Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer FAQ

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Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer FAQ

What is the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam?

PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification is a professional credential that measures your ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the essentials of programming in the Python language. A test candidate should demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the universal concepts of computer programming, the syntax, and semantics of the Python language as well as the skills in resolving typical implementation challenges with the help of the Python Standard Library.

Who can attempt the Entry-Level Python Programmer exam?

Here are some important prerequisites to attend this course:

  • The person should have ample knowledge of the fundamental concepts of computer programming
  • Should able to know the basic syntax and semantics of the Python programming language
  • The person is also able to resolve typical implementation challenges using the Python Standard Library.

Wha are the skills and required for the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam?

  • Basics of Python
  • Boolean values
  • Compilation vs. interpretation
  • Concept of variables and variable naming conventions
  • Defining and using functions
  • Fundamentals of computer programming
  • Fundamentals of OOP and how it is used in the Python programming language
  • Generators and closures
  • Inputting and converting of data
  • Logical vs. bitwise operations
  • Looping and control statements
  • Means used by Python developers for processing files
  • Name scope issues
  • New data aggregates: tuples and dictionaries
  • Primary kinds of data and numerical operators
  • Python modules
  • Python’s implementation of inheritance
  • Rules governing the building of expressions
  • Slicing/Working with multi-dimensional arrays
  • Strings, lists, and other Python data structures
  • The assignment operator
  • The concept of exceptions and implementation.

How many questions are there in the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam?

There are 30 questions in the Entry-Level Python Programmer exam.

How much time will be given to the candidate to complete the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam?

The candidate will be given 45 minutes to complete the Entry-Level Python Programmer exam.

In which form the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam is available?

The Entry-Level Python Programmer exam is available in Single-choice and multiple-choice questions, drag & drop, gap fill format.

What is the passing score for the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam?

The passing score for the Entry-Level Python Programmer exam is 70%. 

In which language the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam is available?

The Entry-Level Python Programmer exam is available in the language English. 

What is the exam fee?

The exam fee for Entry-Level Python Programmer is USD 59.

How do I schedule an OpenEDG Python Institute exam?

To schedule an OpenEDG Python Institute exam, please go to https://home.pearsonvue.com/pythoninstitute, sign in to your Pearson VUE web account,

How do I reschedule or cancel my exam?

Sign in to your Pearson VUE web account. Click the exam name just under the scheduled date. You will be forwarded to the Exam Appointment Details screen. Click Reschedule or Cancel to change the date of your exam or cancel your exam respectively.

How do I create a Pearson VUE Web Account?

You need to go to https://home.pearsonvue.com/pythoninstitute, click Create account, and follow a simple registration process.

What is an open badge?

Open badges are web-enabled versions of a credential, certification or learning outcome which can be verified in real-time, online.

What are the benefits of a badge?

Representing your skills as a badge gives you a way to share your abilities online in a way that is simple, trusted, and can be easily verified in real-time. Badges provide employers and peers concrete evidence of what you had to do to earn your credential and what you’re now capable of. Credly’s Acclaim Platform also offers labor market insights, based on your skills. You can search and apply for job opportunities right through the Acclaim platform.
