azure is better for Platform as a Service (PaaS) and integrating with Windows.

What is the process for securing your data in the cloud?

  • In cloud computing, security is crucial. We must make sure that no one can access a client’s data while it’s moving from one place to another, and there should be no leaks of information. One of the best ways to protect data is by separating it and then coding it with one of the approved methods.

What are the different services offered by Amazon cloud computing?

The services of cloud computing in AWS includes:

  • Firstly, PaaS. It stands for Platform as a Service.
  • Secondly, IaaS. It refers to Infrastructure as a Service.
  • Then, SaaS is Software as a Service.

What is AWS Cloud Economics Center?

  • Amazon Web Services includes Cloud Economics Center which provides a way to acquire and use infrastructure on-demand in order to pay only for what you consume. Moreover, this puts more money back into the business, which results in more innovation and faster explanations.

What do you understand by AWS Pricing?

  • AWS pricing is a pay-as-you-go approach for pricing for over 160 cloud services. Furthermore, with AWS, you only pay for services that you use for as long as you need them. This also doesn’t necessitate any long-term commitments or complicated licenses.

What are the AWS Use Cases?

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a wide range of cloud computing services that allow you to create complex and scalable applications. Many clients of all sizes, from different industries like healthcare, media, finance, insurance, real estate, education, and government, use these services. This includes enterprise IT, gaming, Big Data, web, social apps, and more.

What is AWS Cloudwatch?

  • Cloudwatch refers to a monitoring tool that can be used to monitor various AWS resources like health check, network, Application, etc.

Can you list different types of cloudwatch?

  • There are only two types in cloudwatch that are basic monitoring and detailed monitoring. The basic monitoring, on the other hand, is free, but the detailed monitoring is not.

Describe the cloudwatch metrics that are available for EC2 instances?

  • The cloudwatch metrics available for EC2 instances includes, Diskreads, Diskwrites, CPU utilization, networkpacketsIn, networkpacketsOut, networkIn, networkOut, CPUCreditUsage, CPUCreditBalance.

What is the default storage class in S3?

  • The default storage class in S3 is a Standard frequently accessed.

What do you mean by Amazon web Service Cloudfront?

  • CloudFront is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) service that helps businesses and app developers quickly share their content with fast speed and minimal delays. It’s like a speedy network of AWS for delivering content.

Explain SimpleDB?

  • This is a structural record data store that encourages data doubts and indexing on both S3 and EC2.

What is Amazon ElasticCache?

  • Amazon Elasticcache is a cloud-based web service that makes it simple to launch, scale, and store data.

What is EMR in AWS?

  • EMR helps in understanding how data structures work before you start using them. It includes tools like AWS’ Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark that are useful for analyzing huge amounts of data. You can also use Apache Hive and other open-source tools to get your data ready for analytics and marketing tasks.

What do you understand about the Buffer in AWS?

  • A buffer is a critical component in cloud computing that helps maintain smooth connections and handle a large flow of traffic and workloads. It allows various parts to operate even when things are not stable and lets them receive and handle requests as they come in.

What is an Elastic Load Balancer?

  • This AWS ensures that all the incoming traffic is optimally distributed over all channels of AWS instances.

What if your organization has decided to have all their workload on the public cloud. But, the organization decides to distribute some of the workloads on private servers. Now, you are asked for a suggestion for a cloud architecture for your organization. What it will be?

  • The recommendation is to go for a hybrid cloud approach. With a hybrid cloud setup, a company can use the public cloud for things they share with others, and their private cloud for their sensitive work.

Is it possible to launch Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances with predetermined private IP addresses? If yes, then name the Amazon service for this?

  • Yes it is possible to launch EC2 with predetermined private IP addresses using the servive that is Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

Define AMI?

  • AMI stands for Amazon Machine Image, and it’s like a blueprint that contains everything needed to create a virtual server in the cloud, including the operating system, application server, and applications. When you launch an instance, it’s like creating a copy of this blueprint to run as a virtual server in the cloud. You can launch instances from various AMIs as needed.

Describe the relationship between an instance and AMI?

  • Using single AMI, you can launch multiple types of instances. Whereas an instance type defines the hardware of the host computer used for your instance. However, each instance type provides different computer and memory capabilities.  And, once you launch an instance, it looks like a traditional host.

What is the process of sending request to Amazon S3?

  • Amazon S3 refers to a REST service in which you can send a request by using the REST API or the AWS SDK wrapper libraries that wrap the underlying Amazon S3 REST API.

How many buckets can be created in AWS?

There can 100 buckets created in AWS for an account.

What is an EIP?

