Qlik Certification exams require lot of preparation to pass the exam. As a consequence, after you pass your test, you may feel satisfied with having earned a valuable credential. The Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification Exam will assess your abilities to identify needs, create applications, prepare and load data, and construct apps.
So, in order to get clarity with the Qlik Certifications to pass the expert-level exams, we will learn the process of getting hands-on experience with a variety of Qlik applications or deployments using the below details. So, let’s begin with passing the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam by gaining knowledge, understanding requirement, and finding out various study methods.
About the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam:
The Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification Exam is designed to test the skills and knowledge required to become a certified Qlik Sense Business Analyst. It covers a range of topics such as data modeling, data visualization, analytics, and more. The difficulty level of the exam may vary depending on your level of experience and expertise in these areas.
It assesses your abilities for specifying needs, designing applications, preparing and loading data, and creating applications using Qlik Sense software. The certification exam is for individuals who want to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in using Qlik Sense to build and analyze data visualizations and reports. The exam tests the candidate’s understanding of Qlik Sense’s features and functionality, including data preparation, visualization creation, and report sharing.
This exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions that have a time duration of two hours.
Each exam costs $250 USD and may be paid online using a credit card on the Pearson VUE website. Because Qlik does not price examinations in several currencies, your bank will translate the payment to your local currency.
Furthermore, Qlik Certification Exams are only available in English in the United States. If you live in a country where English is not the national language, you will be given an automatic 30-minute extension to your exam duration. The Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam requires a minimum score of 72% to pass.
Some common topics covered in the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam include:
- Data preparation: Understanding how to import and prepare data for analysis in Qlik Sense, including data modeling and data loading.
- Visualization creation: Knowledge of how to create various types of visualizations, such as bar charts, line charts, and scatter plots, as well as how to use expressions and calculated fields to display data.
- Report sharing: Understanding how to publish and share reports with others, including creating and managing app security and user permissions.
- Advanced visualization techniques: Knowledge of more advanced visualization techniques, such as using set analysis, creating master items, and using extensions.
Knowledge requirement for the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam:
Knowledge and experience play a major role in passing the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam. That is to say, if you have the required knowledge and experience, no exam is difficult for you. And, for the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam, you must have:
- Firstly, in-depth knowledge of Qlik Sense and its capabilities for designing high-quality apps
- Secondly, experience designing dimensions, measurements, and objects for the master library.
- Lastly, expertise generating visualisations and is knowledgeable about user experience and design best practises.
Preparation Guide for Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam
To prepare for the exam, it is recommended to have a solid understanding of Qlik Sense Business Analyst concepts and skills. You can refer to the official Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification Exam Study Guide and the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification Exam Preparation Course to prepare for the exam. Additionally, you can also take practice exams and quizzes to assess your readiness for the certification exam.
We’ve gone through the exam prerequisites, which provide a list of basic knowledge and expertise that you should have before taking a certification exam. Now is the time to learn about the suggested exam preparation resources, which include training and materials for the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam. Let’s start with Exam Topics to learn about the sections and objectives that were utilized to create the exam questions. This will be useful to have a better review while you study for your exam.

1. Exploring the Exam Topics
The Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam will need you to demonstrate a wide variety of abilities. As a result, you should become familiar with the exam’s topics. The exam subjects, on the other hand, are organized into sub-topics. Knowing what the exam highlights can assist you in determining which skill areas require the most attention. As a consequence, you’ll be able to better organize your study time and ensure that important knowledge is thoroughly assessed before the exam. The following are the topics:
➼ Identify Requirements (24%)
- Describing the process of how Qlik Sense capabilities can assist in analyzing the data.
- Deciding which Qlik products and QSE features/methods are necessary for meeting business needs.
- Translating business needs into technical requirements.
➼ Design Application (32%)
- Organizing the application layout to meet business needs.
- Deciding which visualizations meet business requirements.
- Deciding design elements needed for flexibility, ease of use, and maintenance.
➼ Prepare and Load Data (20%)
- Applying the steps to create the associative data model using the data manager.
