Exam MB-910: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM): FAQs

Microsoft MB-910 Exam Basic FAQ
What is the knowledge required for the Microsoft MB-910 Exam?
For Exam MB-910: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM),
- Firstly, candidates must have general knowledge and relevant working experience in an Information Technology (IT) environment.
- Secondly, they should have a basic understanding of customer engagement principles and business operations.
How many questions are there on Microsoft MB-910 Exam?
In Microsoft MB-910 Exam there will be 40-60 questions.
What is the course outline for Microsoft MB-910 Exam?
The topics in Microsoft MB-910 Exam are –
- Firstly, describe Dynamics 365 Marketing
- Secondly, describe Dynamics 365 Sales
- Thirdly, describe Dynamics 365 Customer Service
- Fourthly, Describe Dynamics 365 Field Service
- Then, Describe Project Operations
- Lastly, Describe shared features
How much the Microsoft MB-910 Exam will cost?
The Microsoft MB-910 Exam will cost $99 USD with additional taxes.
What is the exam reschedule or cancellation policy?
If you want to cancel or reschedule the exam, then you are required to do it at least 6 days prior to your appointment. In case you failed to do it 24 hours prior to the exam then it may result in loss of the entire fee.
In what language can we give the Microsoft MB-910 Exam?
This exam is available in English language.
How to prepare for the Microsoft exam?
To prepare for an exam the best way is to practice the skills for the exam. Get hands-on experience with the Dynamics 365 concepts to successfully pass the Microsoft MB-910 Certification exam. However, there are associated online courses, and instructor-led courses are intended to train the skills needed to be successful in the job role, a subset of which will be assessed on the exam. To start preparing, review the “Skills measured” section of the Exam Details page and evaluate your skills against what is being assessed on the exam. Practice until you no longer experience those challenges.
What accommodations are available for candidates with disability?
Microsoft is ensures that exams are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.
Microsoft MB-910 Exam Specifics FAQ
What types of questions are there on the Microsoft Certification exams?
Microsoft introduces innovative testing technologies and question types, so, they do not provide for the specific item types that will appear on a given exam.
Why there is use if case study exam format?
The case study exam format uses complex scenarios that more accurately simulate what professionals do on the job. However, scenario-based questions included in the case studies are designed to test your ability to identify the critical information needed to solve a problem and then analyze and synthesize it to make decisions.
Can we review the questions after completion of case study?
Yes, you may review the questions in a case study only after moving to the next case or section of the exam. After completing a case study and its associated questions, a review screen will appear.
How do we know if an exam has been updated when a new feature or function is added?
Microsoft reviews its exams every two months. However, any changes that affect the objective domain and the existing questions are incorporated into the exam. Moreover, inaccurate questions are removed from the exam and some items are modified with addition of new items. Microsoft has the right to update content to maintain the validity and relevance of certifications.
What is a short answer question in the Microsoft exam?
In the short answer question type there are questions that are solved by writing several lines of code in the available text-entry area. There you can choose from keyword options that you can use in the code you write. However, after entering your code, you can check your syntax.
How many points are given for short answer questions?
The short answer questions are worth one point. However, if the question is worth more than one point, it is indicated as the number of points that it is worth in the question itself.
Is there any negative marking for wrong answer?
No, there is no penalty for answering incorrectly. As, for single-point items, you need to answer completely and correctly to be awarded the point. And, you don’t earn points for the parts of your response that are incorrect.
Can I review all of my answers before leaving a section or completing the exam?
Yes, you can review your answers to most questions. However, there are yes/no questions that describe a problem and a possible solution. And, you will not be able to review these questions answers. In addition, after you move to the next question in this set, you are not able to change your answer. These questions are preceded by an overview screen that provides this information, and each question includes a reminder that you cannot return to the question or change your answer after leaving it.
Microsoft Exam Scoring and Results FAQ
When and how will I get my exam results?
You will receive notification of your pass or fail status within a few minutes of completing your exam. In addition, you will receive a printed report that provides your exam score and feedback on your performance on the skill areas measured.
How do the score report look like?
The score report provides a numeric score for overall exam performance, pass/fail status, a bar chart showing performance on each skill area assessed on the exam, and details on how to interpret your results and next steps. Using this information, candidates can determine areas of strength and weakness.
Does the score report show a numerical score for each section?
The score reports do not show a numerical score for each section. The score reports provide an overall numerical score to reflect the pass/fail status only. As an alternative to providing a numerical score for each section, we provide score bars to show subject areas of strength and weakness.
How are exam scores calculated?
After you complete your exam, the points you earned on each question are summed and then compared with the cut score to determine whether the result is pass or fail.
If I receive the same score every time I retake the same exam, does this imply an error in the results computation?
No. Receiving the same score on multiple attempts does not indicate that the program computing the results is in error. It is not uncommon for candidates to obtain similar or identical scores on multiple attempts of an exam. This consistent result demonstrates the reliability of the exam in evaluating skills in this content domain. If this happens on multiple attempts, you may want to reconsider how you’re preparing for the exam and seek other opportunities to learn and practice the skills measured by the exam.
I passed my first Microsoft Certification exam (at Pearson VUE). Now what do I do?
Congratulations! To explore next steps and available benefits, see your benefits and exams dashboard. Sign in using the same Microsoft account you used to register for your exam.
If I do not pass, what can I do?
Prioritize the skills that you should practice by focusing on the content areas where your exam performance was the weakest and in the content areas that have the highest percentage of questions. Additionally, you may want to review the resources provided on the exam details page, and our Study Groups, which can be found at the bottom of the individual exam details page. When you are ready to retake the exam, schedule an appointment as you normally would. Note that you must pay for each exam you retake and follow Microsoft’s retake policy.
If I do not pass an exam, can I have a refund?
No. Microsoft does not offer refunds for exams you do not pass or exam appointments you miss.