Salesforce CPQ Specialist Interview Questions

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Salesforce CPQ Specialist Interview Questions

Certified Salesforce CPQ Specialist credential is intended for candidates who have experience deploying the Salesforce CPQ solution. This exam is for Salesforce customers, partners, and employees who want to demonstrate their ability to design, create, and deploy quoting flows using the Salesforce CPQ platform.

Advanced Interview Questions

Can you explain the CPQ process in Salesforce and how it integrates with other Salesforce modules?

Salesforce CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) is a solution that automates the sales quoting process within Salesforce. It helps sales teams create accurate and consistent quotes quickly by streamlining the configuration, pricing, and proposal generation processes.

The CPQ process in Salesforce typically involves the following steps:

  1. Product Configuration: The sales team selects the products and options that meet the customer’s needs and configure them according to the business rules set by the admin.
  2. Pricing: The CPQ system automatically calculates the prices based on the selected products, options, discounts, and other pricing rules.
  3. Quote Generation: The CPQ system generates a professional-looking quote document that can be sent to the customer.

The Salesforce CPQ integrates with other Salesforce modules such as Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Commerce Cloud to provide a seamless experience for sales teams. For example, the integration with Sales Cloud allows sales reps to access customer and account data while generating quotes. The integration with Service Cloud provides a centralized view of customer support cases, helping sales reps resolve customer issues during the quoting process. The integration with Commerce Cloud helps sales teams manage the e-commerce aspects of the CPQ process, such as product catalog management and order management.

What are the benefits of using Salesforce CPQ for an organization?

There are several benefits of using Salesforce CPQ for an organization, including:

  1. Improved sales productivity: CPQ streamlines the quote-to-cash process, reducing manual effort and errors, and increasing sales rep efficiency.
  2. Better accuracy of quotes and pricing: CPQ automates the pricing process, reducing errors and increasing the accuracy of quotes and pricing.
  3. Increased profitability: CPQ allows organizations to optimize pricing, margins and discounts, resulting in increased profitability.
  4. Better customer experience: CPQ enables sales reps to provide fast and accurate quotes, improving the customer experience.
  5. Better control and visibility: CPQ provides centralized control and visibility into pricing, discounts, approvals, and other critical business processes.
  6. Seamless integration with Salesforce CRM: CPQ integrates seamlessly with Salesforce CRM, allowing for a unified and streamlined workflow.
  7. Increased revenue: CPQ accelerates the sales cycle and enables organizations to close more deals, increasing revenue.
  8. Improved scalability: CPQ is scalable and flexible, allowing organizations to manage growth and changing business requirements.

How would you configure and customize CPQ pricing rules and pricing tables in Salesforce?

To configure and customize CPQ pricing rules and pricing tables in Salesforce, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Define Pricing Tables: Pricing tables define the pricing structure for your products, including discounts and price overrides. To create pricing tables, navigate to the Salesforce CPQ Administration Console and select “Pricing Tables.” From there, you can create a new table, specify the currency, and define the pricing structure for your products.
  2. Define Pricing Rules: Pricing rules are used to automate pricing calculations in CPQ. To create pricing rules, navigate to the Salesforce CPQ Administration Console and select “Pricing Rules.” From there, you can create a new rule, specify the criteria that trigger the rule, and define the pricing formula.
  3. Define Discount Rules: Discount rules allow you to specify discounts based on specific criteria. To create discount rules, navigate to the Salesforce CPQ Administration Console and select “Discount Rules.” From there, you can create a new rule, specify the criteria that trigger the rule, and define the discount formula.
  4. Define Price Overrides: Price overrides allow you to manually specify the price of a product. To create price overrides, navigate to the Salesforce CPQ Administration Console and select “Price Overrides.” From there, you can create a new rule, specify the criteria that trigger the rule, and define the price override formula.
  5. Customize Your Pricing Tables: You can customize your pricing tables to meet the specific needs of your business. For example, you can add custom fields, such as product categories, to your pricing tables to help categorize your products.
  6. Test Your Pricing Rules: Once you have created your pricing rules and tables, it is important to test them to ensure that they are working correctly. To test your pricing rules, you can use the Salesforce CPQ Test Console.

