Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant Exam FAQs

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Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant

How many questions will be there in Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant Exam?

There will be a total of 60 multiple-choice questions in the Exam.

What is Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant Exam fees?

The Exam fee is $200 USD per registration.

What is the passing score for Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant Exam?

The passing score for the Exam is 62% and above.

What is the knowledge required for the Exam?

Those aiming for the Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant certification should be well-versed in Salesforce technology, particularly in Data Cloud, and understanding its capabilities and terms. They should also have practical experience in presenting and implementing Data Cloud.

Who should take Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant Exam?

  • People taking this exam should have at least two years of experience dealing with data strategy and modeling. This includes creating various solutions using Salesforce across different clouds. The expected candidates usually have a background in development, strategy, business analysis, presales solutions, or architecture.

What is Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant Exam?

The certification Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant is perfect for consultants who’ve worked with big data systems for businesses, helping clients directly. This involves tasks like creating, setting up, and planning solutions.

The Data Cloud Consultant ensures that a customer’s business needs are met in a way that can be sustained and expanded. This role also plays a part in ensuring a customer’s success in the long run. If you want to show that you’re skilled in handling Data Cloud, getting certified in it is the way to go.

What happens if I fail a Salesforce certification 3 times?

Salesforce updates all certification exams 3x per year in accordance with Salesforce release cycles (Winter, Spring, Summer). If you fail your third attempt within a release cycle, you must wait until the next release cycle begins before registering for the exam again.

Do Salesforce certifications expire?

If you fail to maintain your Salesforce Certifications after a certain amount of time has elapsed, they will expire and you will have to take the whole certification exam again.

Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant

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