Are you preparing for AWS DevOps Engineer Professional exam? Do you want a detailed preparatory guide and online course to help attain certification? We at Testpreptraining offers a comprehensive study and online courseware to help ease out your preparation journey and acquire your desired certification. AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam is a professional level exam and so it will take more time. Those who aspire to pass this exam need to be focused and manage their time adequately. Besides, you can’t prepare half-heartedly, you need to be dedicated and hardworking. So before you set our foot right, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the exam related details and prerequisites to move forward.
About the Exam
AWS Certified Devops Engineer Professional certification verifies your honored skills of developing, provisioning, operating, and managing applications on the AWS platform. This certification requires candidates to have a proficiency in technical skills to bag the credential. If a candidate has already passed an associate-level exam, it’s easier to opt for this one. Also, it will strengthen your career if you already have a certificate of AWS Developer, AWS Solutions Architect, AWS SysOps Administrator, System Architect, Software Tester, etc. Saying so, this certification will be an ace in your CV. Moreover, it will make you stand at a better level at your workplace.
Recommend Knowledge and Prerequisites
Candidates who wish to appear for exam must comply with the following AWS Certified Devops Engineer Professional certification prerequisites
To start with, you must have an experience of developing code in at least one of the programming languages, building highly automated infrastructures and administering the operating systems.
Besides, you should also possess an understanding of modern development and operations processes and methodologies. Furthermore, 2 or more years of experience in provisioning, operating and managing AWS equilibriums. Finally, candidates are also suggested to be familiar with Linux, Windows operating system and AWS command-line interface.
Exam Details
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer- Professional exam (DOP-C01) has a total of 75 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The duration of the exam is 180 minutes to answer 75 questions. Also, the exam is available in English, Japanese, Korean and Chinese. Further, the cost of the exam is $300 (USD). Fianlly, there are two delivery methods for the exam – test in centres and a proctored online exam.
Exam Name AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Certification | Code DOP-C01 |
Exam Duration 170 Minutes | Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions |
Prerequisites NIL | Number of Questions 80 Questions |
Passing Score 75% | Exam Fee $300 |
Exam Language English, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese | Validity 3 years |
Course Outline
The syllabus is a major part when it comes to the preparation of the AWS DevOps Engineer Professional exam. There are two main reasons as to why you should include the essence of it while studying. Firstly, it saves your time. As it’s a professional level exam, it needs detailed research and a bunch of notes for the study sessions. Secondly, as you note down the important details, you also consciously determine which area of the study needs more attention than the other. You prepare yourself for the lengthy exam and abide by the kind of speed you need to answer those 75 ques 180 mins. It helps you to get yourself in a routine as well.
The AWS DevOps Engineer-Professional course covers the following domains –
Domain 1: SDLC Automation (22%)
1.1 Apply concepts required to automate a CI/CD pipeline
- Set up repositories (AWS Documentation: Create an AWS CodeCommit repository, Create a GitHub repository, Create a repository)
- Set up build services (AWS Documentation: AWS CodeBuild, Create the build project)
- Integrate automated testing (e.g., unit tests, integrity tests) (AWS Documentation: Integrating with automated tests, Performing Unit Testing in an AWS CodeStar Project)
- Set up deployment products/services (AWS Documentation: CodeDeploy, Create a deployment configuration with CodeDeploy, Create a deployment with CodeDeploy)
- Orchestrate multiple pipeline stages (AWS Documentation: Create a four-stage pipeline, Working with stage transitions in CodePipeline)
1.2 Determine source control strategies and how to implement them
- Determine a workflow for integrating code changes from multiple contributors (AWS Documentation: Federated multi-account access for AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline integration with CodeBuild)
- Assess security requirements and recommend code repository access design (AWS Documentation: Security in AWS CodePipeline, Building end-to-end AWS DevSecOps CI/CD pipeline)
