The values and principles of the UK

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The values and principles of the UK

British society is founded on

  • Fundamental values and principles
  • Based on history and traditions and are protected by law, customs and expectations.
  • No place in British society for extremism or intolerance.

The fundamental principles of British life include:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
  • Participation in community life.

As part of the citizenship ceremony, new citizens pledge to uphold these values. The pledge is:

‘I will give my loyalty to the United Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfil my duties and obligations as a British citizen.’

If you wish to be a permanent resident or citizen of the UK, you should:

  • Respect and obey the law
  • Respect the rights of others, including their right to their own opinions
  • Treat others with fairness
  • Look after yourself and your family
  • Look after the area in which you live and the environment.

In return, the UK offers:

  • Freedom of belief and religion
  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom from unfair discrimination
  • A right to a fair trial
  • A right to join in the election of a government.