How to prepare for the Microsoft MB-260 Exam?

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How to prepare for the Microsoft MB-260 Exam?

Microsoft MB-260 is an exam offered by Microsoft that tests a candidate’s knowledge of the Dynamics 365 Marketing application. The exam measures the candidate’s ability to design, implement, and manage marketing campaigns in Dynamics 365 Marketing. Candidates who pass the exam earn the Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Marketing Functional Consultant Associate certification. The exam covers topics such as lead management, segmentation, customer journeys, email marketing, event management, analytics, and reporting. Candidates are expected to have a working knowledge of Dynamics 365 Sales, Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI.

Microsoft MB-260 Glossary

  • Dynamics 365 Marketing: This is a marketing automation tool that helps organizations create and manage marketing campaigns, track customer behavior, and generate leads.
  • Customer journey: This is the process that a customer goes through when interacting with a company’s marketing efforts, from initial contact to conversion and beyond.
  • Segmentation: This is the process of dividing a customer base into smaller groups based on specific criteria, such as demographics, behavior, or interests.
  • Lead management: This involves the process of capturing, qualifying, and nurturing leads to eventually convert them into customers.
  • Email marketing: This is the practice of using email campaigns to communicate with customers and prospects, often used for promoting products or services, nurturing leads, and building relationships.
  • Event management: This refers to the planning, coordination, and execution of events, such as trade shows, conferences, and webinars, as part of a marketing strategy.
  • Analytics: This is the process of collecting, measuring, and analyzing data related to customer behavior and marketing campaigns, to gain insights and improve decision-making.
  • Power Apps: This is a low-code development platform that allows users to build custom business applications.
  • Power Automate: This is a workflow automation tool that allows users to automate repetitive tasks and streamline business processes.
  • Power BI: This is a business analytics tool that allows users to create interactive visualizations and reports from data.

Microsoft MB-260 E 260 Guide

It’s important to note that Microsoft may update their resources from time to time, so it’s recommended to check for the latest information on their website. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to supplement official resources with other study materials, such as practice exams, study guides, and video tutorials, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the exam topics.

Microsoft MB-260 E 260 Guide tips & tricks

  • Understand the exam objectives: Before starting your preparation, make sure you understand the exam objectives outlined on the Microsoft certification page. This will help you to focus your efforts on the most relevant topics.
  • Use official resources: As mentioned earlier, use official Microsoft resources such as documentation, sample data, and study guides. This will help you to get a better understanding of the concepts and ensure that you are studying the correct topics.
  • Practice with sample questions: Microsoft provides sample questions that are similar to what you will encounter on the exam. Practice answering these questions to get familiar with the format and style of the questions.
  • Take practice exams: In addition to the sample questions, take practice exams to evaluate your knowledge and identify areas where you need more practice. There are several online resources that offer practice exams for the MB-260 exam.
  • Get hands-on experience: Try to get hands-on experience with Dynamics 365 Marketing by creating campaigns, customer journeys, and reports. This will help you to gain practical knowledge and understand how the concepts you have studied are applied in real-world scenarios.
  • Manage your time: The MB-260 exam has a time limit, so make sure you manage your time effectively during the exam. Don’t spend too much time on difficult questions, and make sure you answer all the questions before time runs out.
  • Read the questions carefully: Make sure you read each question carefully and understand what is being asked. Don’t rush through the questions and take time to analyze the information provided.
  • Stay calm and focused: Finally, stay calm and focused during the exam. Don’t get discouraged if you encounter difficult questions, and don’t panic if you don’t know the answer to a question. Keep a clear head and use your knowledge and experience to make the best guess.

Preparation Guide for the Microsoft MB-260 Exam

Refer to these steps for passing the exam with flying colors –

How to prepare for the Microsoft MB-260 Exam?