By following these steps, you can configure and customize your Salesforce CPQ pricing rules and pricing tables to meet the specific needs of your business.

Can you explain the difference between standard and custom quote templates in Salesforce CPQ?

Yes, in Salesforce CPQ, quote templates are used to format and present quotes to customers. There are two types of quote templates: standard and custom.

Standard quote templates are pre-built and provided by Salesforce, and they are basic templates that can be used right out of the box. They come in a variety of formats, such as HTML, PDF, and Microsoft Word, and can be customized to a certain extent.

Custom quote templates, on the other hand, are completely customizable and can be tailored to match the specific needs of an organization. They are created using the Salesforce Lightning Component framework, and they offer a great deal of flexibility and control over the layout, design, and content of quotes. Custom quote templates allow organizations to brand their quotes, incorporate custom images, and add additional information and functionality that is specific to their business needs.

In summary, standard quote templates are a good starting point for organizations that are just getting started with Salesforce CPQ, while custom quote templates are ideal for organizations that require a more customized and tailored solution.

How would you set up and manage product bundles in Salesforce CPQ?

To set up and manage product bundles in Salesforce CPQ, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Bundle product: Go to the Products tab in Salesforce CPQ and click “New”. Select “Bundle” as the product type and enter the necessary information such as name, description, price, and currency.
  2. Add components to the bundle: Go to the Components related list and add the products that should be included in the bundle. You can also specify the quantity of each component.
  3. Configure bundle pricing: You can set a fixed price for the bundle or allow the component prices to drive the bundle price. You can also set up a discount for the bundle.
  4. Publish the bundle: Once you have finished configuring the bundle, click “Publish” to make it available for use in quotes.
  5. Manage bundle in quotes: In the quote, you can add the bundle as a line item and configure the components. The price of the bundle will be calculated based on the configuration.

In addition, you can use bundle sets to group together multiple bundles and manage them as a single unit. You can also use bundle rules to define the eligibility of components for a bundle based on specific conditions.

What steps would you take to troubleshoot common issues related to Salesforce CPQ?

To troubleshoot common issues related to Salesforce CPQ, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Check the configuration: Start by verifying that the configuration settings are correct, including the product rules, pricing rules, and validation rules. Ensure that the products and prices are set up correctly, and that all necessary fields are populated.
  2. Verify Data Integrity: Verify that the data in Salesforce is accurate and up-to-date. Check for any missing or incorrect data, and make sure that the correct products, prices, and discounts are being displayed.
  3. Check for Common Issues: Look for common issues such as missing or incorrect product information, incorrect pricing, or missing discounts. These issues can often be resolved by updating the data in Salesforce or making changes to the configuration.
  4. Check for Data Mapping Issues: Check for any issues with data mapping, such as incorrect field mapping or missing fields. Make sure that the correct data is being pulled into Salesforce and that the data is being displayed correctly.
  5. Check for Integration Issues: If the Salesforce CPQ integration is not working properly, check for any issues with the integration settings or any data mapping errors. Make sure that the integration is set up correctly and that the data is being passed back and forth between Salesforce and the other system.
  6. Contact Support: If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Salesforce Support for assistance. Provide as much information as possible about the issue, including any error messages or logs, to help the support team diagnose and resolve the issue.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve most common issues related to Salesforce CPQ.

How would you go about integrating CPQ with external systems such as ERP or billing systems?

Integrating Salesforce CPQ with external systems such as ERP or billing systems can be done in a few steps. Here’s a high-level overview of the process:

  1. Determine the integration requirements: The first step is to understand the data exchange requirements between CPQ and the external system. This includes identifying which data elements need to be passed between the systems and in which direction.
  2. Identify the integration method: There are various methods for integrating Salesforce CPQ with external systems, including real-time integration, batch integration, and hybrid integration. The method chosen will depend on the integration requirements and the resources available.
  3. Configure the integration: The next step is to configure the integration between CPQ and the external system. This can be done using APIs or integration tools, such as MuleSoft, Jitterbit, or Workato.
  4. Map the data: Once the integration is configured, the next step is to map the data elements between the two systems. This involves defining the data fields that will be exchanged between the systems and the data mapping rules that determine how the data will be transformed and translated.
  5. Test the integration: The final step is to test the integration to ensure that it is working as expected. This involves testing the data exchange between the systems and verifying that the data is being transformed and translated correctly.

