Top programming languages to learn in 2019

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programming languages

In the technologically advancing world understanding the fundamentals of programming would become necessary to many professions. In the IT sphere software development is the largest domain of production and programming languages are the foundation of this domain. For the uninitiated, the list of programming languages discussed here are the ideal for learning and developing an interest in the field. Also those with a grasp on a particular language can identify the evolving, interrelated and useful programming language to add to their existing skill set. Mastering some of the most demanded languages listed here can give an immediate boost to your career.

1. JavaScript

JavaScript is the most popular, commonplace and a rather conventional programming language for all programmers. It is an object-oriented language that is deployed in front to end development and in the recent account back to end development as well. JavaScript is being brought to use in the Internet of Things (IoT) technology and game development. Due to its accessible UI, it is ideal for beginners. JavaScript besides the otherwise conventional HTML and CSS is useful in web tool technology. Due to its complaint and accepting syntax JavaScript is used for major websites like Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

2. Python

Python has become an essential language for programmers with the advancements in AI, ML, Automation & Analytics. Python is most useful in software development, science and numeric purposes, ERP processes, game development, and data analytics. With the increased prioritization of automation, Python has gained immense demand. The development frameworks Django, Turbo Gear and Pyramid are python based.

3. Java

Java is and object-oriented programming language that deploys automatic memory allocation and garbage collection that makes it in effect easier to understand than C++. The language is compatible to be written on any possible device and in turn platform independent. The language can compile into low-level machine code that makes it flexible to be used on any device, so long as it is executed by JVM which is and acronym for Java Virtual Machine. JVM in itself however is platform dependent. Java is fundamental to the Android Operating system and accounts for various back end applications. The language is most useful for beginners due to its flexibility and business applications in abundance.

4. PHP

Hypertext preprocessors is a general purpose language. It is the most basic of programming languages that are used in creating web pages that are basically written in HTML. The language due to it’s easy to use, easy to set up and free and cheap particularity is most common amongst beginners. PHP has been widely used for web developments best example lies in WordPress CMS (Content Management System) which itself accounts for thousands of websites. Its wide range usage is a factor that insists upon its significance however the websites on PHP downgrade in their performance due to it and take more loading time.

5. Swift

The programming language Swift was developed by Apple Inc. The language is open source, general purpose, compiled and influenced by Ruby and Python. The language was developed with for programming beginners in mind. Unlike Object C the language is faster, more secure and simpler to comprehend. The language has simpler codes, resonance with general English and quick to adapt to. The flexibility of the language makes it an acceptable choice for the existing JavaScript, Python, C or C++ programmers to grasp.

6. C#

C# is an extremely useful language for programmers. It can be used for developing Mac apps, Android and iOS apps, and Linux apps. The language is a gateway to many development platforms. The language due to its flexible and tangible usage is widely popular. However, it is also evolving with technological changes and necessities. C# is overall easy because the code is consistent and checked before it is turned into an application. The language is similar to Java and should this language be your choice for learning it would, in turn, imply that you might as well have grasped Java.

7. Ruby

Ruby was a rather dynamic and open source programming language which was initially developed with the purpose to make programming as a field more engaging, simplified and inclusive for programmers. The language involves fewer rules and dynamically written codes that resemble the English language as well. However, this flexibility makes it slow and it lacks consistency. The Ruby on Rails web framework is the best example of the language.

8. Objective C

This is a programming language that is exclusive to Apple. The language is object-oriented and used in the development of OS X and iOS operating systems an Apple’s application programming interface (APIs). Object C is considered a hybrid C due to the features it primarily incorporates in C.

9. SQL

The Structured Query Language is most efficiently used by companies to operate database.SQL maintains the security of the data. It helps in retrieving, manipulating and storing data in a relational database. It is necessary to learn SQL for the better comprehension of Data Explorations. The language is a must for those in Database Management.

10. R

R language is one of the most valuable languages for Data analysis and machine learning purposes. Due to the extensive framework and built in libraries for machine learning algorithms the language is suited most for GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows. It is also an open source language. It has uses with regard to computing statistics and general graphics and has increasingly been undertaken by enterprises. The language is particularly of use for those inclined to analytics. The language is cross platform which makes it adept for use on different operating systems.

11. C/C++

The most fundamental of all programming languages. C/C++ are used in the building of all low-level systems like Operating System, System files etc. Due to its pace and stability, the language finds use amongst competitor programmers. C/C++ offers Standard Template Libraries which contains various data structures, arithmetic operations, and algorithms. It is due to these factors that C/C++ is considered by the high-frequency trading community.

12. Go

Go also referred to as Golang is a Google-based programming language and is most commonly used by startups due to their dependence upon distributed systems. It has a syntactical resemblance to C, however, it also involves memory safety, structural typing an garbage collection.

13. Rust

Rust is among new programming languages that is revolutionizing programming as a field. The system level programming language operates as a low-level language that is primarily focused to rework minor memory errors and interruptions like buffer overflow, dangling pointers, and others. Due to this performance critical code of the language, it is popular amongst programmers. However for beginners particularly the language can be rather daunting to grasp at first due to its insistence on picking memory safety by numerous rules.

14. Kotlin

Kotlin is an inter operable with Java and is favoured by most programmers. Its uses coincide with that of Java like server side development, Android Applications etc. Kotlin became the official language for Android and has been in use with the major Java Libraries. Due  to its native Android support the language is easier to grasp than Java.

15. TypeScript

TypeScript as a programming language was particularly developed for JavaScript applications. It eventually became essential to the core JavaScript framework. It has also been used by Google in Angular. The language has been in the power back end development, architect cloud solutions, design neural networks,

16. F#

F# programming language incorporates functional, imperative and object oriented programming. The language is capable of generating Java and GPU code. It is open source and cross platform Common Language Infrastructure. Being influenced by C#, Python, Scala and others the language lies in the realm of Machine Learning Languages.

17. Scala

Another general purpose programming language that entails its source code to be compiled to Java which can eventually be executed on Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The language is object oriented and supports functional programming. Due to its Java compatibility the language is suited for Android developments. However Scala in contrast to Java has syntactic flexibility.

18. Groovy

Groovy is an optionally typed, dynamic programming language that entails static typing along with static compilation. The language is particularly aimed for Java platforms for enhancing the productivity of the developer. Due to its easy to learn and rather concise syntax the language is immediate to integrate with any Java programme.