- Troubleshooting basic data modeling and data issues.
➼ Develop Application (24%)
- Configuring dashboards and visualizations to illustrate business insights.
- Applying steps to share business insights.
2. Understanding concepts using Qlik Training
To begin with Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification, Qlik provides a range of training options. In-person or virtual instructor-led training is available. Qlik Continuous Classroom is a self-service training platform that features courses that are updated on a regular basis. The program will teach you the fundamentals of utilizing Qlik Sense, as well as the fundamental ideas of the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam. Let’s learn more about these courses to have a better understanding of Qlik Sense’s capabilities and skills.
➼ Create Visualizations with Qlik Sense (Instructor led or Virtual Instructor led):
Create Visualizations with Qlik Sense can be considered as a scenario-based course that uses Qlik Sense for covering the principles of self-service visualization and discovery. The course teaches the basic ideas for developing creative and successful Qlik Sense visualizations and guided storytelling through a combination of demos and hands-on activities. Moreover, you’ll also take a close look at the various visualizations. And choose the best one for your data and the sort of questions you’re trying to answer.
Target Audience:
- Business Analysts
- Data Architects
Skills Learned:
- Creating Qlik Sense dashboards and guided stories for sharing your insights.
- Secondly, looking in depth at the different visualizations available in Qlik Sense. And, understanding the process of selecting suitable visualization/s for answering your data questions.
- Thirdly, executing advanced analysis in a Qlik Sense app.
- Identifying data types and explaining the process of interpreting visualizations.
- Designing and creating visualizations depending on user-centered workflows, for others to use.
- Then, discussing concepts of data visualization and process of implementing them in Qlik Sense.
- Identifying best practices for Qlik Sense visualization design.
- Sharing insights with Qlik Sense guided storytelling.
- Describing how Qlik Sense’s responsive design enables developing multi-screen design.
- Lastly, preparing the apps and sharing them with others.
3. Gaining Hands-On Experience
Before taking the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam, it is highly advised that you have hands-on experience with Qlik Sense in a corporate context. Working through challenges when designing apps and data models, or operating a Qlik Sense site, will provide you with essential skills and expertise.
4. Start taking practice tests
Taking and reviewing Qlik Sense Business Analyst practice examinations might help you keep track of your progress. You may examine what you’ve studied so far and what you still need to learn for the exam by taking the practice test. Additionally, practice exams may assist you in focusing on single-domain courses, which is a smart starting step for better preparation. So, start taking full-length practice examinations once you’ve studied the domain to understand more about your strong and weak areas and to boost your revision abilities.
➼ Some Exam Tips:
Here’s a general guide to preparing for the Qlik Sense Business Analyst Exam:
- Review the Exam Content Outline: Familiarize yourself with the topics that will be in the exam. The exam content outline can be found on the Qlik website or in the exam handbook.
- Study the Qlik Sense Documentation: Review the Qlik Sense documentation, including the online help and user guides, to ensure you understand all of the features and functionality of Qlik Sense.
- Practice using Qlik Sense: Get hands-on experience with Qlik Sense by working through tutorials and creating your own visualizations and reports. This will help you to gain a deeper understanding of the software and how to use it.
- Attend Qlik Training: Consider attending a Qlik training course to learn more about Qlik Sense and to receive instruction from experienced Qlik professionals.
- Network with Other Qlik Users: Connect with other Qlik users, either through online forums or in-person events, to learn from others and to gain additional insights into the software.
- Study Tips and Tricks: Look for tips and tricks from experienced Qlik Sense users to help you work more efficiently and effectively with the software.
Final Words
The Qlik Sense Business Analyst exam is the ideal approach to open doors to stable career options by proving your passion for the profession and expanding your knowledge. However, while preparing for the Qlik Sense Business Analyst test, you will gain a variety of abilities that will assist you in achieving your professional goals more quickly. As a result, in order to improve your preparation, you must concentrate on all of the essential areas. Start studying for the exams step by step, make a study plan, understand test patterns using the resources available above, and take practice tests for thorough revision.