Salesforce Strategy Designer FAQs

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Salesforce Strategy Designer FAQs
Does Salesforce recommend any training course for this exam?

The following are the highly recommended courses to help you gain a thorough understanding crucial to pass the  Salesforce Strategy Designer exam:

What does a Salesforce Strategy Designer do?

Salesforce Strategy Designers can be a leader, makers, and advocates across product lifecycles and innovation cycles. As a result of their experience and skills, they are capable of bridging multiple disciplines necessary to execute successful strategic, design, and delivery projects. By leveraging the capabilities of a team and filling in gaps, a Salesforce Certified Strategy Designer can find out when to call on the expertise of experts. In addition to a detailed understanding of business and user goals, a Salesforce Certified Strategy Designer can connect people across organizations emotionally.

Are Salesforce certifications in demand?

Customer business requirements can be met via Salesforce Strategy Designers in a maintainable and scalable way. They are also capable of contributing to the long-term success of customers. Customers, partners, employees, and anyone who wishes to demonstrate expertise in this field can benefit from the credential.

Are there any prerequisites for the exam?

It is recommended that candidates have at least 3 years of experience as a strategy designer, or a similar role, as well as 1-2 years of experience with the Salesforce platform. In order to be a Salesforce Certified Strategy Designer, you must possess advanced facilitation and consultative skills, as well as project management experience of at least two years.

What are the Domains covered in this exam?

The exam objectives and course outline are:

  • Value Design: 32%
  • Tools and Artifacts: 23%
  • Intangible Deliverables: 26%
  • Leveraging Adjacent Roles/Skills: 19%
How Many questions are there in the Exam?

There are 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and up to 5 unscored questions in the exam.

What is the duration of the Exam?

The time duration of the exam is 105 minutes (time allows for unscored questions)

How much does the Exam Cost?

The exam will cost you $200 USD plus applicable taxes as required per local law.

What is the Passing score in the Exam?

58% is the passing score.

How many attempts are Available for the Exam?

There are 3 attempts available in a year for this exam

What is the Exam Retake Policy?

Salesforce allows 3 attempts. Also, the fee for each retake is $100 USD.

How do I check my Salesforce certification?

To verify your Salesforce certification, you need to visit the Trailhead Verification Page. Then, you need to enter your email under “Certification Holders: Check Your Status”. Your credential details will be emailed to you.

How do I maintain my Salesforce certification?

To maintain your Salesforce Certification you need to complete all the Trailhead Maintenance Modules. Therefore, keep a check on the available updates for your certification at Trailhead’s official website.

For how long is my certification valid?

The Salesforce certifications are valid for a period of 3 years.

What are the modes to take the Exam?

The exam is available in two ways. It can either be offsite proctored or online proctored. Choose the one based on your schedule.

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