MD-101 :Managing Modern Desktops FAQs

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Microsoft MD-101 FAQ

Certifications from Microsoft help you demonstrate your expertise and professional commitment. These certifications are highly acclaimed and provide you with a competitive edge. Microsoft MD-101 Exam is one such highly acclaimed certification that validates your skills to manage identity, access, policies, updates, and apps.

Before commencing with your preparations you must have clarity about the exam policies. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions

What is Microsoft MD-101 Exam?

The Microsoft MD-101 Managing Modern Desktops is for Administrators who deploy, configure, secure, manage, and monitor devices and client applications in an enterprise environment. This exam equips you with the skills to manage identity, access, policies, updates, and apps.

How to become a Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate?

To become Microsoft certified Modern Desktop Administrator Associate you have to pass Microsoft MD-100 and MD-101 exam.

What if I have already passed the 70-698 exam?

If you have passed the 70-698 exam then you only have to give MD-101 exam to become Microsoft certified Modern Desktop Administrator Associate.

What are the benefits of the Microsoft MD-101 exam ?

The exam offers the following benefits

  • Firstly, Enhances your visibility
  • Secondly, Promises Career Growth
  • Subsequently, Grab Higher Salaries
  • Also, Enhance Employability
  • Further, Guarantees Better Recognition

How many questions are there in the exam?

The Microsoft MD-100 Exam has around 40 to 60 questions.

What are the type of questions in the exam?

The exam covers Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions.

How much does the Microsoft MD-101 exam cost?

The exam costs $165 USD.

What is the passing score for the MD-100 Exam?

To pass the Microsoft MD-100 Exam you need to earn 70% that is 700 (on a scale of 1-1000).

In what all languages is the exam available?

The exam is available in English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean

How much time will be given to complete the MD-100 exam?

You will get 120 minutes to complete the exam.

What is the knowledge requirement for the Microsoft MD-100 exam?

Candidates applying for the exam must be familiar with Microsoft 365 workloads and must be proficient and experienced in deploying, configuring, and maintaining Windows 10 and non-Windows devices and technologies.

What are the course domains that the exam includes?

The MD-101 exam course covers 4 domains namely-

  • Firstly, Deploy and update operating systems (35-40%)
  • Secondly, Manage policies and profiles (25-30%)
  • Then, Manage and protect devices (20-25%)
  • Lastly, Manage apps and data (10-15%)

How many times can you take a Microsoft MD-101 exam?

In a year the you can give exam only five times and after then the candidate is eligible for the exam after 12 months. If you could not clear the exam in the first attempt then you should wait at least a day to give second test.

What is the MD-101 exam retake policy?

If a candidate does not achieve a passing score on an exam the first time, the candidate must wait 24 hours before retaking the exam. If a candidate does not achieve a passing score the second time, the candidate must wait 7 days before retaking the exam a third time.

Is there a negative marking for answering incorrectly?

No, you are not penalized for answering incorrectly. No points are deducted from your score.

How and when will I get my exam results?

You will receive notification of your pass or fail status within a few minutes of completing your exam. In addition, you will receive a printed report that provides your exam score and feedback on your performance on the skill areas measured.

What does the score report look like?

A numeric score for overall exam performance is provided in the score report, status of pass/fail, and a bar chart showing performance in each skill area assessed in the exam. Using this information, the areas of strength and weakness of the candidates can be determined.