It is important to note that integrating Salesforce CPQ with external systems can be a complex and time-consuming process. As such, it is recommended that organizations work with a Salesforce partner or a third-party integration specialist to ensure that the integration is done correctly and efficiently.

Can you walk us through the process of creating a custom product catalog in Salesforce CPQ?

Here’s how I would typically approach it:

  1. First, I would determine the types of products or services that will be included in the catalog, as well as any custom fields or attributes that are specific to these products.
  2. Next, I would create a custom object in Salesforce to represent these products, which will serve as the basis for the product catalog. This custom object would include fields for all relevant product information, such as product name, description, price, and any custom fields.
  3. After the custom object is set up, I would then create a custom page layout for this object that will be used to display the product information to users. This layout would include fields for all relevant product information, as well as any custom fields that were defined earlier.
  4. To make it easy for users to search and filter the product catalog, I would also create a custom list view for the custom object, as well as any necessary custom report types and reports.
  5. Finally, I would test the custom product catalog to ensure that all product information is being displayed correctly and that users are able to search and filter the catalog as needed.

That’s a basic overview of how I would create a custom product catalog in Salesforce CPQ. Of course, the specifics of the process may vary depending on the specific needs and requirements of the project, but this should give you a good starting point.

How would you manage product options, pricing and discounts in Salesforce CPQ?

Product Options:

  1. Product Configuration: To manage product options, we have to first define the product configurations. This involves setting up the options and rules that the customer can choose from while creating a quote.
  2. Option Groups: We can create option groups that consist of one or more options. Option groups are used to organize options and simplify the selection process.
  3. Option Rules: Option rules determine the visibility and availability of product options. This allows us to control the options that are displayed based on customer selections.


  1. Price Rules: Price rules determine the price of the products. This includes base price, discounts, surcharges, and other pricing-related details.
  2. Price books: Price books are used to manage pricing for different products. Price books can be customized based on different customer segments, geographies, and other criteria.


  1. Discount Rules: Discount rules determine the discounts that are applied to the products. This includes volume discounts, early payment discounts, and other types of discounts.
  2. Discount Schedules: Discount schedules allow us to set up discounts that are applied over time. This is useful when offering promotions or seasonal discounts.

Overall, Salesforce CPQ provides a flexible and customizable platform to manage product options, pricing, and discounts. By using the tools and features provided by Salesforce CPQ, we can streamline the sales process, improve customer satisfaction, and increase profitability.

Can you explain the role of the Approval Process in Salesforce CPQ and how it is configured?

The Approval Process in Salesforce CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) plays a critical role in automating the process of approving quotes, contracts, and orders in the organization. The process helps in streamlining the quote-to-cash cycle, reducing manual effort, and improving the speed of quote approvals.

The Approval Process in Salesforce CPQ can be set up and configured to meet the specific needs of the organization. It is a part of the Salesforce Workflow and Approvals engine and is designed to handle a sequence of approvals, delegations, and rejections.

To configure the Approval Process in Salesforce CPQ, follow these steps:

  1. Define the Approval Process: Start by defining the Approval Process. Go to the Salesforce Setup menu and search for Approval Processes. Click on the New Approval Process button to create a new process.
  2. Specify the Object: The next step is to specify the object for which the Approval Process will be used. In this case, it will be the Quote object.
  3. Define Entry Criteria: Define the entry criteria for the Approval Process. The criteria will determine when the Approval Process will be triggered. For example, the criteria can be set to trigger the process when the quote amount is greater than $10,000.
  4. Define Approval Steps: Define the Approval Steps, which are the different stages of the Approval Process. The steps can include approvals from different levels of management or specific users.
  5. Assign Approvers: Assign Approvers to each Approval Step. The Approvers will be responsible for reviewing and approving quotes.
  6. Define Email Notifications: Define the email notifications that will be sent to Approvers during the Approval Process. The notifications can include a reminder to approve the quote or a notification of the quote’s approval.
  7. Define Final Approval Actions: Define the final approval actions that will occur when the Approval Process is complete. The actions can include updating the quote status or sending an email notification to the customer.
  8. Activate the Approval Process: After configuring the Approval Process, activate it to start using it.