- Reconcile running application versions to repository versions (tags) (AWS Documentation: Managing application versions, Publishing a New Version of an Existing Application)
- Differentiate different source control types
1.3 Apply concepts required to automate and integrate testing
- Run integration tests as part of code merge process
- Run load/stress testing and benchmark applications at scale (AWS Documentation: Load testing a web application’s serverless backend, Ensure Optimal Application Performance with Distributed Load Testing on AWS)
- Measure application health based on application exit codes (robust Health Check) (AWS Documentation: Implementing health checks, How to automate capture and analysis of CI/CD metrics)
- Automate unit tests to check pass/fail, code coverage
- CodePipeline, CodeBuild, etc. (AWS Documentation: Code coverage reports, Performing Unit Testing in an AWS CodeStar Project, Test Reports with AWS CodeBuild)
- Integrate tests with pipeline (AWS Documentation: Use AWS CodePipeline with AWS CodeBuild to test code and run builds)
1.4 Apply concepts required to build and manage artifacts securely
- Distinguish storage options based on artifacts security classification (AWS Documentation: Data Classification, Data classification overview)
- Translate application requirements into Operating System and package configuration (build specs) (AWS Documentation: Batch build buildspec reference)
- Determine the code/environment dependencies and required resources
- Example: CodeDeploy AppSpec, CodeBuild buildspec (AWS Documentation: CodeDeploy AppSpec File reference, AppSpec File example, Build specification reference for CodeBuild, Create the buildspec file)
- Run a code build process (AWS Documentation: Create a build project (console), Run a build (console))
1.5 Determine deployment/delivery strategies (e.g., A/B, Blue/green, Canary, Red/black) and how to implement them using AWS services
- Determine the correct delivery strategy based on business needs
- Critique existing deployment strategies and suggest improvements (AWS Documentation: Monitor and verify the deployment, Use the CodeDeploy agent)
- Recommend DNS/routing strategies (e.g., Route 53, ELB, ALB, load balancer) based on business continuity goals (AWS Documentation: Choosing a routing policy, Routing traffic to an ELB load balancer, Using AWS Application Load Balancer path-based routing)
- Verify deployment success/failure and automate rollbacks (AWS Documentation: Automating rollback of failed Amazon ECS deployments)
Domain 2: Configuration Management and Infrastructure as Code (19%)
2.1 Determine deployment services based on deployment needs
- Demonstrate knowledge of process flows of deployment models
- Given a specific deployment model, classify and implement relevant AWS services to meet requirements
- Given the requirement to have DynamoDB choose CloudFormation instead of Op Works (AWS Documentation: Amazon DynamoDB template snippets, AWS::DynamoDB::Table)
- Determine what to do with rolling updates (AWS Documentation: Rolling update)
2.2 Determine application and infrastructure deployment models based on business needs
- Balance different considerations (cost, availability, time to recovery) based on business requirements to choose the best deployment model (AWS Documentation: Cost Considerations for Global Deployments)
- Determine a deployment model given specific AWS services
- Analyze risks associated with deployment models and relevant remedies (AWS Documentation: Mitigate Deployment Risks)
2.3 Apply security concepts in the automation of resource provisioning
- Choose the best automation tool given requirements (AWS Documentation: Automate account creation, and resource provisioning, Enabling self-service provisioning of AWS resources)
- Demonstrate knowledge of security best practices for resource provisioning (e.g., encrypting data bags, generating credentials on the fly) (AWS Documentation: Temporary security credentials in IAM)
- Review IAM policies and assess if sufficient but least privilege is granted for all lifecycle stages of a deployment (e.g., create, update, promote) (AWS Documentation: Techniques for writing least privilege IAM policies, Approaching Least Privilege)
- Review credential management solutions (e.g., EC2 parameter store, third party) (AWS Documentation: AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, Right Way to Store Secrets using Parameter Store, AWS Secrets Manager)
- Build the automation
- CloudFormation template, Chef Recipe, Cookbooks, Code pipeline, etc. (AWS Documentation: Using AWS Systems Manager Automation and AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudFormation Templates)
2.4 Determine how to implement lifecycle hooks on a deployment
- Determine appropriate integration techniques to meet project requirements (AWS Documentation: Application Integration on AWS, Application integration patterns for microservices)
