
Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam Format

The Tableau Desktop Specialist exam is a certification exam that tests the knowledge and skills of individuals in using Tableau Desktop to analyze and visualize data. The exam measures proficiency…
aws cloudshell

An introduction to AWS CloudShell Service

AWS CloudShell refers to a browser-based shell that can be accessed from the AWS Management Console. This helps in securely managing and interacting with your AWS resources. But, there is…
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

What is Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)?

With the growing technology and services, organizations are finding ways to manage and scale their services, systems, and applications. In order to help these organizations, AWS provides a Simple Queue…
Elastic Load Balancing

What is Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)?

Most organizations now require the service of managing and increasing the availability, scalability, and fault tolerance of applications. To find the best solution for this, AWS provides the Elastic Load…