In conclusion, the Approval Process in Salesforce CPQ plays a critical role in automating the process of approving quotes, contracts, and orders. The process is designed to handle a sequence of approvals, delegations, and rejections and can be configured to meet the specific needs of the organization.

Basic Interview Questions

1. What are Price Conditions?

When setting up pricing rules in Salesforce CPQ, you can establish a price condition that compares the value of one field to another. You can add as many conditions as necessary and define the circumstances that must be met for the rule to take effect. Once the conditions are met, the pricing rule applies its price actions to a target field.

2. How do you create a Price Condition?

  • From your price rule record, go to the Price Conditions related list and click New Price Condition.
  • Choose the type of record you want to test
  • Choose the operator to use in the logical statement that evaluates the tested record against the filter.
  • In the Filter Type field, define the type of record you’re evaluating the tested record against.
  • Choose a filter record to define the record that you’re evaluating the tested record against
  • If you’re referencing this price condition in a price rule’s Advanced Condition field, enter a number value for the price condition’s Index field.
  • Save your price condition.

3. What are Price Actions?

A price action can deliver the value from a summary variable, formula, user-defined value, or other quote line field to the target field. It is important to note that at least one action is required for each price rule, and multiple actions can be created to target different fields or the same field.

4. What is price rule’s configurator evaluation?

When Salesforce CPQ applies a price rule to its target, the configurator evaluation event determines when the rule is applied. To ensure sales reps see the price rule’s results, you can adjust the assessment event.

5. What is Salesforce CPQ’s Advanced Quote Calculator?

The Advanced Quote Calculator in Salesforce CPQ automatically calculates quote and quote line prices based on user or automated actions. It updates the quote and quote line fields to reflect changes made by users since the last calculation. For instance, if a quote line receives a 10% additional discount, the calculator recalculates the pricing for that quoted line and updates the quote’s total to reflect the change.

6. When does the Quote Calculator perform a calculation?

The Quote Calculator performs a calculation whenever there is a change in the quote configuration, such as adding or removing products, changing quantities, updating pricing rules, or modifying discount percentages.

7. How do you Disable Real-Time Calculation for CPQ Quotes?

To disable real-time calculation for CPQ quotes, follow these steps:

  • Go to the CPQ app in Salesforce.
  • Click on the “CPQ Settings” tab.
  • Click on the “Configure CPQ” button.
  • In the “General Settings” section, uncheck the “Real-Time Calculation” option.
  • Save the changes.

8. What is the purpose of Asynchronous Calculation?

Calculations conducted outside the quote line editor typically time out after 30 seconds. However, enabling asynchronous calculation can avoid timeouts. This method doesn’t affect calculations within the quote line editor but may prolong the time it takes to complete them.

9. What are Custom Scripts?

Custom scripts can add extra functionality to the quote line editor.

10. Why do you use Lookup Queries?

To query data from an item other than a quote, product rules utilize lookup queries. These queries update goods and configurations in the quote line editor and configurator. By connecting data from your lookup object to your product rule, you can use lookup data fields and values instead of the rule’s actions and conditions.

11. What are CPQ Quote Line Group Fields?

Salesforce CPQ offers a range of customization options for CPQ quote line groups, including the ability to control custom fields. While some fields may be restricted due to page layout and field-level security measures, Salesforce CPQ empowers users to track how a quote’s lines are divided into groups with ease.

12. Describe quote Templates.

Quote templates play a crucial role in formatting and organizing your quote documents. With the ability to customize how specific content records like line items, signature fields, and terms and conditions are displayed, you can create any number of sections in any order and reuse them across various templates.

13. What are Advanced Approvals?

The Advanced Approvals package offers valuable automation and customization features for your approval process. With the ability to automate resubmitted approvals and regulate the sequence in which approvers receive requests, you can streamline your workflow and save valuable time and resources.

14. What do you mean by Twin Fields?

When working with CPQ objects, the formation of the second object triggers the exchange of custom field values from the first object to the second object. Known as “twin fields,” these field pairs must have matching field types, API names, and be editable to ensure that values pass between them.