Step 1 – Refer to the exam syllabus

Microsoft provides a course outline that covers the important components to help you prepare for the MB-260 exam. These are some examples:

1. Design Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data solutions (5–10%)

Describe Customer Insights – Data

  • Describe Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data components, including tables, relationships, enrichments, activities, measures, and segments (Microsoft Documentation: Define and manage measures)
  • Describe the first run experience (FRE) in D365 Customer Insights – Data
  • describe support for near real-time updates (Microsoft Documentation: Real-time processing)
  • describing support for enrichment (Microsoft Documentation: Enrich customer profiles with affinities and share of voice)
  • Describe the differences between individual consumer and business account profiles.

Describe use cases for Customer Insights – Data

2. Ingest data into Customer Insights – Data (10–15%)

Connect to data sources

  • determine which data sources to use
  • determine whether to use the managed data lake or an organization’s data lake (Microsoft Documentation: Best practices for using Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2)
  • Attach to Microsoft Dataverse data lake
  • Attach to Azure Data Lake Storage
  • Ingest and transform data using Power Query connectors
  • Attach to Azure Synapse Analytics
  • describe real-time ingestion capabilities and limitations (Microsoft Documentation: Azure Data Explorer data ingestion overview)
  • describe benefits of pre-unification data enrichment (Microsoft Documentation: Data enrichment)
  • Ingest data in real-time
  • Update Unified Customer Profile fields in real-time
  • Understand common ingestion errors

Transform, cleanse, and load data by using Power Query

Configure incremental refreshes for data sources

3. Create customer profiles through data unification (30-35%)

Select source fields

Remove duplicate records

  • Deduplicate enriched tables
  • Define deduplication rules
  • Review deduplication results

Match conditions

  • Specify a match order for tables
  • Define match rules
  • Define exceptions
  • Include enriched tables in matching
  • Configure normalization options
  • Differentiate between basic and custom precision methods

Unify customer fields

  • Specify the order of fields for merged tables
  • Combine fields into a merged field
  • Combine a group of fields
  • Separate fields from a merged field
  • Exclude fields from a merge
  • Change the order of fields
  • Rename fields
  • Group profiles into Clusters

Implement business data separation

  • Understand business unit separation prerequisites
  • Access business data in Dataverse
  • Implement Customer Insights – Data business unit integrations

Review data unification

  • Review and create customer profiles
  • View the results of data unification
  • Verify output tables from data unification
  • Update the unification settings

Configure relationships and activities

Create a unified contact profile for B2B accounts

  • Create unified contact profile
  • Set the relationship between contacts and accounts
  • Define the semantic fields
  • Review contact unification
  • Verify output tables from data unification

Configure search and filter indexes

  • Define which fields should be searchable
  • Define filter options for fields
  • Define indexes
4. Implement AI predictions in Customer Insights – Data (5–10%)

Use Copilot in Customer Insights – Data

  • Understand key Discovery page components

Configure prediction models

Implement machine learning models

5. Configure measures and segments (10–15%)

Create and manage measures

Create and manage segments

  • Create and manage tags
  • Describe methods for creating segments, including segment builder and quick segments (Microsoft Documentation: Working with segments)
  • create a segment from customer profiles, measures, or AI predictions (Microsoft Documentation: Suggested segments)
  • Create a segment based on a prediction model
  • Find similar customers (Microsoft Documentation: Similar Customers)
  • Project attributes
  • Track usage of segments
  • Export segments

Find suggested segments

  • describe how the system suggests segments for use (Microsoft Documentation: Segments overview)
  • create a segment from a suggestion (Microsoft Documentation: Suggested segments based on activity data)
  • Create a suggested segment based on activity
  • configure refreshes for suggestions (Microsoft Documentation:

Create segment insights

6. Configure third-party connections (10–15%)

Configure connections and exports

  • configuring a connection for exporting data (Microsoft Documentation: Data export service)
  • create a data export (Microsoft Documentation: Export case data in eDiscovery)
  • define types of exports (Microsoft Documentation: Exports)
  • configure on demand and scheduled data exports (Microsoft Documentation: Exports)
  • define the limitations of segment exports

Export data to Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Journeys or Dynamics 365 Sales