- Choose the appropriate hook solution (e.g., implement leader node selection after a node failure) in an Auto Scaling group (AWS Documentation: Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks, Add lifecycle hooks, Using AWS Lambda with Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks)
- Evaluate hook implementation for failure impacts (if a remote call fails, if a dependent service is temporarily unavailable (i.e., Amazon S3), and recommend resiliency improvements (AWS Documentation: Resilience in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks)
- Evaluate deployment rollout procedures for failure impacts and evaluate rollback/recovery processes (AWS Documentation: Automating rollback of failed Amazon ECS deployments, Redeploy and roll back a deployment with CodeDeploy)
2.5 Apply concepts required to manage systems using AWS configuration management tools and services
- Identify pros and cons of AWS configuration management tools
- Demonstrate knowledge of configuration management components (AWS Documentation: Components of a Configuration Item)
- Show the ability to run configuration management services end to end with no assistance while adhering to industry best practices (AWS Documentation: Best practices to prepare your Amazon WorkSpaces for Linux images, AWS Config best practices, Security Best Practices for AWS Config)
Domain 3: Monitoring and Logging (15%)
3.1 Determine how to set up the aggregation, storage, and analysis of logs and metrics
- Implement and configure distributed logs collection and processing (e.g., agents, syslog, flumed, CW agent) (AWS Documentation: Centralized Logging on AWS, Collect, analyze, and display Amazon CloudWatch Logs, Collect metrics and logs from Amazon EC2 instances)
- Aggregate logs (e.g., Amazon S3, CW Logs, intermediate systems (EMR), Kinesis FH – Transformation, ELK/BI) (AWS Documentation: Aggregating logs with S3 Same-Region Replication, Building a scalable log solution aggregator)
- Implement custom CW metrics, Log subscription filters (AWS Documentation: Creating custom CloudWatch metrics and alarms, Using custom Amazon CloudWatch metrics, Create a subscription filter, Using CloudWatch Logs subscription filters)
- Manage Log storage lifecycle (e.g., CW to S3, S3 lifecycle, S3 events) (AWS Documentation: Managing your storage lifecycle, Lifecycle and other bucket configurations)
3.2 Apply concepts required to automate monitoring and event management of an environment
- Parse logs (e.g., Amazon S3 data events/event logs/ELB/ALB/CF access logs) and correlate with other alarms/events (e.g., CW events to AWS Lambda) and take appropriate action (AWS Documentation: Parsing logs and structured logging, Parsing Log Strings Based on Regular Expressions, Analyzing log data with CloudWatch Logs Insights)
- Use CloudTrail/VPC flow logs for detective control (e.g., CT, CW log filters, Athena, NACL or WAF rules) and take dependent actions (AWS step) based on error handling logic (state machine) (AWS Documentation: Investigate VPC flow with Amazon Detective, Logging Amazon Detective API calls with AWS CloudTrail, Logging and monitoring in AWS WAF, Error handling in Step Functions)
- Configure and implement Patch/inventory/state management using ESM (SSM), Inspector, CodeDeploy, OpsWorks, and CW agents (AWS Documentation: Configuring inventory collection, AWS Systems Manager Inventory)
- EC2 retirement/maintenance (AWS Documentation: Instance retirement)
- Handle scaling/failover events (e.g., ASG, DB HA, route table/DNS update, Application Config, Auto Recovery, PH dashboard, TA) (AWS Documentation: Use EventBridge to handle Auto Scaling events, AWS Health Dashboard notifications for Application Auto Scaling, Amazon SNS notifications)
- Determine how to automate the creation of monitoring (AWS Documentation: Automated and manual monitoring, Monitoring tools)
3.3 Apply concepts required to audit, log, and monitor operating systems, infrastructures, and applications
- Monitor end to end service metrics (DDB/S3) using available AWS tools (X-ray with EB and Lambda) (AWS Documentation: Tracing Amazon S3 requests using AWS X-Ray, Using AWS Lambda with AWS X-Ray)
- Verify environment/OS state through auditing (Inspector), Config rules, CloudTrail (process and action), and AWS APIs (AWS Documentation: Working with Amazon Inspector Classic agents, Evaluating Resources with AWS Config Rules, Logging Step Functions Using AWS CloudTrail)
- Enable, configure, and analyze custom metrics (e.g., Application metrics, memory, KCL/KPL) and take action (AWS Documentation: How to better monitor your custom application metrics, Creating custom CloudWatch metrics and alarms, Monitoring the Kinesis Client Library, Monitoring the Kinesis Producer Library)
- Ensure container monitoring (e.g., task state, placement, logging, port mapping, LB) (AWS Documentation: Amazon ECS task placement, PortMapping, Logging and Monitoring in Amazon Elastic Container Service)