  • EIP or Elastic IP address is designed for dynamic cloud computing. EIP address is used to have a static IP address for your instances when you stop and restart your instances.

Which cloud service type is associated with DNS and Load Balancer service?

  • DNS and Load Balance services comes under the IAAS-storage cloud service.

Explain auto-scaling?

  • Auto-scaling is a useful feature provided by Amazon Web Services that allows you to set rules for adding new instances automatically. You decide the conditions and criteria to monitor, and when those conditions are met, it will create a new instance and add it to the load balancer group. This helps you scale up without needing manual intervention.

What is AWS Lambda?

  • AWS Lambda is a serverless compute solution that allows you to run and manage code without having to manage servers. In this case, you only pay for the amount of data you use in computation. Furthermore, it simply necessitates the submission of code, with Lambda handling the rest.

Is there any need of internet gateway for peering connections?

  • For using virtual private cloud peering the internet gateway is necessary.

Describe the different layers of Cloud Architecture in AWS training?

The layers of cloud architecture are:

  • Firstly, the Cloud controller
  • Then, Cluster controller
  • Thirdly, Storage Controller
  • Lastly, Node Controller

Define VPC?

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a networking setup tool that allows you to effortlessly change your network settings. Furthermore, a VPC is a network that is separated from other cloud networks. It also enables you to create your own IP address ranges, subnets, internet gateways, NAT gateways, and security groups.

What is tha major difference between Amazon S3 and EC2?

  • Amazon EC2 is a web service that allows you to host apps in the cloud. S3, on the other hand, is a data storage system that can store any quantity of data. EC2 is a cloud computing platform that operates on Linux and Windows and can handle programs such as PHP, Python, and databases. S3 also offers a REST interface and uses HMAC-SHA1 authentication keys that are safe.

Can you name some of the DB engines used in AWS RDS?

The DB engines include:

  • OracleDB
  • PostgreDB
  • MariaDB

What is need for making subnets?

  • Subnetting is the process of separating a large network into smaller networks. Subnets, on the other hand, can be constructed for a variety of reasons, including lowering congestion by ensuring that traffic designated for a subnet stays in that subnet. And, as a result, the traffic entering into the network is routed more efficiently, reducing the network’s load.

Is it possible to upload a file that is greater than 100 megabytes in Amazon S3?

  • Absolutely, you can upload large files using AWS’s multipart upload utility. It breaks the big file into smaller parts, which can be uploaded simultaneously, making it faster. After all the parts are uploaded, they come together to form the complete original file.

What is the use of CloudWatch logs?

  • CloudWatch stores and monitors a client’s logs, allowing them to better understand how their systems and applications are working. Also, it is used for long term log retention, real time application and system monitoring.

Define roles?

  • Roles grant access to entities in your AWS account that you can trust. Furthermore, they are identical to users. There is no need to create a login and password for this to operate.

Describe accessing EC2?

  • Amazon EC2 can be accessed with bot web-based Interface and Command Line Interface.

Can you tell the way to make any application private?

  • Amazon VPC makes the virtual network private. 

Which is a method for bidding unused EC2 capacity based on the current spot price?

  • When it comes to this, the Spot Instance is a great way to bid on spare EC2 capacity. It usually costs less, but it’s available when there’s extra capacity around.

How many types of AMI are there?

There are two types of Amazon Machine Images (AMI),

  • Firstlty, EBS based storage
  • Secondly, Instance store-backed AMI

Do you know about Security Group in Amazon EC2?

  • Indeed, Amazon EC2’s Security groups play a crucial role in keeping the cloud network secure. They act like a protective barrier, managing both incoming and outgoing traffic for the instance.

Do you know how to configure an Amazon S3 bucket to serve static assets for public web applications?

  • It is done by configuring the bucket policy for providing public read access to all objects

Explain the relationship between Route53 and Cloud front?

  • In Cloudfront the content delivers to edge location and where Route 53 is for Content Delivery Network.  In addition, using Amazon CloudFront you can configure Route 53 to route Internet traffic to those resources.

What is IaaS, Paas and SaaS?

  • To start, IaaS is like a cloud service where you pay for what you use.
  • Next, PaaS is like running cloud platforms to develop, test, and manage software.
  • Lastly, SaaS is when cloud workers host and manage software applications, and you pay as you go.

Expert’s Corner 

For many people, getting a well-paid job at Amazon Web Services is a dream come true. The cloud practitioner test, on the other hand, necessitates a thorough comprehension and knowledge of the AWS cloud. Also, make sure to read through each question on the blog thoroughly. If the answer you’re searching for isn’t here, you can post a question in the comments and our AWS specialists will assist you in finding it.

So, prepare well and stay safe!

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