Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist FAQs

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Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist

How many questions will be there in Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist Exam?

There will be a total of 60 multiple-choice questions in the Exam.

What is Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist Exam fees?

The Exam fee is $200 USD per registration.

What is the passing score for Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist Exam?

The passing score for the Exam is 72% and above.

What is the knowledge acquired in the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist Exam?

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist candidate should have the following experience, skills, and knowledge:

  • Familiarity with the capabilities of the Account Engagement platform
  • Understanding the lifecycle from visitors to prospects
  • Knowledge of creating and managing marketing assets, automation, and workflows within the Account Engagement Lightning App
  • Ability to interpret metrics from Engagement History and standard dashboards in B2B Marketing Analytics
  • Understanding of administrative settings, including configuring scoring and grading models, configuring custom fields in Account Engagement, and using the Recycle Bin
  • Knowledge of troubleshooting and resolving basic platform issues such as sync errors, field mapping, and supported objects
  • Understanding of available Einstein features for use in Account Engagement

Who should take Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist Exam?

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist credential is meant for someone with hands-on experience in using the features of the Account Engagement platform. This includes applying the skills and concepts outlined in the exam objectives. Typically, a Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist has 6-12 months of experience in creating and implementing complete marketing workflows using the Account Engagement platform.

What is Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist Exam?

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist credential is created for individuals who want to showcase their abilities in creating and managing marketing campaigns in Account Engagement. The candidate has the expertise to develop targeted marketing processes, integrating strategies for email marketing, lead generation, and lead qualification. Additionally, the candidate should proficiently use reports to make decisions based on data insights.

What happens if I fail a Salesforce certification 3 times?

Salesforce updates all certification exams 3x per year in accordance with Salesforce release cycles (Winter, Spring, Summer). If you fail your third attempt within a release cycle, you must wait until the next release cycle begins before registering for the exam again.

Do Salesforce certifications expire?

If you fail to maintain your Salesforce Certifications after a certain amount of time has elapsed, they will expire and you will have to take the whole certification exam again.

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