Slicing and Filtering

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Slicing is the process used for filtering. They narrow the portion of the dataset that is shown in the other report visualizations. Slicers are consider best used under the following scenario –

  • Firstly, it is used to display commonly used or important filters on the report canvas for easier access.
  • Secondly, it makes it easier to see the currently filtered state without having to open a drop-down list.
  • Then, filter by columns that are unneeded and hidden in the data tables.
  • Lastly, create more focused reports by putting slicers next to important visuals.

Steps to Create a Slicer

  • Firstly, open Power BI Desktop, and from the menu bar, select File > Open.
  • Secondly, browse to the Retail Analysis sample PBIX.pbix file, then select Open.
  • Then, on the left pane, select the Report icon to open the file in report view.
  • Next, on the Overview page, with nothing selected on the report canvas, select the Slicer icon in the Visualizations pane to create a new slicer.
  • Further, with the new slicer selected, from the Fields pane, select District > DM to populate the slicer.
  • Then, resize and drag the elements on the canvas to make room for the slicer.
  • Select names on the slicer and notice the effects on the other visualizations on the page.
  • Thereafter, select names again to deselect them, or hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one name. Selecting all names has the same effect as selecting none.
  • Alternately, select Format (paint roller icon) in the Visualizations pane to format your slicer.

Steps to Filter slicers

Remember, you can apply visual-level filters to slicers to reduce the list of values displayed in the slicer. For instance, you may wish to filter out blank values from a list slicer, or filter out certain dates from a range slicer. So, when you do this it only impacts the values displayed in the slicer, and not in the filter that the slicer applies to other visuals when you make a selection. Therefore, the selected range is changed in the slicer then you will be able to view the other visuals update. Then, clearing the slicer would show all the dates again.

Steps to Format slicers

Now, different formatting options are available, depending on the slicer type. Hence, by using Horizontal orientation, Responsive layout, and Item coloring, you can produce buttons or tiles rather than standard list items, and make slicer items resize to fit different screen sizes and layouts.

  • Firstly, with the District Manager slicer selected on any page, in the Visualizations pane, select the Format icon to display the formatting controls.
  • Then, select the drop-down arrows next to each category to display and edit the options.

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