- Distinguish between services that enable service level or OS level monitoring
- Example: AWS services that use OS agents (e.g., Inspector, SSM) (AWS Documentation: Amazon Inspector Classic agents, Working with Amazon Inspector Classic agents, Working with SSM Agent)
3.4 Determine how to implement tagging and other metadata strategies
- Segregate authority based on tagging (lifecycle stages – dev/prod) with Condition context keys (AWS Documentation: AWS global condition context keys, Securing resource tags used for authorization)
- Utilize Amazon S3 system/user-defined metadata for classification and automation (AWS Documentation: Working with object metadata, Get started with automated metadata extraction)
- Design and implement tag-based deployment groups with CodeDeploy (AWS Documentation: Tagging instances for deployment groups in CodeDeploy, Working with deployment groups in CodeDeploy)
- Best practice for cost allocation/optimization with tagging (AWS Documentation: Using Cost Allocation Tags)
Domain 4: Policies and Standards Automation (10%)
4.1 Apply concepts required to enforce standards for logging, metrics, monitoring, testing, and security
- Detect, report, and respond to governance and security violations (AWS Documentation: How to Audit Your AWS Resources for Security Compliance, How to Detect and Mitigate Guardrail Violation with AWS Control Tower)
- Apply logging standards across application, operating system, and infrastructure (AWS Documentation: Know your operating system logs)
- Apply context specific application health and performance monitoring (AWS Documentation: How to Use Amazon CloudWatch Events to Monitor Application Health
- Outline standards for delivery models for logs and metrics (e.g., JSON, XML, Data Normalization) (AWS Documentation: JSON format)
4.2 Determine how to optimize cost through automation
- Prioritize automation effort to reduce labor costs (AWS Documentation: Automate Running Tasks)
- Implement right sizing of workload based on metrics (AWS Documentation: Identifying Opportunities to Right Size, Tips for Right Sizing)
- Assess ways to improve time to market through automating process orchestration and repeatable tasks
- Diagnose outliers to determine use case fit (AWS Documentation: Detect outliers and use dedicated transforms)
- Example: Configuration drift (AWS Documentation: Implement automatic drift remediation for AWS CloudFormation, Detecting unmanaged configuration changes to stacks and resources)
- Measure and automate cost optimization through events
- Example: Trusted Advisor (AWS Documentation: optimize costs using AWS Trusted Advisor)
4.3 Apply concepts required to implement governance strategies
- Generalize governance standards across CI/CD pipeline (AWS Documentation: Cloud governance and compliance on AWS with policy as code, Building end-to-end AWS DevSecOps CI/CD pipeline)
- Outline and measure the real-time status of compliance with governance strategies (AWS Documentation: Governance in the AWS Cloud, Real-Time Insights on AWS Account Activity, Cloud governance and compliance on AWS with policy as code)
- Report on compliance with governance strategies (AWS Documentation: Governance in the Cloud and in the Digital Age)
- Deploy governance policies related to self-service capabilities (AWS Documentation: Deploy Enterprise Proof-of-Concept with prooV and AWS Service Catalog)
- Example: Service Catalog, CFN Nag
Domain 5: Incident and Event Response (18%)
5.1 Troubleshoot issues and determine how to restore operations
- Given an issue, evaluate how to narrow down the unhealthy components as quickly as possible (AWS Documentation: Configure health checks for your Classic Load Balancer, Health checks for Auto Scaling instances)
- Given an increase in load, determine what steps to take to mitigate the impact (AWS Documentation: How Elastic Load Balancing works)
- Determine the causes and impacts of a failure
- Example: Deployment, operations
- Determine the best way to restore operations after a failure occurs (AWS Documentation: Recover your instance, Failure Management)
- Investigate and correlate logged events with application components
- Example: application source code
5.2 Determine how to automate event management and alerting
- Set up automated restores from backup in the event of a catastrophic failure (AWS Documentation: Disaster recovery options in the cloud)
- Set up methods to deliver alerts and notifications that are appropriate for different types of events (AWS Documentation: Enabling and configuring event notifications, Amazon S3 Event Notifications)
- Assess the quality/actionability of alerts (AWS Documentation: Using Amazon CloudWatch alarms)
- Configure metrics appropriate to an application’s SLAs
- Proactively update limits
5.3 Apply concepts required to implement automated healing