15. What are the two types of Error Conditions?

Error Conditions are divided into two sections – Information and Filter Information. Information pertains to the object, field, or variable being tested, while Filter Information includes the logical operator and value being tested against.

16. Explain CPQ Validation Rules.

Validation rules play a vital role in ensuring that a quote’s product combinations or quote line field values meet predetermined conditions. Users are alerted with an error message and prevented from saving their product configuration or quote until they meet the necessary conditions.

17. Why should we use Validation Rules?

Validation rules guarantee that users construct parts of their quotes in a way that you can manage. When the user tries to save a quotation that hasn’t been configured in this way, the quote line editor displays an error message. Set the message’s text in the product rule’s Message box, and users won’t be able to save the product configuration or quote until the product rule’s error conditions evaluate to true.

18. What is the meaning of the term Block Price?

Block Price Allows you to assign a fixed price to a product based on quantity, overriding the automatic calculation of quantity unit price.

19. What are Co-Terminated Subscriptions?

Co-Terminated Subscriptions are prices you’ve agreed to with certain customers, and they should be applied to all quotes for that client. They can be used to any product in any price book and are available on the account. Contracted rates might be limited to a certain time frame.

20. What happens when you Translate a record?

When you translate a record, you simply declare the translated values for the text fields in that record. You can have various translations for different records within the same object this way. The translated values are saved in a localization record in Salesforce CPQ.

21. What is Multi-currency in Salesforce CPQ?

Salesforce CPQ can be used to build Quotes and compute pricing using the available currencies when Multiple Currencies are enabled in a Salesforce system.

22. What happens to Quotes that are not marked as primary on creation?

For Quotes that are not marked as primary on creation, the currency of the Quote will align with the currency of the User from which the Quote was created.

23. What are Product Bundles?

A bundle is a product that includes optional features or components that you want to include on a single quote line.

24. How do you Create a Bundle?

  • Create or select a product to serve as your bundle parent.
  • Create the features you need from your parent product’s related list. Remember that the feature’s Configured SKU field automatically looks up to your bundle parent if you created the feature in the parent’s Features related list.
  • Create the product options you need from your parent product’s Options-related list. Find your option’s Optional SKU field and give it a lookup to the product that you want to serve as the option.
  • If you want a product option to group under a feature, populate that option’s Feature lookup field. If you created your option of a bundle parent, the Feature lookup search results display all the parent’s features.
  • Create option constraints from your parent product’s Option Constraint-related list if needed.

25. What is the use of a nested bundle?

A nested bundle lets users select from a subset of options within a single product option.

26. What happens when Slab Discount Schedules align with Block Prices?

The creation of price schedules can be achieved by aligning slab discount schedules with block-priced products. This method allows for a price schedule that transitions from flat pricing to per-unit pricing. However, it is important to note that this setup may not be compatible with One per Unit asset conversion.

27. How do you Add a Signature Block to a Quote Template?

In order to include a signature block or two signature blocks in the footer of your template, simply drag the Text/Image Field into the designated space. To ensure a right-aligned signature block, two columns can be used. Additionally, labels such as Signature, Name, Title, or Date can be added to each line for clarity and organization.

28. Describe merge fields.

Salesforce CPQ quote Templates offer a solution for creating mail-merge documents that automatically populate your quote with dynamic information. Merge Fields can be utilized to establish placeholders in your template content or dynamic quote terms, which can then generate a PDF Document using the layout provided by your quote Template.

29. What is Salesforce Shield?

With Salesforce Shield, a comprehensive set of security tools are available to ensure compliance with regulations regarding sensitive data storage. The platform’s features, such as Shield Platform Encryption and Event Monitoring, allow for the monitoring of usage, prevention of malicious activity, and protection of data at rest, while still maintaining full functionality.

30. What is Event Monitoring?

Event Monitoring provides you with precise information about the performance, security, and usage of all your Salesforce apps. Every interaction is tracked and accessible via the API, so you can monitor who is accessing vital business data when and from where they are accessing it in the data visualization app of your choice. Any data visualization or application monitoring solution, such as Tableau CRM, Splunk, or New Relic, may easily ingest Event Monitoring data.

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