GCP Collaboration Engineer- FAQs

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GCP Collaboration Engineer Exam

Exam General information

What is GCP Collaboration Engineer exam?

GCP Collaboration Engineer exam has been built to transform business objectives into tangible configurations, policies, and security practices as they relate to users, content, and integrations. The exam look for opportunities to educate end-users and increase operational efficiency while advocating for G Suite and the Google toolset.

Is there any prerequisite for the GCP Collaboration Engineer Exam?

There are no prerequisites for the exam however google recommends experience of 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ year G Suite administration experience. 

What is the time duration for the GCP Collaboration Engineer Exam?

Candidates will have 2 hours to complete the exam.

What type of questions will be there on the exam?

The exam consists of multiple choice and multiple elect types of questions.

How much does GCP Collaboration Engineer exam cost?

The cost of this exam is $200 USD.

In which language GCP Collaboration Engineer exam is available?

The exam can given in English and Japanese language.

What is the Course Structure for the GCP Collaboration Engineer Exam?

The topics in this exam include:

  • Planning and implementing G Suite authorization and access
  • Managing user, resource, and Team Drive lifecycles
  • Managing mail
  • Controlling and configuring G Suite services:
  • Configuring and managing content access
  • Configuring and managing endpoint access
  • Monitoring organizational operations
  • Advancing G Suite adoption and collaboration
What happens if I don’t pass a certification exam?

If you don’t pass an exam, you can take it again after 14 days. And, if you giving an exam for the second time then, you must wait 60 days before you can take it a third time. If you don’t pass the third time, you must wait a year before taking it again. You may attempt the exam in multiple languages, at a testing center or online, but each attempt regardless of language or delivery method counts toward the total permissible attempts and the waiting period between attempts still applies. Circumventing this retake policy by registering under a different name or any other means is a violation of the exam terms and conditions and will result in a denied or revoked certification.

Why don’t I receive my score or any feedback when I submit my exam?

Our exams are designed to determine only whether or not an individual meets a minimum passing standard. They are not designed to be diagnostic or spread people out on a scale of ability. For this reason, numerical scores are not meaningful for the examinee and can be misinterpreted.

Certification Program General Information

What is Google Professional Cloud certification (GCP)?

Google Professional Cloud’s certification program gives Google Cloud users, customers, and partners a way to demonstrate their technical skills in a particular job role or technology. Individuals assessment is on the basis of a variety of rigorously industry-standard methods to determine whether they meet Google Cloud’s proficiency standards.

Why should I get a Google Cloud certification?

Google Cloud certifications give you benchmarks for your professional development. They help you gauge your skill set against your peers and demonstrate your value to hiring managers.

What is the difference between a certification and an exam?

The certification is what an individual candidate earns. It is defined by a list of requirements that must be met. Usually, an exam is included in this list of requirements.

How long is a Google Cloud certification valid?

Unless explicitly stated in the detailed exam descriptions, all Google Cloud certifications are valid for two years from the date certified. Candidates must recertify in order to maintain their certification status.

Can I take the exam again if I’m already certified?

No. You may not attempt the same exam while currently certified unless you are within the recertification eligibility period starting 60 days prior to your certification expiration date. If you violate these terms then, there can be exam result rejection and you may be decertified from the Google Certification Program and will not be able to take the exam and/or any other Google exam; and Google, in its sole discretion, may terminate any applicable business relationship with you.

Is there an age requirement in order to be able to take a certification exam?

For Google Cloud Platform Associate and Professional Certification exams, candidates must be 18 years of age or older to be eligible for any Google Cloud Platform certification exam. And, to be eligible for the G Suite Certification exam, candidates must be at least 13 years of age (except in countries with a higher minimum age), as detailed in this support article.

Do I need to be a Google Cloud partner to take an exam?

No, the certification exams is available for anyone who have interest in this.

Proctoring General Information

Where can I take a certification exam?

Google complies with the U.S. government’s list of restricted countries maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. For online exams, you must present approved identification showing residence in a non-embargoed country.

Are remotely proctored certification exams open-book exams?

No, these are not open-book exams. You cannot use any notes or any other unauthorized items while taking any of our exams. Your work area should be clear of all items except for your computer. If you are caught using any unauthorized items, this will be flagged for misconduct and you may risk having your results voided and being barred from taking any Google Cloud certification exams.

Are there any technical system requirements in order to take a remotely proctored exam?

Yes, there may be technical system requirements you need to meet before you can begin your remotely proctored exam. Please refer to the individual exam pages for more details.


What is your re-certification policy?

Unless explicitly stated in the detailed exam descriptions, all Google cloud certifications are valid for two years from the date certified. Candidates must recertify in order to maintain their certification status and certificate number.

Why do I need to re certify?

Google technology changes frequently. We require recertification to ensure you’re maintaining your skills.

My certification expired. What happens now?

If you want to continue to receive the certification benefits, you will need to take the exam again.

Can I re-certify by passing a pilot exam?

Pilot exams are offered when a large amount of new exam content has been developed for an existing exam. Pilot participation is often by invitation only. If you are already certified and participate in a pilot exam, passing the pilot counts as recertification and you may not take take the exam or a subsequent version of the exam again until you need to recertify. Benefits of participating in pilot exams can vary and may include an extension of the certification period.

Certification Program Policies

What happens if I violate the exam terms and conditions?

If Google discovers that you’re in breach of the exam terms and conditions which are presented to you during your exam, your certification(s) will be revoked, you’ll be permanently barred from retaking the exam and any other Google Cloud exams. Additionally, Google, in its sole discretion, may choose to terminate any applicable business relationship with you and take necessary legal actions.

I was unable to take my exam. Can I have a refund?

At times, certain circumstances are beyond your control and can impact your ability to meet the terms of registration. Exceptional circumstances may be available for a full or partial refund. If the test-taker has extenuating circumstances, you may contact us. There is requirement of valid supporting documentation. And, requests reviewing and full or partial refunds are granted at Google’s discretion.

What does GCP refund policy covers?
  • A medical emergency for you or a family member.
  • Natural disasters or severe weather incidents impacting the location of testing.
  • Urgent travel restrictions or severe security advisories issued 72 hours before your scheduled exam, by an appropriate national or international authority (such as a government office or department).
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