Understanding Migration and Assessing VMware VMS

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In this tutorial, we will learn and understand about assessing Vmware with server assessment and on-premises databases by using the Data Migration Assistant. Moreover, we will learn about migration for the sample schema by using the Data Migration Assistant and more.

Assessing on-premises database

Before migration of data from a SQL Server instance to a single database or pooled database in Azure SQL Database, you need to assess the SQL Server database for any blocking issues. For this there are steps given below:

  • Firstly, in the Data Migration Assistant, select the New (+) icon, and then select the Assessment project type.
  • Then, specify a project name, in the Source server type text box, select SQL Server, in the Target server type text box, select Azure SQL Database, and then select Create to create the project.
  • However, when you’re assessing the source SQL Server database migrating to a single database or pooled database in Azure SQL Database, you can choose one or both of the following assessment report types like Check database compatibility and Check feature parity.
  • After that, in the Data Migration Assistant, on the Options screen, select Next.
  • Then, on the Select sources screen, in the Connect to a server dialog box, provide the connection details to your SQL Server, and then select Connect.
  • Lastly, in the Add sources dialog box, select AdventureWorks2012, select Add and then select Start Assessment.

Migrating the sample schema

After you’re comfortable with the assessment and getting satisfaction with the selected database use DMA for migrating the schema to Azure SQL Database.

However, to migrate the AdventureWorks2012 schema to a single database or pooled database Azure SQL Database, perform the following steps:

  • Firstly, in the Data Migration Assistant, select the New (+) icon, and then under Project type, select Migration.
  • Then, specify a project name, in the Source server type text box, select SQL Server, and then in the Target server type text box, select Azure SQL Database.
  • Under Migration Scope, select Schema only.
  • After that, Select Create to create the project.
  • Fifthly, in the Data Migration Assistant, specify the source connection details for your SQL Server, select Connect, and then select the AdventureWorks2012 database.
  • Then, select Next, under Connect to the target server, specify the target connection details for the Azure SQL Database, select Connect. And select the AdventureWorksAzure database you had pre-provisioned in Azure SQL Database.
  • After that, select Next for advancing to the Select objects screen, where you specify the schema objects in the AdventureWorks2012 database.
  • Then, select Generate SQL script to create the SQL scripts, and then review the scripts for any errors.
  • Lastly, select Deploy schema to deploy the schema to Azure SQL Database. And then after the schema deployment, check the target server for any anomalies.
AZ-304 Practice tests

Creating a migration project

After creating the service, locate it within the Azure portal, open it, and then create a new migration project.

  • Firstly, in the Azure portal menu, select All services. Search for and select Azure Database Migration Services.
  • Secondly, on the Azure Database Migration Services screen, select the Azure Database Migration Service instance that you created.
  • Thirdly, select New Migration Project.
  • Then, on the New migration project screen, specify a name for the project, in the Source server type text box, select SQL Server, in the Target server type text box, select Azure SQL Database. And then for choosing activity type, select Offline data migration.
  • Lastly, select Create and run activity to create the project and run the migration activity.

Running the migration

Firstly, select Run migration. Then, the migration activity window appears, and the Status of the activity is Pending.

Monitoring the migration

  • Firstly, on the migration activity screen, select Refresh to update the display until the Status of the migration shows as Completed.
  • After the migration completes, select Download report for getting a report listing the details with the migration process.
  • Lastly, verify the target database(s) on the target Azure SQL Database.

Assessing VMware VMs with Server Assessment

This will demonstrate about assessing and migrating VMware VMs to Azure.

Setting up an Azure Migrate project

For setting up a new Azure Migrate project follow the steps below:

  • Firstly, in the Azure portal > All services, search for Azure Migrate.
  • Secondly, under Services, select Azure Migrate.
  • Thirdly, in Overview, under Discover, assess and migrate servers, select Assess and migrate servers.
  • Fourthly, in Getting started, select Add tools.
  • Then, in the Migrate project, select your Azure subscription, and create a resource group if you don’t have one.
  • After that, in Project Details, specify the project name and the geography in which you want to create the project. However, review supported geographies for public and government clouds and Click on Next.
  • There in the Select assessment tool, select Azure Migrate: Server Assessment > Next.
  • Then, in the Select migration tool, select Skip and add a migration tool for now > Next.
  • Lastly, in Review + add tools, review the settings, and select Add tools. Then, wait a few minutes for the Azure Migrate project to deploy. You’ll be taken to the project page. 

Setting up the Azure Migrate appliance

Azure Migrate:Server Assessment uses a lightweight Azure Migrate appliance. However, the appliance performs VM discovery and sends VM metadata and performance data to Azure Migrate. The appliance can be set up in a number of ways.

  • Firstly, setting up on a VMware VM using a downloaded OVA template. 
  • Secondly, setting up on a VMware VM or physical machine with a PowerShell installer script. This method is only used if you can’t set up a VM using an OVA template, or if you’re in Azure Government.

After creating the appliance, check if it can connect to Azure Migrate:Server Assessment. And, then configure it for the first time, and register it with the Azure Migrate project.

Migration and assessing Vmware concept in Az-304 online course

Reference: Microsoft Documentation, Documentation 2

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