Salesforce Certified Data Architect Exam FAQs

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Salesforce Certified Data Architect Exam FAQs

How many questions will be there in the Salesforce Certified Data Architect Exam?

There will be a total of 60 multiple-choice questions in the Exam.

What is Salesforce Certified Data Architect Exam fees?

The Exam fee is $400 USD per registration.

What is the passing score for the Salesforce Certified Data Architect Exam?

The passing score for the Exam is 58% and above.

What is the knowledge requirement for the exam?

The Salesforce Certified Data Architect typically possesses the following qualifications:

  • 2 to 3 years of experience working with Salesforce
  • Over 5 years of experience supporting or implementing solutions focused on handling data

Who should take the Exam?

Candidates should have an understanding of different frameworks for organizing data, including key components like data collection, integration, storage, managing master data, handling metadata, and ensuring data quality, security, and delivery. They have experience in understanding clients’ needs regarding data quality and developing solutions to maintain top-notch data quality, ensuring accuracy and avoiding duplicates. They can also suggest changes within organizations to improve data management practices. Additionally, they’re skilled at communicating solutions and discussing design choices with business stakeholders. Furthermore, they should be skilled in:

  • Creating data models and designing databases
  • Managing master data effectively
  • Handling data in Salesforce
  • Implementing data governance measures
  • Dealing with large volumes of data
  • Executing data migrations

What is Salesforce Certified Data Architect Exam?

The Salesforce Certified Data Architect certification is for architects who evaluate the architecture setup and needs, creating robust, flexible, and efficient solutions on the Customer 360 platform. The exam evaluates the setup and needs of a system and creates reliable, scalable, and efficient solutions on the Customer 360 Platform, especially for managing business data.

What happens if I fail a Salesforce certification 3 times?

Salesforce updates all certification exams 3x per year in accordance with Salesforce release cycles (Winter, Spring, Summer). If you fail your third attempt within a release cycle, you must wait until the next release cycle begins before registering for the exam again.

Do Salesforce certifications expire?

If you fail to maintain your Salesforce Certifications after a certain amount of time has elapsed, they will expire and you will have to take the whole certification exam again.

Salesforce Certified Data Architect Exam tests

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