  • identify prerequisites for exporting data from Customer Insights – Data (Microsoft Documentation: Overview of Exports)
  • Create connections between Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data and Dynamics 365 apps (Microsoft Documentation: Product overview for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights)
  • define which segments to export (Microsoft Documentation: Overview of Exports)
  • Export a Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data segment into Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Journeys as a marketing segment (Microsoft Documentation: Use segments from Dynamics 365 Customer Insights with Dynamics 365 Marketing)
  • Use Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data profiles and segments with real-time marketing
  • Export a Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data profile into Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Journeys for customer journey orchestration (Microsoft Documentation: Use segments in Dynamics 365 Marketing)
  • Export a Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data segment into Dynamics 365 Sales as a marketing list (Microsoft Documentation: Export segments to Dynamics 365 Sales)
  • Display Customer Insights – Data data from within Dynamics 365 apps
    Identify what data from Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data can be displayed within Dynamics 365 apps Configure the Customer Card add-in for Dynamics 365 apps
  • Identify permissions required to implement the Customer Card Add-in for Dynamics 365 apps

Implement Data Enrichment

Use Customer Consent data

Use Customer Insights – Data data across Power Platform and M365 applications

  • Use D365 Customer Insights – Data chatbot for Microsoft Teams
  • Connect Power Apps and Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data
  • Use the Power Automate Connector for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data
  • Configure the Dynamics 365 Customer Insights connector for Power BI – Data
7. Administer Customer Insights – Data (5–10%)

Create and configure environments

Manage system refreshes

Manage system refreshes

  • Differentiate between system refreshes and data source refreshes
  • Describe refresh policies
  • Configure a system refresh schedule
  • Monitor and troubleshoot refreshes

Create and manage connections

  • describe when connections are used (Microsoft Documentation: Connections)
  • configure and manage connections

Step 2 – Refer to Exam Format

The Microsoft MB-260 exam contains 40-60 questions. Exam questions include scenario-based single-answer questions, multiple-choice questions, arrange in the correct order type questions, drag & drop questions, and mark review, drag, and drop type questions. To pass the exam, a candidate must obtain a score of 700 or higher. In addition, the Microsoft MB-260 exam is only available in English and costs $165 USD.

Step 3 – Devise a Study Strategy

The next step is to devise a study strategy for your preparations. Keep the course topics and the time remaining for the real exam in mind as you plan. Remember to start with your weaker areas. Pay close attention to exam topics that have a higher weightage. Following your plan will help you stay consistent and avoid distractions. The key to success is to start early, so get started and stay motivated.

Step 4 – Refer to the best learning resources

There are numerous Learning Resources on the market to assist you in preparing for the Microsoft MB-500 exam. Furthermore, Microsoft also offers the following Learning Resources to assist you in studying for the exam.

Microsoft Learning Platform

Microsoft provides access to learning platforms with a variety of tools to assist you in exam preparation. Visit the Microsoft website to learn everything there is to know about the Microsoft MB-260 exam and how to prepare for it. As a result, candidates will benefit in terms of better studying subjects and passing the test.

Microsoft Docs

The Microsoft documentation is a knowledge base that provides in-depth information on the Microsoft MB-260 exam test subjects. You can also learn about the various scales of different Azure services by consulting Microsoft documentation. This is made up of courses that will help you learn a lot about the various services and ideas covered in the test.

Online Study Groups

Candidates may benefit from online study groups when studying for exams. Joining study groups, in other words, will keep you in touch with experts and professionals who are already on this path. This group can also be used to discuss your test-related question or concern, as well as to study for the Microsoft MB-260 exam.

Practice Tests

Taking practice exams is critical for improving your preparation. You will learn about your weak and strong points by assessing yourself with Microsoft MB-260 practice exams. You will also be able to improve your response skills, allowing you to save significant time during the exam. Taking the Microsoft MB-260 exam practice tests after completing a subject is the best way to progress. This will also help with revision. So, to prepare for the Microsoft MB-260 exam, go online and look for the best practice exam tests.

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