Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant FAQs

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Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant

How many questions will be there in Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Exam?

There will be a total of 60 multiple-choice questions in the Exam.

What is Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Exam fees?

The Exam fee is $200 USD per registration.

What is the passing score for Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Exam?

The passing score for the Exam is 68% and above.

What is the knowledge acquired in the Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Exam?

The potential Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant should have the following experience, skills, and knowledge:

  • Recognize and comprehend a customer’s existing marketing-to-sales strategy.
  • Connect customer objectives with features in Account Engagement.
  • Devise a strategy to meet customer business needs by analyzing key performance indicators.
  • Suggest automation processes to attain business goals.
  • Recommend specific Account Engagement tools and features (like Sales Emails and Alerts, Einstein Account Engagement) to implement the marketing to sales strategy.
  • Create and suggest a strategy for migrating data and content.
  • Clearly explain the implications and importance of technical setup.
  • Evaluate the existing lead qualification strategy and provide recommendations for translating it into Account Engagement.
  • Assess the existing lead nurturing strategy and provide recommendations for transitioning it into Account Engagement.
  • Scrutinize the existing lead generation strategy and provide recommendations for translating it into Account Engagement.
  • Develop and suggest a scalable method for organizing data and assets in Account Engagement.
  • Analyze data from Account Engagement reporting tools to make recommendations for system optimization.
  • Configure and interpret reports/dashboards in B2B Marketing Analytics.
  • Manage different goals/objectives in different divisions of a company using Account Engagement Business Units.
  • Understand data governance, including syncing records and user management.
  • Understand data hygiene, authorization, and organization.
  • Develop and manage integration between Account Engagement and Salesforce.
  • Dedicate time to studying the resources listed in the Exam Guide and any additional study materials provided by Account Engagement.

Who should take Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Exam?

  • An ideal candidate should know the best ways to use B2BMA, and its default features, although in-depth knowledge is not mandatory. The certified consultant also has the skills to gather business requirements, design solution options, and implement them to meet business needs through effective facilitation and consultation.

What is Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Exam?

The program for Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant is created for people who have hands-on experience using the Account Engagement application. These individuals should be able to explain Salesforce administration concepts that specifically connect to the features of Account Engagement.

What happens if I fail a Salesforce certification 3 times?

Salesforce updates all certification exams 3x per year in accordance with Salesforce release cycles (Winter, Spring, Summer). If you fail your third attempt within a release cycle, you must wait until the next release cycle begins before registering for the exam again.

Do Salesforce certifications expire?

If you fail to maintain your Salesforce Certifications after a certain amount of time has elapsed, they will expire and you will have to take the whole certification exam again.

Account Engagement Consultant exam

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