Overview of records management in Microsoft 365

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In this,we will learn and understand a brief about records management in Microsoft 365.

Organizations of all types require a records-management solution to manage regulatory, legal, and business-critical records across their corporate data. Records management in Microsoft 365 helps an organization manage their legal obligations

  • Firstly, provides the ability to demonstrate compliance with regulations
  • Secondly, increases efficiency with the regular disposition of items with no need to retain, no longer of value, or no longer need for business purposes.
Further, use the following capabilities to support your records management solution in Microsoft 365:
  • Firstly, label content as a record. Create and configure retention labels to mark content as a record that can then be applied by users or automatically applied by identifying sensitive information, keywords, or content types.
  • Secondly, migrate and manage your retention requirements with a file plan. By using a file plan,
    • you can bring in an existing retention plan to Microsoft 365
    • build a new one for enhanced management capabilities.
  • Then, configure retention and deletion settings with retention labels.
  • Now, start different retention periods when an event occurs with event-based retention.
  • After that, review and validate disposition with disposition reviews and proof of records deletion.
  • Next, export information about all disposed of items with the export option.
  • Lastly, set specific permissions for records manager functions in your organization to have the right access.
Practice tests records management in Microsoft 365


When content declares as a record:

  • Firstly, restrictions placed on the items in terms of what actions to allow or block.
  • Secondly, additional activities about the item are logged.
  • Lastly, you have proof of disposition when the items are deleted at the end of their retention period.

Further, you use retention labels to mark content as a record, or a regulatory record. You can either publish those labels so that users and administrators can manually apply them to content or auto-apply those labels to content that you want to mark as a record or a regulatory record.

By using retention labels to declare records, you can implement a single and consistent strategy for managing records across your Microsoft 365 environment.

Compare restrictions for what actions are allowed or blocked

Use the following table to identify what restrictions places on content as a result of applying a standard retention label, and retention labels that mark content as a record or regulatory record. However, a standard retention label has retention settings and actions but doesn’t mark content as a record or a regulatory record.

records management in Microsoft 365
Image Source: Microsoft
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Reference: Microsoft Documentation

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