- Set up the correct scaling strategy to enable auto-healing when a failure occurs (e.g., with Auto Scaling policies) (AWS Documentation: Health checks for Auto Scaling instances)
- Use the correct rollback strategy to avoid impact from failed deployments (AWS Documentation: Redeploy and roll back a deployment with CodeDeploy)
- Configure Route 53 to ensure cross-Region failover (AWS Documentation: Configuring DNS failover)
- Detect and respond to maintenance or Spot termination events (AWS Documentation: Spot Instance interruptions)
5.4 Apply concepts required to set up event-driven automated actions
- Configure Lambda functions or CloudWatch actions to implement automated actions (AWS Documentation: Schedule AWS Lambda Functions Using CloudWatch Events)
- Set up CloudWatch event rules and/or Config rules and targets (AWS Documentation: Creating a CloudWatch Events Rule That Triggers on an Event)
- Use AWS Systems Manager or Step Functions to coordinate components (e.g., Lambda, use maintenance windows) (AWS Documentation: AWS Systems Manager Maintenance Windows)
- Configure a build/roll-out process to automatically respond to critical software updates (AWS Documentation: AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager)
Domain 6: High Availability, Fault Tolerance, and Disaster Recovery (16%)
6.1 Determine appropriate use of multi-AZ versus multi-Region architectures
- Determine deployment strategy based on HA/DR requirements
- Determine data replication strategy based on cost and durability requirements (AWS Documentation: Plan for Disaster Recovery (DR))
- Determine infrastructure, platform, and services based on HA/DR requirements (AWS Documentation: Disaster recovery options in the cloud)
- Design for HA/FT/DR based on service availability (i.e., global/regional/single AZ) (AWS Documentation: Designed-For Availability for Select AWS Services, Multi-AZ deployments for high availability)
6.2 Determine how to implement high availability, scalability, and fault tolerance
- Design deployment strategy to support HA/FT/scalability (AWS Documentation: High availability and scalability on AWS)
- Assess statefulness of application infrastructure components (AWS Documentation: Detailed application assessment)
- Use load balancing to distribute traffic across multiple AZ/ASGs/instance types (spot/M4 vs C4) /targets (AWS Documentation: Use Elastic Load Balancing to distribute traffic)
- Use appropriate caching solutions to improve availability and performance
6.3 Determine the right services based on business needs (e.g., RTO/RPO, cost)
- Determine cost-effective storage solution for your application
- Example: tiered, archival, EBS type, hot/cold
- Choose a database platform and configuration to meet business requirements (AWS Documentation: How to Choose the Right Database)
- Choose a cost-effective compute platform based on business requirements
- Example: Spot
- Choose a deployment service/model based on business requirements (AWS Documentation: Deployment Strategies)
- Example: Code Deploy, Blue/Green deployment
- Determine when to use managed service vs. self-managed infrastructure (Docker on EC2 vs. ECS) (AWS Documentation: Amazon Elastic Container Service FAQs)
6.4 Determine how to design and automate disaster recovery strategies
- Automate failure detection (AWS Documentation: Failure Management)
- Automate components/environment recovery
- Choose appropriate deployment strategy for environment recovery (AWS Documentation: Disaster recovery options in the cloud)
- Design automation to support failover in hybrid environment
6.5 Evaluate a deployment for points of failure
- Determine appropriate deployment-specific health checks (AWS Documentation: Implementing health checks, Health checks for your target groups)
- Implement failure detection during deployment (AWS Documentation: Failure Management)
- Implement failure event handling/response (AWS Documentation: Responding to Events)
- Ensure that resources/components/processes exist to react to failures during deployment (AWS Documentation: Troubleshoot EC2/On-Premises deployment issues)
- Look for exit codes on each event of the deployment (AWS Documentation: Error codes for AWS CodeDeploy)
- Map errors to different points of deployment (AWS Documentation: Generating custom error responses)
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Online Course Details
In order to prepare for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam (DOP-C01), you must not hesitate to enroll yourself in the online training course. Several online courses are available on Microsoft’s website. Besides, Testpreptraining also offers the AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Online Course that will help you prepare for all related concepts with confidence. The main objective of these courses is to make sure that you are ready for the exam. It’s one of the most crucial and beneficial steps to be taken before an exam while preparing for it.

The AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Online Course makes sure that candidates know how to implement and manage continuous delivery systems and methodologies, automate security controls, governance processes, and compliance validation in the AWS environment. Also, the best thing about it is that candidates are provided content with life-time access which includes self-paced video training and sample questions for practice. Also, a professional level exam needs more attention for the preparations to be up to mark. Though the knowledge acquired through entry-level and associate level exams by a candidate is certainly going to be beneficial while preparing for a professional level exam. But you can add some extra fuel by also opting for an online course. Our online course is proven to be the best resource for sample questions, practices, and final exam preparation.
Saying so, we highly recommend you to go for the AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Online Course, if you wish to expand your career as an AWS certified professional. Let’s dig deeper by understanding the key features and course coverage of this online course.
Key Features
Let us have a quick overview of the service we offer with the AWS DevOps Engineer Professional online course –
- 9 hours + Learning Videos for all Course Objectives (100% Course Covered)
- 52 + videos with elaborated Scenarios Overview
- Latest Updated content
- Unlimited Lifetime access
With this, we’ve briefed you with the basic perks offered by our online course. Now let’s analyze the more technical section of this online course, ie., the course outline. Taking this online course, we help you grab a firm command of the fields you require expertise in order to successfully execute your job as an AWS DevOps Engineer Professional.
Course Modules
The AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Online Course covers the below-mentioned topics –
Topic 1 – Getting Started to Domain 1 (7)
- Firstly, The Course Overview
- Secondly, Introduction to Domain 1
- DevOps Mindset
- Also, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
- Version Control
- Bootstrapping and Building Images
- Finally, Understanding Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
Topic 2 – Mastering Infrastructure as Code (12)
- Firstly, Understanding the Infrastructure as Code Approach (IAC) – Part 1
- Secondly, Understanding the Infrastructure as Code Approach (IAC) – Part 2
- Implementing CloudFormation – Part 1
- Implementing CloudFormation – Part 2
- CloudFormation – Deletion Policies
- CloudFormation: Intrinsic Functions –Part 1
- Also, CloudFormation: Intrinsic Functions – Part 2
- CloudFormation –Parameters
- Nested Templates
- Wait Condition – Part 1
- Wait Condition – Part 2
- Custom Resources
- Domain 1 – AWS Elastic Beanstalk (8)
- Overview of AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Exploring Elastic Beanstalk Features
- Elastic Beanstalk Extensions
- Blue-Green Deployment Model
- Docker
- Docker and Elastic Beanstalk
- Elastic Beanstalk CLI
- Finally, Elastic Beanstalk Web versus Worker Environments
Topic 3 – Work with AWS OpsWorks (5)
- Firstly, Introduction to AWS OpsWorks
- Secondly, OpsWorks – Lifecycle Events
- OpsWorks – Create Command Deployments
- Also, OpsWorks – Auto-Healing Capabilities
- Finally, Data Bags
Topic 4 – Getting Started with Domain 2 (3)
- Firstly, The Course Overview
- Introduction to Domain 2
- Finally, Log Management and Challenges
Topic 5 – Getting Started with CloudWatch (9)
- Firstly, an Overview of AWS CloudWatch
- Secondly, Basic versus Detailed Monitoring
- Metrics and Namespaces
- Custom Metrics
- Also, Monitor Additional EC2 Statistics
- Understanding CloudWatch Logs
- Pushing Logs to CloudWatch
- IAM and CloudWatch Log Group
- Finally, Search and Metric Filters
Topic 6 – CloudTrail (8)
- Firstly, Understanding CloudTrail
- Secondly, Integrating CloudTrail with CloudWatch
- CloudTrail Metric Filters – Part 1
- CloudTrail Metric Filters – Part 2
- Also, CloudWatch Alarms
- Simple Notification Service
- Post-Alarm Functionality
- Finally, CloudWatch Events
Online Course Benefits
At Testpreptraining, we offer several practice tests along with the AWS DevOps Engineer Professional online course. Our main objective is to provide you with suitable resources for your exam preparation, thus helping you in attaining the certification in the very first attempt. Through our online course, we offer training by subject experts to help you gain hands-on expertise. Above all, here are some of the benefits we offer, along with the online course –
- Most importantly, our AWS DevOps Engineer Professional online course aims at covering the entire syllabus of the exam, thereby enabling you to gain proficiency in various testing fields of the exam. Moreover, we keep our course updated with the regular changes that occur in the official AWS course domains.
- Besides, full course coverage, we also offer detailed video training lectures to provide you knowledge of the various practical aspects of the exam. The main objective of our video lectures is to provide fast-paced learning at your convenience.
- Last but not the least, our training course shall be available for lifetime access, and warranty. Our team of experts keep an eye on the latest AWS updates, and accordingly update our course material, to keep you up-to-date with the exam objectives.
Finally, you have now covered every single perk offered by the AWS DevOps Engineer Professional online course. Now, after completing the course, you’ll surely want to test your skills and check whether you have thoroughly aligned yourself with the exam expectations. For this purpose, we have assembled below, the most-suitable preparation resources to help you master your skills.
Preparation Resources for the AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Exam
Let’s begin with the available preparation resources that’ll help you pass the exam, and attain your certification in the very first attempt with the AWS Certified Devops Engineer Professional study guide.
Recommended AWS Books
AWS Certified Devops Engineer Professional Books have always been best and the more preferred source of preparation throughout. Be it a small scale, or a large scale exam, the importance of going through the books, is not unknown. Below, we have listed some highly recommended books for your preparation.
- AWS Automation Cookbook by Nikit Swaraj
- Continuous Delivery and DevOps – Quickstart by Paul Swartout
- Implementing DevOps on AWS by Veselin kantsev
- Effective DevOps with AWS by Nathanial Felson
Online Tutorial
TestprepTraining also offers the AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Exam Online Tutorials, to enhance your knowledge and hence gain a stronger command of the skills you’ll be tested in. The online tutorial encompasses a well-elaborated preparation guide and other study resources that are a must to refer to if you aspire to attain the AWS certification in the first go.
AWS Whitepapers
AWS team offers several whitepapers, in order to enhance your technical knowledge. These whitepapers are produced exclusively by the AWS team, analysts, and other AWS partners.
Here is a list of some highly recommended AWS Certified Devops Engineer Professional whitepapers by AWS
- Firstly, Architecting for the Cloud: AWS Best Practices
- Secondly, AWS Security Best Practices
- Amazon Web Services: Overview of Security Processes
- AWS Well-Architected Framework
- Also, Development and Test on AWS
- Then, Backup and Recovery Approaches Using AWS
- Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Connectivity Options
- Finally, How AWS Pricing Works
AWS team also provides many FAQs, to help you familiarize yourself with the common queries of other candidates, and professionals. Here is a list of some FAQs by AWSF
- Firstly, Amazon EC2
- Secondly, Amazon S3
- Amazon VPC
- Also, Amazon Route 53
- Amazon RDS
- Finally, Amazon SQS
Online Forums
Clearing the doubts will help in boosting self-confidence and will also let you see into your weak parts. The online discussion will help to identify the parts where more preparation is needed and parts that are fully prepared.
Practice Tests
Finally, it time for AWS Certified Devops Engineer Professional practice exams. Training the brain is very essential. Practice papers give that simulation in which the brain needs to get used to the actual exam. The more answers you get right in a practice paper, the more confident you’ll feel for the examination. Also, you will know exactly how much time and effort needs to be invested in a different section of the question paper. Your brain will get trained to be at its highest potential for the duration of the exam.
The elevated demand for AWS experts is never going to stop, at least for another 3 decades as Amazon is in control of a major share in the market when it comes to cloud computing assistance and services. For the same reason, it’s more likely for candidates to earn good revenues, on average, professionals witnessed a boost of 25% of their incomes. This certification exam confirms the candidates’ abilities to design, managing tools in automation processes and implementing a secure, strong, and credible system on AWS. It’s one of the most considerable certifications that one can opt for.